Friday, February 15, 2013

Spring Colors & Ribbon Theme at RRR

                 Hope you will join us over at RRR for our current theme challenge.  It is Spring colors with ribbon.   I wish I had more pictures to share but I am having problems as usual with this new system downloading pictures.  I used my favorite baby pink seam binding .  Nothing says spring more to me than celery greens and soft pinks.   I paired it with a dear sweet image and a big whopper of a homemade bloom    I will keep this short ...still feeling out of sort.   thank guys!  Cherry


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) (sigh!) :)

  2. Perfectly adorable! Hope you are well soon.

  3. a project made with love and lots of layers of goodness!!! adorable!
    ava g

  4. Every time I see your work, I just have a big sigh and a happy face! Just beautiful.

  5. Such a nice project. I especially love the layered flower.

  6. Simply adorable. Hope you feel better soon!

  7. So very lovely, Cherry--hope you feel better soon! BTW, I would BUY a video of you tying bows. . . They are perfect!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hello! I just joined The Rubber Cafe Design Team, and wanted to introdice myself. I must admit that I am in awe of your work. It's amazing!


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!