Like usual...Here are some willy nilly NOT in order photos...from around the house. Whatever struck my fancy. I was playing around with the camara today. I wanted to share one of my new pieces for my etsy store "You ought to be in pictures".....love that fab roaring 20's gal! I added some neat old buttons, rhinestones, an old earring, and stick pin. I will be adding a few things today over at my etsy store if you care to take a gander. Mother's Day is coming up!
Awhile back sweet Becky of http://sweetcottagedreams.blogspot.com/ and I did a fun swap with each other. She made me the sweetest pennant banner EVER and a heart sachet that smells devine, it even has a cherry charm on it! She also spoiled me with a wonderful old birdy (I collect these type) and a wee little Russian nesting doll keychain. She also threw in candy (all gone) and buttons!!!!!! I had the banner in my craft room...where I was NOT giving it any justice....this room is a mess at the moment...I won't even try to explain that one. Sooo I moved it in here to my white hutch...where it sassed the joint up a bit. Can I just say Becky is a very talented seamstress...I know many of you know that... but she really can rock the sewing machine! Thanks again Missssssss. Becky!
I wanted to show my old milk cap collection I now have an on going love affair with. A new silouette I found awhile ago thrifting, new plate, new silverware.....ALL thrifted of course. I nestled some clock faces in a flower frog and put them in my tart pan cloche combo! I found the purse this weekend at a garage sale for a 1.00. The white hen had been my husband's grandmother's...I folded some towels and put it in the old hen. I just love to add these little details to things...hope you enjoy them too! Well that is about it....for now. XOXO, Cherry