Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Slower than molasses....

but gettin there! I vowed to myself that I am gonna take my time. I am on my OWN schedule with this whole Christmas thing. It always comes and goes so fast. This time... as always it snuck up on me. So I will do a little each day. It is after all about fun and family. It has always been a very magical time of year for me. I always loved to postion our nativity scene when I was a child. Now the torch has been passed down to MY son. He now lets out little sounds of excitement as we bit by bit unwrap the tissue and discover another treasure from years gone by(while listening to Burl Ives...of course!) The real reason for the season is of course Jesus. He is the most precious treasure. In years past Hunter and I have baked a "birthday cake" for him. A little way to remind US what is really important. So for me I really hope to slow down and really relish every little thing. We got our first real snow last night and it was gorgeous in the moonlight. So thankful for having a roof over my head and warm covers to cacoon under (not to mention my dh's body furnace..errr heat). That reminds me of a story that was recently related to us by Dena over at http://swaddlecottage.blogspot.com/. If you havn't gone over to read her story yet please do so. Her act of kindness really put a smile on my face and puts so much in perspective. I am so glad she shared her story. It is so easy for me to get caught up in the "to do list" that takes hours to finish (overwhelmed, indeed) instead of enjoying the magic of the moment. It is the little moments that matter...the smile on a child's face, your dh's satifaction in popping that delicious Christmas cookie in his mouth, the laughs and giggles from family members as you play games (we love them!). That is invaluable to me. The true spirit of Christmas is there for the taking.....and giving. Let the moments happen. I feel blessed for these opportunities. Thank-you to so many of you that provide some of the smiles and the whimsy I experience. I have been visiting and seeing the beginnings of many Merry Little Christmass. I hope you like the beginning of mine (although long winded). xoxo, cherry


  1. Your decorating is beautiful. I can't wait to see more. I've done very little so far. My boys also like to open the nativity and set it out. I think that is my favorite part - just watching and listening to them.

  2. Hi Cherry!
    I love the sneak peak. And I'm totally loving those stars! I just posted the other day about the Jesus Birthday cake we make every year. And I read Dena's story the other day. You're right it was truly a blessing to behold. Good luck with decorating and enjoy this holy season.


  3. Here's the link Cherry or you can also just click on the blue Snopes link in my post.



  4. Wonderfully festive, Cherry! You are way ahead of me. You wanna come over and help me take these stupid pumpkins down?

  5. You've got a jump on me - I've barely gotten started. Everything looks just lovely over at your place. Dena's story was wonderful. Blessings... Polly (p.s. my comments are disable right now but please don't take offense. I love chatting with all you girls)

  6. Hey Cherry, love the stars...so festive. I, too, am taking my time with my decorating and am trying to keep in mind the true spirit of the season. I try to enjoy every step along the way.

  7. Hi Cherry, your Christmas decor is gorgeous :) We will be taking our time too. It's the best time of the year. We are so looking forward to our Nest banner! Jenn and Jacqui

  8. Hi Cherry,

    I am so anxious to see all of your decorations, your style has always delighted me and I get so many neat ideas from you :) Thank you so much for your kind reference to my post. What a blessing!


  9. Nope..nope..I'm slower! I think I have maybe three decorations out..Your decorations are so pretty! love the cloche! and your blog...

  10. Hi Cherry.
    I think Christmas should be cherished and not rushed! You are doing it just perfectly.

  11. Cherry, your decorations are so beautiful!! Love it all, you make everything look so warm and welcoming. Enjoy each moment.. Michelle

  12. Cherry- Love your Christmas touch. Thank You for leaving such nice comments on my site, that made my day. I have two step kids but I just have one of my own. The things I have tried to instill in my 4 year old remind me of you and your son in that post!!! From crafts, decorating to kids I think we have a lot in common!

  13. Cherry - you are one awesome gal! Always love your stuff, too.

    Love, Esther

  14. Fun post, Cherry! Thanks for your comment the other day, good to see you back again!

  15. Cherry, I love your new heading!! Good job girly, Michelle

  16. Everything is just BEAUTIFUL!!
    Don't work too hard and just enjoy!
    hugs, bj

  17. I LOVE it all!!
    It's all so perfectly-Cherry, which means it is perfect!!
    So delightful, girlfriend!


  18. This is as slow as molassas? Darn, it looks great to me!! You are really inspiring me!


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!