Monday, February 28, 2011


    Apparantly I am not totally immune to the super bugs going around.  (I really thought I was)  like duh??  Turns out the crud found me and had its way.  Argh.  Today I am feeling a tad better.  It will take me several days to play catch up...which means those of you that have bought cards...give me till Wednesday and they will be out the door.  I thought I would share a few cards I didn't get a chance to share before.  Soo loving my hankie finds....ohhh the vintage goodness of it all!  YUMMM.  Been making little diecut banners with the snippets of fabric and making the sweetest little flowers....(excuse me it is the thereflu) .    I don't do sick well.  I get animal.   Really I do.  It is not a good scene.   Anyways....happy tonight Bethany is her.   So I am outta here...gonna snuggle up with the tea and honey and watch her.  Hope you enjoy my cards..  tomorrow  the Cupcards Kit goes LIVE.   Come visit me!  cherry


  1. pretty cards...hope you are feeling bettere really soon..

  2. I love that dr. suess quote! beautiful cards.

  3. Ooooohhh Cherry, I love these cards and the one you sent me last week. It will be my inspiration card. Thank you so very much. Hope you get it feeling better real soon... my dear Penmaker is down with it too!

  4. Love your cards and hope you are better soon. I love just looking at your blog, it is eye candy for me.

  5. Hello, Wonderful cards but where did you get the dressform I have never seen one like that before.

  6. Fabulous! Always, always fabulous. I am so smitten with that sweet child/butterfly image.........and with everything else you do. :)


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!