Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back to school...

                  Just a few whimsical back to school cards tonight.    They take me back to when I was that age.  New grade...new year.   Remember getting new school clothes?  OHH what fun.!  I remember arranging and rearranging them in my closet....wanting so bad to wear them right than and there...but wanting them to stay new.  Getting my school supplies...which back than wasn't the long list they are now.  I was happy with a new pencil box and a scratch and sniff pencil.  Back in the day..back in the day...sigh.   Had fun with these cards....some vintage style images, 50's kids, a terrier, and a kitty cat.  Hey everyone deserves an education!  The last card I think would be neat to give to your librarian or to your teacher with their name on the library check out card.    Too cute.   As always the lovely seambinding is from my etsy pal Patsy over at
http://www.etsy.com/shop/PrairieBirdBoutique    love her colors and the sheen to her wrinkle ribbons.   YUM!  Come back tomorrow I have a little announcement!   Hugs, cherry


  1. These are so fun Cherry! Email me at cheryljunegirl@hotmail.com and I'll email you back the gcdstudios
    message board link.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!! I have been dying to find that darling measuring tape ribbon! So cute!!

  3. love these school cards...i used the same papers with the alpha to make a card for the preschool supervisor here @ work...she loved it!!!
    just made a visit to Patsy and bought 5 of her 3-pks of seam binding...gorgeous colors...can't wait to get me some of that orange and black!!!


  4. Those are adorable. I love the measuring tape ribbon. SO CUTE.

  5. Those are adorable. I love the measuring tape ribbon. SO CUTE.

  6. Vintage images are so sweet! You make such awesome cards, I love all the layers that you put together.


  7. This are so precious!! I love this.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. I love them all. Too stinkin' cute.

    The Library Lad6y

  9. Such beautiful cards, Cherry! Love the back to school stuff--my girls just started back today--sad for me!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!


  10. Good Morning Cherry ~

    These cards are making my heart sing!!! La~la~la!

    This is a great post. All of a sudden summer seems to be going by too fast...but looking at your cards is making the ride a little smoother.

    Simply delightful!

    Happy Summer!

    Smiles ~ Ramona

  11. Your "cards" are little master pieces of artwork!
    I so enjoy seeing your designs.
    Do you have the "follower" gadget??
    It's nice to have so that I can see when you have a new post! Maybe you do have it..my computer is on dial-up and it takes 4-ever to see things.
    Deb :)

  12. Love them. I was a teacher for many years and these just touch my soul!

  13. These are absolutely beautiful. Love the graphics and all the embellishments. Sweet, indeed.

  14. Those are the most adorable cards!! You are so very talented!!

    Susan and Bentley

  15. I seriously love all of your work! Just today after going to Hobby Lobby & finding some pretties for cards I thought, "I wonder what Cherry would do? Wonder where she gets all those cute frames, hangers, etc)"?? I hope to make something super pretty for the lovely ladies that bless my life. I have so much to be thankful for and you're an inpiration! Thanks for sharing it all!

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I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!