If you are... I urge you to run the other way. This is just another "black project"...or two. First off is a lovely little pickled frame that I painted (I think you know what color). Lovingly distressed her, added ribbon, and than decided to add one of my scrapbook metal label thingies. They were hot pink (aghast) and so I painted it too. Put a little rub-on in there that says cherish. I made it so I can change out the words. Not that I ever probley will......but I like options. Than since I was still in a black mood...better than a blue mood..um right? I had this extra mirror from when we moved here a few years ago (it didn't fit are guest bath). I thought HEY that would make a great chalkboard. It has this cute little ledge shelf...which I dig. So I went to work using my chalkboard paint and here she is in her finery. I than looked at the eraser and thought...I didn't care for the Rose Art insignia (it didn't seem like a miracle eraser to me)...so the mod podge came out AGAIN and I put some fun graphic paper with birds on it, now it is befitting its miracle eraser status. I found the little tiny pitcher today at St. Vinnies for .50 . Perfect for chalk. Happy Thursday! xoxo, cherry