of NOTHING..... ! Went to church, came home, made some brunch, and whoile.....laid around the rest of the day! I am not sure whether I should feel really rested or reallllllllllly guilty. I laid in my bed and lazily watched old movies on Turner. First the Carpet Baggers with George Peppard (Jeese he is a meanie in this movie) and than Shane with Alan Ladd (what a hero of a cowboy). Of course there was some snoozing here and there. A little magazine reading. My son has a friend over so they have occupied each other quite well. So no big Mommy duties at the moment. I have much to do and little ambition. I have a neighborhood garage sale to prepare for. The house is truly a mess! O'well as Scarlett said...."Tomorrow is another Day". To bad I didn't have Tara to decorate and fuss over.....sigh........Hope everyone's Monday isn't too Manic. cherry