Sunday, February 3, 2013

cupcake card

I will have to keep this very short and sweet. I have not been able to visit... I have had major computer problems all this past week, as in my computer dying a slow painful  death.   The toast...what ever that is.    As we speak I am using a new computer for the first time...very first time with windows 8 and I am frazzled.  I am lucky I was able to download this one here is my project...a cupcake card using pink seam binding from the Really Reasonable store.   I would link it but don't know how to minimize to go get link.   I am pretty sure right now I am going to become Amish...cherry


  1. I feel your pain, Cherry! lol I got a new laptop for Christmas with Windows 8--still using my son's laptop because I know how to use it (considering I'm not computer savvy anyway). I ended up buying a Windows 8 for Dummies book hoping that will help. Good luck. Your card is beautiful, BTW.

  2. I hate being lost on the computer. I bet you'll have it figured out in no time.
    regardless, your little card looks yummy!
    happy sunday!

  3. There is nothing worse than a new "improved" version of a program you know inside outt! I feel your pain :). And so do lots of others apparently because I have read a lot of Windows 8 feel the same way. Hope you get to grips with it soon.

  4. Most of us have been there!!! Love the cupcake.. Hang in there..You will quickly learn..

  5. Hee Hee! You made me laugh out loud! Sorry for your pain, but your card is beautiful!

  6. Your card is delightful.Sorry for the computer woos-seems like all of us are experiencing problems/

  7. Beautiful Cherry! Your Amish comment cracked me up!

  8. I have a brand new computer also which I got the end of November. It has windows 8 and I haven't had time to figure it out yet. Much different than any previous windows operating system. Good luck to you. Beautiful card.

  9. At least you're keeping your sense of humor Cherry! :) I TOTALLY understand!!!!!!!!!!!
    Your card is DELIGHTFUL!!!!!!!!!! :) SO VERY SWEET!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    Hang in there! You'll get the hang of Windows 8 soon, I'M SURE!!!!!!! :)

  10. Oh Cherry,you are wonderful! RIP strange motherboard,whatever you are. I'm sure W8 will become blissfully clear in a short time of you using it,until then,we will have to lazy link ourselves over to the wonderful places you design for and stare endlessly at the assortments of pretties you manage to make look SO very appealing,lol. You do it every time! I look at what you have done and think "she has done it again!" Week after week. You are tireless in your creativity. The Amish would be blessed to have you ;-) so funny. Stampin' by candle light,here you come!

  11. LOL! I completely feel your pain! Good luck with the new computer! Your cupcake card is darling!

  12. Sorry you're having computer issues Cherry :( your card is darling, love all of the sweet details!

  13. pretty pretty. Good luck with the computer.....

  14. Your cupcake is so dang cute! You may not understand computers (I don't either) but you sure know how to design amazing cards and write cute stories! :-)


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!