Wednesday, January 21, 2015

LOVE Mail...........

                                                   Happy Hump day  Getting my fill of Valentine goodness.  I will be so sorry to see it go. Truly.  I think it is my favorite holiday.  It must be all the red.  I love red.  Makes me happy.  When I found this sweet mail box I swoooned.  It is the perfect red. Classic.  I knew that I had to pair it with this gorgeous wool chunky knitted flower I found.  I bought two of these flowers, I fell in love with them.  I found them at Hallmark of all places.  I plopped that puppy right on top and added several diffrent ribbons.  Added a cute stamped chalkboard tag and than got busy with adding paper layers and images.  Some sweet gingham words spelling out LOVE and SWAK and buttons,  I had to make several chipboard mini mail as well to tuck inside and than I was done!  Kinda reminds me of the cute little mail boxed we would make as kids.  Remember those?  Those were the days!  Well my darlings...hope you enjoy!  I am off for bed very soon!  hugs cherry


  1. cute!!
    Im hoping to do some valentine crafting this weekend.. fingers crossed!

  2. Super cute, Cherry! I hope you will share with us again this week at Word Art Wednesday. By the way, I really need you to email me to claim the prize you won. Time is running out and I must have your email address in order for you to get your prize. I have to forward it to the sponsor.

  3. Just the cutest little mailbox! I remember these as little kids in school. Love the knit or crocheted flower... I make those and now I want to go get my red and white yarn and get to work! How fun your stuff is! I love looking at it!


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!