Friday, February 16, 2007

Sorry for adding these separately...still learning!


  1. CHERRY!!!!!! I'm so glad your up and running! What a wonderful place to come and visit for some beautiful inspiration! I'm loving it already! :)

  2. Hi Cherry...I just found your blog and I love the pictures you've posted. I like signs, too. I have quite a few in my kitchen on the bulkhead above my cabinets, but I don't think I've ever taken a picture of them...that will be on my to do list. I'll be back to visit.

  3. Sweet Cherry! I love your signs! I really like that red one! Cute as you! Tina

  4. Cherry,

    I'm so glad you stopped by the pink kitchen. I LOVE your signs and thrift finds.

    I feel the same way as you -- that I was born in the wrong era! Of course I do love my creature comforts like email and blogging! :)

    I'll be back.

    Cheers! LA


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!