I hope some of you are experiencing some warmth and color....hopefully Spring has sprung somewhere out there....NOT here. It is snowing quite heavily at the moment. Sorry it has been awhile since posting....we had Spring break and with it kids coming and going. Now it is over....but feels more like Christmas break looking out the window. We also have adopted a new kitten from the Humane Society. He was a stray and only weighs 4 lbs....we are trying to fatten him up a bit and give him oodles of love. I have fallen head over heels for him. I named him Bailey....and of course call him Baby bailey. He is a lap/neck cat and makes it very hard to create. As the saying goes...curiosity.... he is a curious George....into everything! Well I have a few projects to share....some new some old. I have a few Easter goodies left in my etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/cherryjn. Hope to start making a few Mother's day goodies..and will be sharing my GCD Studios projects with you shortly. I hope you all are fairing well. XoXo, Cherry