Sunday, July 18, 2010

Somethings just don't go as planned...

I have to laugh when looking at some of these cards I made...especially the lemonaid one...when things don't go as planned you just have to make your lemons into lemonaid....ey?  With out getting into every thing that occurred on our camping trip......what could go wrong did...I got lost when trying to find the camp spot,  one of the boys that went with us got car sick..not 1 but 5 times, once we found where we were going the lake was spot left....and uh...I lost my parents....they were suppose to have already been there and gotten the spot and they were not even there.   A little mad cap adventure it was.  They had the silverware...and a few other MUST HAVE ITEMS.  Sooo I jetted back out...I say that loosely because back out was not just DOWN the ROAD to get a little bit of civilization in the form of silverware.  Anyways...we toughed it out one night....and WE DID HAVE FUN around the campfire telling tales...and swimming...laughing....and just plain being silly.  Yesterday we packed it up and headed home since we did not have everything crucial for the long stay.  Once home I had to unwind and I did by making cards.  I notice a bit of a theme in some of them...bright, cheery, full of a little uplifting...which is JUST WHAT I NEEDED. Which makes me wonder... How do you unwind?   What turns your frown into a smile?  Would love to know!  As for my parents?  Let's just say there was a bit of miscommunication......some things JUST DON't GO AS PLANNED.  Hugs to you all.......have a UPLIFTING MONDAY! OHHH and really you JUST THINK YOU SEE ANOTHER HALLOWEEN CARD...really it is just a figment of your imagination. All this gorgeous seambinding is from my fave again...can't get enough of her ribbons....yum yum yum. If you havn't yet gotten  any....what ya waiting for?  XoXo, Cherry

Head on over to my etsy store for some items that are still on sale!  My sale ends tomorrow!


  1. I was pretty sure I did not see another Halloween card or that I didn't spend 2 hours one night last week looking at all your archived Halloween creations. What makes me smile-your Halloween stuff! I'm working on astral projections so I can see in person one day.

  2. ugghhhhh it's awful when things you needa ren't there! But your right, you need to make lemonaide out of lemons!!! :)

  3. Sounds like you had a fun time even with all of the mishaps. Your cards are so beautiful. I just love looking at them...

  4. If you don't mind me asking, where do you get your vintage pictures for your cards?

  5. Trips like that make for the most lasting memories and fun stories as the years go by. Seems like kids always remember those kind of events the best! I will never hear the end of the day-trip adventure where I packed everything but the kitcen sink AND the hotdogs. Plain buns for dinner....yeah. I unwind the same way you do...crafting!

  6. Beautiful cards, as usual, Cherry! Sorry things haven't been going well, but your cards are perfect! Hope things get better very soon!


  7. I am loving your use of crinkly rayon ribbon! Wow! These, as usual, are all so sweet and I didn't even mind Halloween. I just ordered some crafting time!

  8. HI sweet Cherry Girl! Uh can we all relate to this post? Getting lost from other adults...some think this never happens but oh yes it does!!! hahaaaa....we've been to many soccer tournaments where we couldn't find each other, and the person that had the money was lost from all the ones that were hungry or needed to get in the soccer complex...not quite your level of frustration but I can relate! Sorry you had to go through that...
    Love your cards though!

  9. Wow, you make the prettiest cards I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing this wonderful "eye candy"!

    Warmly, Michelle

  10. so glad that you are able to laugh and roll with's better than the alternative~ pulling over and crying on the side of the road :p

    i'm in love with your lemonade card.
    sososoooo cute!

  11. cherry your cards are so beautiful how do you do chipboard pieces with the papers adhered? do you have a machine that cuts both paper and chipboard? hoping to hear from you!


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!