Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Old school ruler project

Hey folks!  Summer is just a rolling along and September is almost here.  This month over at the Petaloo blog we are coming up with fun "back to school projects".    Of course when I thought back to school....I thought "old school"....like vintage old school.   Love me some vintage and any chance to create using vintage items! 

 Petaloo blooms mix so well with true vintage items.  I had this collection of old rulers I had been hoarding and decided to put some to good use.  

I used some old chipboard apples and covered them up and had fun embellishing with buttons, stickers, Petaloo sunflowers, botanica petites, and Dogwoods flowers

I than added the vintage rulers to the bottom portion of the apples for a neat Teacher gift!!! 

I love how they turned out!   Thanks for visiting today!  hugs, cherry

Supplies used- DIY-Burlap Small Sunflowers x 4 - Ivory 
                        Botanica Petite’s x 11 - White 
                        Dogwood x 24 CANVAS - ant red  


  1. So cute Cherry! What a cute idea to pop them up on a ruler!

  2. Vintage loveliness Cherry! These gifts are so creative~
    A beautiful authentic style that we love so much. Your
    work is amazing : ) Tks for sharing your creative ideas~ Karen O


I am so happy you stopped by for a visit! Would love to hear from ya!