I have never shared any of my LO's before....kinda a private thing...but I thought what the hay! Scrapbooking....is such an outlet for me. It is constantly changing and such stimulation creatively. I don't think I have ever had a craft challenge me as much! I love pictures and am lucky enough to have many of my families pictures from wayyyyyy back. Can you think of a better way to leave behind something to your children? Giving them a glimpse into the past and the way things were. As close to time travel as you are gonna get!
I have always loved papers, stationary, etc. I remember getting so excited one Christmas because my Mother had special ordered some stationary and pads with my name on it! Have you ever seen Cherry on anything? NOPE. I still have one paper pad with my name on it. I loved paperdolls and those little villages you carefully cut out and created. I really think the skys the limit when it comes to creating with paper. Anyways.. enough of my love affair with paper. Above are a few layouts I did last night while watching the new Jane Austin movie. xoox, cherry
Great Layouts Cherry.
How lucky that your Mom was so into paper and you got stationary with your name on it.
Hello, Cherry, so glad to see you back! What lovely scrapbooking! I always imagine how future generations will view scrapbooking -- as a sort of beautiful pastime for 20th century ladies, much the same way that painting screens was for 18th century ladies!
Have a wonderful day!
They look GREAT...I was thinking how far behind I am in my scrapbooking...hopefully I can catch up!
Your scrapbooking is wonderful! I love the crown on the kitty cat and all the sweet sayings .. thanks for sharing!
Your layouts are beautiful! Thanks for sharing, I get so much inspiration from seeing other scrappers work!
Great looking scrapbooking. I have not "caught" the scrapbook fever yet. . . and my bank account, and my hubby, hope I don't too!
. . . but I sure enjoy looking at everyone elses!
I love the flowers on your layout...what a great idea.....Stacy
Love the layouts~ I have the same problem with my name. I bet that was a prized gift, I know it would be for me.
I'm like you, Cherry, got a lot of battles I am dealing with as well. So glad that you have your scrapbooking, and your lovely decorating, as an escape! Hang in there! Love, Esther
Good Monday afternoon Cherry! Stop by, I tagged you for a meme..
Dear Cherry,
I was so happy to see that you are posting again...you've certainly been missed! {{{Hugs}}}
Love the scrapbooking pages...you're very talented!
Love, Kim
Hi Cherry, I was drawn to your blog today and I'm so glad to see your back. I had just found your blog and then you took a break.
I enjoyed catching up and really enjoyed seeing your Scrapbooking...something I've always wanted to do.
Glad your back and all is well, but sad about your doggie....Hugs, Linda
Nice to see you again!!
I found your blog through Today's Creative Blogs. Your layouts are great!
But what I really love is the bowl of doorknobs in your last post. That looks so fabulous! And I see that you have a fondness for roosters just like me!
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