Having some fun with it too! Listening to Doris Day's rendition of "Toy land" humming along. No baaaaaaaahumbug here! Got up early and went to our local St. Vinnies (today was 50% off everything in store). Lucky enough to find two teacup sets(6 pieces) of the Johnson Bro. Merry Christmas for 10.00 & the milk glass type dinner dishes with the hollyberry for 4.00. There was 5 each of bowls, saucers, etc. So that made me happy as a clam. In looking at my dish rack I soooo wish I had a lovely distressed white instead of wood. The wood is not me. Ahhh someday.... Now to finish the hutch off and get to the kitchen nook and crannies. I don't know what it is but I love to decorate my kitchen for Christmas. I try to leave a lot of the normal stuff out and foof it up...so I don't have to pack it UP. Well enough said for now! Hope all is well with everyone and thanks for the nice comments....I enjoy reading each and everyone! xoxo, cherry
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Still pluggin away!!!
Having some fun with it too! Listening to Doris Day's rendition of "Toy land" humming along. No baaaaaaaahumbug here! Got up early and went to our local St. Vinnies (today was 50% off everything in store). Lucky enough to find two teacup sets(6 pieces) of the Johnson Bro. Merry Christmas for 10.00 & the milk glass type dinner dishes with the hollyberry for 4.00. There was 5 each of bowls, saucers, etc. So that made me happy as a clam. In looking at my dish rack I soooo wish I had a lovely distressed white instead of wood. The wood is not me. Ahhh someday.... Now to finish the hutch off and get to the kitchen nook and crannies. I don't know what it is but I love to decorate my kitchen for Christmas. I try to leave a lot of the normal stuff out and foof it up...so I don't have to pack it UP. Well enough said for now! Hope all is well with everyone and thanks for the nice comments....I enjoy reading each and everyone! xoxo, cherry
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Slower than molasses....
but gettin there! I vowed to myself that I am gonna take my time. I am on my OWN schedule with this whole Christmas thing. It always comes and goes so fast. This time... as always it snuck up on me. So I will do a little each day. It is after all about fun and family. It has always been a very magical time of year for me. I always loved to postion our nativity scene when I was a child. Now the torch has been passed down to MY son. He now lets out little sounds of excitement as we bit by bit unwrap the tissue and discover another treasure from years gone by(while listening to Burl Ives...of course!) The real reason for the season is of course Jesus. He is the most precious treasure. In years past Hunter and I have baked a "birthday cake" for him. A little way to remind US what is really important. So for me I really hope to slow down and really relish every little thing. We got our first real snow last night and it was gorgeous in the moonlight. So thankful for having a roof over my head and warm covers to cacoon under (not to mention my dh's body furnace..errr heat). That reminds me of a story that was recently related to us by Dena over at http://swaddlecottage.blogspot.com/. If you havn't gone over to read her story yet please do so. Her act of kindness really put a smile on my face and puts so much in perspective. I am so glad she shared her story. It is so easy for me to get caught up in the "to do list" that takes hours to finish (overwhelmed, indeed) instead of enjoying the magic of the moment. It is the little moments that matter...the smile on a child's face, your dh's satifaction in popping that delicious Christmas cookie in his mouth, the laughs and giggles from family members as you play games (we love them!). That is invaluable to me. The true spirit of Christmas is there for the taking.....and giving. Let the moments happen. I feel blessed for these opportunities. Thank-you to so many of you that provide some of the smiles and the whimsy I experience. I have been visiting and seeing the beginnings of many Merry Little Christmass. I hope you like the beginning of mine (although long winded). xoxo, cherry
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Remember Me?
Just poppin in to say....I am still alive! We had our son's Birthday bash last weekend. Six crazy boys runnin around all night long. Whooaaaaaaaa...took several days to reenergize after that. Now I am slowly getting some Christmas things out and doin some Christmas crafts. Biggie though is getting my house ready for Thanksgiving. I am having my mother-in-law and Jeff's grandmother over as well as my parents. I am one of those that have thrift finds in every corner and it takes a state of emergency to actually get things in place. Here are a few pics of things....haaahmmmm in place. You ever notice how you buy containers...be it silver, wicker, metal, glass....so you can buy stuff to put in THOSE containers. I am so backwards. Hmmmm I think I am sick...I need help. Here are a few pics of what I mean. I sooo need to catch up with many of you. I have been very negligent. I hope to share my Christmas paper crafts with you all. xoxo, cherry
Friday, November 9, 2007
I was featured at Today's Creative Blog Today!
Kim's fun and inspiring blog actually featured me! I had a rough day today running here and there in town. Had a lot on my agenda....Hunter's #10 birthday party is tomorrow and I am frazzled. This was a fun and exciting surprise to come home too! Thank-you so much Kim...I am honored. Go check her blog out if you have not done so yet! http://todayscreativeblog.blogspot.com/ xoxo, cherry
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Nest Tag Banner Project
Finally put some of my K & Company glitter letters to work. Love them but ohhhh soooo messy. I hope to get some Christmas banners made as well. These are fun to make (especially while sitting watching Dancing With the Stars) yes I admittedly am addicted. Anyone out there shocked and enraged by them voting Sabrina off? Theee NERVEEEEEEEEE! She was kicking everyone's patootie! Anyways I digress.....I love to make tags and thought a tag banner would be cute! Especially anything to do with nests, glitter, and polka dots.....right? I highly recommend the Cricket Cricutter. Great for scrapbooking and projects like this. Do I sound like a salesman yet? Hope you like & thanks for taking the time to stop by! xoxo, cherry
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Did you say......serving tray?
I believe it must be an old restaurant tray...perfect for the top of my suitcases I thought to myself when coming across it. Now anyone who has known me for awhile can attest to the fact that I use to decoupage everything in sight (I have been known to decoupage a plastic pet dish or two)NO words aren't neccesary.. I know I know...I just couldn't help myself. Anywhooos I have always been drawn to pretty papers and ephemera of any sort. THAN the scrapbooking bug hit me.....and it hit big. I used all my spare paper time for it. Last night I thought I would get back to my ole love. Some music sheets and a few vintage papers later... & here she is! My most fave part of course...arranging. The picture is of my Dear Husband's grandfather when he was a wee one. Unfortunately Grandpa Floyd died one month before my dh was born. I like to keep pics of him near and dear for rememberance. Jeff has been told he looks and acts much like his grandfather. They do look very much a like in pictures. I know Floyd was very hardworking ....impeccable work ethic. He worked two jobs to support his wife Berrilla and 5 children. Jeff is the same.....such a hardworker. Dependable and loyal. That's my man!
I wanted to say thank-you to Michelle AND Robin for giving me the "You make me smile award". Wow....that makes me smile to know I have made someone else smile! An award that keeps on giving. Soooo cool and thanks so much! I have a lot of catch up to do and since I am behind on this particular sending forward of award I want to give it to everyone I visit with....you all make me smile and inspire me! I have not forgotten the fun tag games either...will get to them soon! xoxo, cherry
Saturday, November 3, 2007
My favorite four letter word........
HOME! I have to say it....cliche or not. Being away from one's home and family really makes you appreciate it. One's bed...made or not.. was a sight for sore eyes! I can't explain the excitement I felt when I was finally on the home stretch....the road leading into our neighborhood. My dh and son made me welcome home signs that were the perfect combination of corny and sweet. The trip itself was an experience ...a whirlwind one. Most of what I saw was from a window. I at least know some of the states I would love to go back too. I thought Tennessee and Kentucky were gorgeous. As was Pennsylavania. I was so excited when I got a chance to see an Amish buggy! You would have thought I had seen a rock star with all the screaming I was producing. I have been home since Oct. 18th but playing catch up and than coming down sick kept me away for awhile. I am glad to report all is well and am so excited to come around and catch-up with all of you! I never got around to posting my Halloween pics...but thought I would share a few general Fall things around the house. I puttered around a bit last night moving things here and there & thought I would share that as well. Missed sooo many of you! xoxo, cherry