Saturday, September 3, 2011

We are back....

Barely..................I say barely because I am exhausteeeeeeeeeeeeed.  I have a Disneyland hangover I think.  Son and I had a wonderful time though.  I feel so blessed to be able to spend  silly and fun times like this with him still.  There will come a day when it will become fewer and farther between.  We rode everything..including the little kiddie rides (which I love) and all the classics like the Matterhorn and Pirates.  We rode Splash mtn....again...and again...and you can see up above.  We ate Mickey shaped beignets and frozen often as we liked.  Happy to report no tummy aches either.  I thought I would share some pics from the first and second days on our trip...Our first day was a magic morning and as you can see we are tired but ready to hit the parks.  The last pic is just on of the many window displays on main street....they do Halloween vintage style to perfection.  I just can't believe my baby is starting 8th grade on how how can it be?  He is all ready with his new Quicksilver garb...and nikes.  New haircut.  Don't know what I will do with out my side kck.  He is turning into quite a good chap.  Very proud of him.  Soo sorry for the random thoughts....but know many of you know how I feel.  will tell you to come back tomorrow when I share a guest post with  you from a company that I ADORE!    Hope all is well with you all!  night night, cherry


  1. Sounds like you all had a great time ;)

  2. Welcome back! Disney...what fun times!!! Rest up!!

  3. Seeing those pics makes me want to go back to Disney right now!Last time I was there was about 5 yrs ago when my daughter turned 18. She had never been there so it was so much fun seeing it through her eyes!
    Glad you are back as I miss looking at your gorgeous creations! I've lost my mojo - help!

  4. What a sweet kid, Cherry. Enjoy these years. They are great (and sometimes, not so great!)

  5. So glad you're back safe and sound! Sounds like a wonderful time! Those are some familiar scenes in your pix! Makes me smile! My oldest is just slightly older than yours! it has been a fun age--watching him become more independent, being proud of his new middle school accomplishments, and chuckling at his attempts to be constantly "cool"! He's still a mama's boy, tho, and I love that!! Enjoy it all!! Can't wait to see what you're creating!!

  6. Indeed take very opportunity you have to spend wonderful time like this with your son.This time passes all too quickly.

  7. Timme shared with our children , esp when they are younger is golden time -- Loved the smiles on your faces - Kathy - ga ♥

  8. Love the pictures! It looks like y'all had a great time. Enjoy every moment of time with him. They grow so fast.

  9. hEY cHERRY GIRL! So glad you had a great time. You do need a couple days after vacation though to recuperate! Why is that? Love all your pictures and I can't believe how much your son has mouth dropped open! What a handsome young man he is his dad I'm sure. It still makes my heart swoon when my two boys now out of college say "I love you!" Man I like that! Hahahaha...anyhoo...
    One more thing I posted or pinned a couple of your cute Halloween cards on Pinterest...they are beyond cute!

  10. Wonderful photos! I think it is impossible to have a bad time at Disney! Enjoy the time with your son. Mine is now 21. The time passes far too quickly!

  11. Such wonderful photos! You are so lucky to have been able to take this special trip with your son, and to such a magical place, too. Happy that you guys had a fantastic time. :)


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!