Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas is the day that holds all time together

                  Merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Christmas to you all!  I hope it is full of happiness and cheer.  I have an old fashion Christmas card to share with you today made for RRR.  My last holiday card for 2016.  Thank goodness there is always next year.  I am always sad to put the holiday goodies away. 


This card uses Lipstick red seam binding along with some fun tinsel.  

This card uses a very old vintage bird ornament that has the prettiest worn chippy look to it.  

 I gave the inside a bit of cheer as well with this sentiment.  I love this expression. 

Isn't that bird gorgeous?  They just do not make things like this anymore!  Well folks I hope you enjoy and Here is to a bright and happy 2017!!!!  Hugs, cherry

1 comment:

  1. Love the littls bird. Reminds me of my childhood and the decorations my mom put out at Christmas time. Very vintage!!


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