I got this wonderful award from
Alvn at
http://whisperwoodcottage.blogspot.com/ & from Tam over at
http://yakiddyyakyak.blogspot.com/What the Award is About...
"This Blog invests and believes the Proximity- nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming...these kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self- aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!" I want to extend this to all the people that I come in contact with daily! All your friendships mean sooo much! Thank-you to you both for thinking of me with this award!

On a different note I wanted to share a new to me blog with you all. Some of you may have already gone to visit her ..but for those who have not ..I wanted to share. I am giddy that I found this fab chick! Just like you and me she loves to stretch her dollar. Her house is charming and well down right adorable. Anyone with ironstone pitchers and pom pom fringed curtains..are alright in my book.
OHHH and check her kitchen redo. We all love to find new inspiration..and she fits the bill..........go visit...Mom of three at
http://fromhousetocozyhome.blogspot.com/ let her know you visited! Well that is all for me tonight. I got a couple of things up my sleeve..hopefully to share in the next few days. I am off to watch "Guess who's coming to dinner" with my son....introducing the next generation to the good stuff! Hugs, cherry