Monday, July 30, 2007

My new lamp!

Went into town today to do some recycling and HAD to stop at our St. Vinnies. Found this Italian marble lamp for 5.00! Snapped her right up! Need to update the lampshade but I am really not noticing that too much since the base is sooo beautiful. Here is what I put next

to the lamp. Some of my prized clocks and knick knacks. The little cards are old 1920's bridge tallies....I LOVE the artistry in them. Just got done painting the little shelf found that at a Barn Sale this weekend. Thanks for peekin and hope your Monday finds you well......OH and hope your Summer is a Happy one lol!!!


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Love those old clocks and that little Airdale on top of your books! Very sweet little arrangement you did! That shelf turned out cute...what a great find! Love it all! Becky

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

PS: What a great price for that lamp, too! A real steal!

cherry said...

Thanks Becky! When I was a little girl we had a fox terrier that looked JUST like that little figurine. His name was Thumper...use to chew up my Mom's croc hide shoes....she wasn't too happy, lol. cherry

Marianna said...

Great to see you back! Love the lamp.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Love the story about Thumper! Little rascal! Becky

Jen Kershner said...

Well, look who's back to blogging! Love your lamp and what a steal. I found one I loved at Goowill a couple of weeks ago and I left it behind. I've been regretting it ever since. I also love that dog figurine.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

I love your knickknacks...especially your clocks! Great lamp, too.

Adrienne said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. When I first started blogging - a few months ago - I found yours and then couldn't figure out where it was again. Now I've found you and will return often.

Where in Oregon are you? I'm in Oregon, too - the Portland area. If you prefer you could email me through my blog rather than include your location here.

Your lamp is gorgeous. What a great deal you got. Please show us the new shade when you find it. Your clocks are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your treasures. Isn't this fun?

Anonymous said...

Hi Cherry, I'm a sucker for old clocks. I really like how they all look together. Cute shelf holding all your goodies. I also love the dog. I've started collecting more of them, they are so cute. It's all so pretty.
