Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More images showing Halloween is on its merry way!

Wanted to let ya know the little man is doing much better and went back to school yesterday. He has a little bit to catch up on but is back to himself. Thanks for all the well wishes!

Now I know you may be growing weary already of Halloween scenes..hmmm? I still have things to share so I apologize..right here and now. SO. SORRY. Sound sincere? Believe me I have not done near the things I wanted too....some will have to wait till next year. My mind is already thinking Christmas...I know I know. Slap me now! I nestled some fake pumpkins in this old chicken feeder and put it in our kitchen window. I like the fact that this can be used up till Thanksgiving. My neighbor gave me the chicken feeder and of course those are pumpkins from Goodwill & Dollar all in all a whopping 4.00 was spent. Not bad. Than you have the hurkin long "jeepers creepers" banner......I made it soooo stinkin long I have no place to put it. I wanted it to hang from the top of the mirror...but nope TOOO long. I sprayed some jingle bells black and sparkled them up and added them to every other letter. The black cat Halloween greeetings is from a local store here called "The Outpost"....1.00 is all it was.. but I wanted it to look old so I took some brown shoe polish and went over it and than sanded the heck out of it. I think it looks more authentic now....more "Faux Old".... Miss. Shannon over at "Bless our Nest" inspired me with her little framed Halloween pumpkin so I found a thrift frame and did one myself. I used pop dots to make it 3d. Soooo it is looking a little more eerie here everyday! Hugs, cherry


Anonymous said...

I love all of your ideas - so cute! Where do you store all of these things in the off season???:)

Susie said...

I love all your decorations!!!

Betsy said...

Great stuff! I love your banners. Great work!

Valarie Lea said...

I love lookin at all your stuff! It inspires me so :)

CMB said...

What a gift you have...this all looks great! I keep seeing cute new ideas, I am afraid I will be working on fall until the day it comes down!

Julie said...

I love the banners everything looks great! Glad to hear your little one is feeling better.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

What a load of cute decor. Great ideas one of my favorites is the candy corn cone. You are amazing! Jackie

Holly said...

Oh my goodness I am SOOO inspired!! Your blog is almost like chocolate. :)

squawmama said...

I could never tire of decorations of any kind... I really loved the frame is so cute and you could even do a trio with different pics in them... Loved it..

Glad to hear your little feller is better... My 2 grandsons are feeling poopy too....


Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

You are too much! I love all of those decorations! The banner makes me want to get crafty and make one myself!

SeaWorthy said...

Love love all of it!
nice crafty chica, you are...
coastal nest

Julie H said...

Great stuff! At the rate I'm going by the time I get mine out it will be time to put it away.

K said...

Great ideas - I especially love the picture frame refinished in black and decorated with fab halloween paper and embellishments.

Kirsten of B&K

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

OH, I Love the photos. LOVE.
I am making the rounds introducing myself to those in the Santa Soriee! I am looking forward to the season, the reason and the fun! Drop by my island if you get a chance...Levae a comment so I can add you to my blogroll.
have a good week

Anonymous said...


cherry said...

Hi Emilee...the witches I have had for several years..they are originally from is a mini chandellier that i hang from my light fixture. I bet you could make something similiar.

sandra/tx said...

It's so fun to see your ideas and vignettes.

Tiffany said...


Ms. Tee said...

Oh my word you are so creative! Black sparkly jingle bells. And I'm in love with your banners. :)

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Keep 'em coming! I love seeing all your cute and very clever decorations! :)

Shell in your Pocket said...

I love that banner and the crow!!
That rooster is so cute...I am giving away a rooster recipe book holder today...come see it! If you win it would look very nice next to him! :)
-Sandy Toes

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Dear Cherry,
You never cease to amaze me! You really inspire me as always.

I also want to take the time to thank you for always leaving me the nicest comments on my are a sweetheart!
Thanks again,

Marie said...

I could never get tired of your Halloween decorations! They are so pretty, and I'd swear you live in the middle of a beautiful gift shop! :o)

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh my gosh ! I LOVE your rooster ! And love your blog too. I'm going to add you to my list OK .
Have a blessed day and thank you for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

You always have such great pictures. By the way I Loooove the rooster.

the undomesticated wife said...

You're too good!

XO Marie said...

I want to go shopping with you!! SO cute! Can't wait to see Christmas:)

XO Marie said...

I want to go shopping with you!! SO cute! Can't wait to see Christmas:)

Glitter & Bliss said...

Good Morning!! I love your new banner....amazing!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment. Yes, I would love to make you a "It's a Wonderful Life" crystal necklace. I love this one too. I can put it either on a black or silver just let me know. Do you want black and white backgroud or something a little Christmas like?

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy viewing your treasures... you are very talented & have AWESOME style...

Glad to hear he is alot better...

Wishing you many AuTuMn BLeSSiNgs, Pamela

Sweet Simplicity said...

I love the pumpkins in your window cute!

Wendy said...

Your banners are so stinkin cute! I love them!!!!!!!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Everything looks are just too much!!

If this is what you did for Halloween, I can't even imagine what you have up your sleeve for Christmas!


melissa said...

you continue to amaze me!! Check out my last blog...there is a surprise there for u!


Kacey said...

LOVE the banner and the pumpkins in the feeder! I'm going to have to look for a feeder at th eflea market because that is just too cute! I love yourdedication to Halloween. What ever are you going to please us with for Christmas?! Can't wait to see!

Heathahlee said...

If you do this much for Halloween, I can't WAIT to see what you do for Christmas!

aimee said...

So darling!!! I love it all! More! More! More!

I'm still at Disneyland but the boys are sleeping in this morning and I had a few quiet moments with my coffee and my laptop so I thought I check in and see what you've been up too.

Disney is decked out for Halloween and it's been so fun for ideas! Especially the Haunted Mansion/Nightmare Before Christmas.

I love the saying Jeepers Creepers. I think my porch is long enough for that saying!!! I'm putting it on my to do list.

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Oh soo much cuteness! Your banner is to die for! And your little pumpkins in the window look like they're just sitting there waiting to greet all who come to visit. You should work for a magazine Cherry. Love all you displays! I "borrowed" one of your ideas on my last post, but gave you the credit. : ) Thanks so much.
Mary Lou

Our Complete Family said...

Glad your little guy is feeling better! Yea! And the new fall decor you're sharing with us in blogland??? Amazing, as always! I always have so much stinkin' FUN coming by to visit you Cherry!!! Hugs, Les

Anonymous said...

Love all your decorations!

Melissa said...

Oh, I love your halloween banner and the framed pumpkins turned out so cute!!

The Style Sisters said...

Jeepers Creepers banner is AWESOME!! YOU SHOULD MAKE MORE AND SELL THEM! Really all of your decorations are so cute.

Lindsay-ann said...

Your halloween decorations are fantastic Cherry. My favorite is the owl, he is so cute!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas.

Unknown said...

You are so creative! Your stuff is so pretty. I have really enjoyed visiting your blog this morning.

Shea said...

I am loving your halloween stuff!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I feel so inspired and never ever get sick of seeing yummy decorations. I'm already thinking ahead to Christmas too! lol! I'm working on making some decorations already. I must need slapped too!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your Halloweeness, but I'm wanting that gorgeous Rooster!!
Your banners are so cute, too! You're great!! Don't you just love the old movies? They don't make 'em like they used to, do they?
Be a sweetie,

duchess said...

Very cute stuff - I love the frame.

Deserae said...

Your home is looking SPOOKTACULAR! I love that cute!

Laura said...

I just happened upon your site. WOW you are amazing!! I look forward to stoping in. I just want to say thank you for such great ideas.

Margaret Cloud said...

You did great, I love to decorate for the Holidays and Holloween is especially fun. I am glad your little guy is better. Just stopping by to say Hi, and invite you to come on by.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love theses ideas! I love to decorate, but I have to confess, I have never gotten into halloween. I am telling you, you have inspired me! Keep up the good work!

The Berry's Patch said...

You are such a talented lady! I love all your Halloween decorations. I can't wait to see what you do for Christmas. Will you start posting soon on that? I'm going to need your decorating inspiration when I start getting my C-mas stuff out. :-)

The Berry's Patch said...

NO rush though. Good grief girl, take a break. :-)

Tanya said...

You're like a never ending machine of ideas and I love it! So much fun!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

I love it! Even my hubby asked me "have we ever decorated this much for Halloween before?" Hahaha, I said we are on a roll baby!!! Love what you have done with your banner! It looks sooo amazing!

Our Complete Family said...

Hey there! I got your sweet comment! Thanks for saying such kind things about my kiddos! To answer your ?... I haven't scrapbooked for Bryce since he was 3. I am WAY BEHIND, aren't I? I keep telling myself that when Caroline is a tad older I will get caught up. I have a closet full of supplies. Now that is a photo I should post! I just need to carve out the time b/c I had so much fun doing that! Oh man~ I have my fingers crossed that you didn't take offense to my post today. I meant nothing bad about plumbers. It just cracks me up when baby pants always ride so low!!! Happy almost Friday girl! xo, Les

shabbyrose said...

I just HAVE to ask, what paper did you use for your banner? If it was scrapbook paper did you put in on thicker paper so it wouldn't curl. Really really wish you would make a tutorial on your banners. LOVE THAT BANNER! You rock!

Tausha said...

When I grow up, I want to be as popular as you! :)
Since you are the queen of glitter, I was wondering if you could give me some tips.
I really want to glitter up the witch shoes and I need some pointers. Tell me, what kind do you use, is there a better kind of glue than another. How much is glitter and where do you get yours? Is Marths' really the best, or does it not matter?
Ok, I thnk that I have asked you enough questions. Thanks for your help!

shabbyrose said...

I love your banner! It rocks! What paper did you use and how did you keep it from curling. Wish you would consider doing a tutorial!

shabbyrose said...

I love your banner! It rocks! What paper did you use and how do you keep it from curling? Wish you would consider doing a tutorial!

Rosemary said...

Nope, never get tired of the Halloween decor!! Love it!

Jean said...

I never get tired of looking a Halloween decorations. You have some great things.I am in love with your rooster. Would you mind telling me where it came from? He's great.
Have a good evening.
Jean in Virginia

Kaitlyn said...

Even though I don't celebrate Halloween personally, I truly enjoy looking at your decorations.

Lovely, per the norm :)

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

You are amazing, and we can't wait for that creative brain of yours to share all your amazement with us, so that we copy you. :)

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Love the decorations, especially that owl! Thanks for stopping by my blog, too. :)

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Awesome decorations! I love the banners...

Cathy Cobblestone said...

You never cease to amaze me - everything is so cute!!!! I want to trick or treat at your house!!! hehe - jus' a tad old for that - but I bet it would be fun none the less. Thanks for all your inspiration! Cathy

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

Love all of your halloween-y things!!

I have a question for you...I have loved your "blog wear" so much (ie., header etc), that I decided to go to Shabby Miss Jenn and buy a kit for myself. I was o.k. with the Photoshopping part. However, the installation is "over my head" (i.e, working with HTML codes)!! I have managed to loose all of my widgets ---i.e, blog list etc!! Sigh!!

At this point, I have reached the conclusion that I would like to pay someone to do it for me and I am wondering if you paid someone to set up your blog? If yes, would you mind sharing with me who it was and how much it cost?

Thanks so much!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

I can't wait for Christmas either. :) Your Jeepers sign is my favorite, love it!

Mimi Sue said...

I'm not sick of Halloween yet. Especially when everything you do is so adorable. Mimi

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I never get tired of looking at your stuff. It is wonderful!:)

Kristi said...

Everything looks awesome Cherry! You have outdone yourself! I haven't made ONE thing this Halloween but LOVING your eye candy!!

SoCal Helene said...

Just found your blog and I love all your Halloween ideas and your pictures are just awesome!!

Lorrie said...

Thanks for stopping by to visit me.
I just love all of your Halloween decorations! Great photos of some very creative decorating--you've definitely got the gift! It will be fun to see Christmas!

April said...

Hi There!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I always love to meet new people! You're blog is so neat...your ideas are amazing!! I know that great in the crafting department, but maybe with all these wonderful ideas out there, I'll get inspired to keep on trying! :)

Anyhow, hope you have a great day!!

Casa Mia said...

Amazing, I want everything, very inspiring.....thanks for visiting my blog...

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!! I'm so glad you liked my topiary and that you visited because now I found your fantastic blog!!! I love to craft with paper, well everything, and your site is such eye candy for me! Love it all!!! Have a great day and I'll be back soon, hope you visit again too! Sincerely, Jeannette

Georgia Girl said...

More wonderful ideas! Love seeing all your stuff Cherry!

Shannon said...

I'm getting excited about Christmas too but I love seeing your Halloween decorations!!

Back Through Time said...

Your Halloween decorations are great!
Have a wonderful weekend

Elise said...

You have outdone yourself!! It all looks so great!!
I have a chicken feeder very similar to yours-I need to find it.

Michele said...

You are getting me in the spooky mood! You are very artistic. Love it.

Kat said...

Okay you need to have a Halloween Party. Your house is perfectly dressed. What time shall I arrive?
Ive been thinking of Christmas too....shhhhh!

Kim Hancock said...

What are the pumpkins sitting on over your sink?

Love all your decorations!

jennykate77 said...

Oh, that banner is seriously CUTE! I also love the frame you made with the halloween stuff in it! You're so super crafty!

Thanks for sharing!

Thrifty Cents said... one the Wall Quote from my blog! Quite fitting considering I LOVE your blog so much! Well, I need your address, so if you want to send it to me through e-mail, mine is

Darlene said...

I am so glad your son is feeling better and was able to go back to school. I bet he has a LOT to catch up on.

I could NEVER get tired of looking at all of your FABULOUS decorations. I LOVE seeing everything!!! You are so inspiring because you are so talented!!!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Well I would certainly say that Halloween has exploded in your house. You are totally ready for Halloween.



Christina said...

I love it all, but the owl...he's just so cute.

Rue said...

Hi Cherry :)

I'm so glad your son feels better. That flu bug is awful!

Your Halloween decor looks fantastic!! I enjoy coming here so much, but it seems like I can't get around fast enough to do it more often. Just know that I love your blog :)


AwtemNymf said...

I love the glitter. I LOVE the owl sign! OMG! I enjoyed my visit!
I'm Blog Hopping from Vanessa's "A Fanciful Twist" Party <{:O)
Stop by my place too... I'm having a couple of give-aways!
Have a bootiful day!
Be Enchanted!

Anonymous said...

So charming and bootiful:)
Lovely things here!

Stop by for a pumpkin muffin when you get hungry:)


Unknown said...

I love your wonderful Halloween Spirit. I also love your kitchen window sill. Lovely pics. Thanks for sharing! Come on over to my blog Halloween Party. I am havign a few giveaways.

Susie Q said...

Could never grow weary of this deliciousness! beautiful treasures so wonderfully put together! I love it all.


Lana said...

I am loving all of your ideas and Halloween decorations! Great job!

Celestial Charms said...

Your owl directional sign is fabulous. Lovely decorations!

Sandra Evertson said...

Love it!
Happy Halloween!

Eve said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the glitter stuff!!!

Jenni said...

Wow! I love everything! The banner is wonderful! You have inspired me to make my own; it's almost done! You have such amazing talent for crafting/decorating, I am in awe! :)

Have a great day! :)

Gretchen said...

You are SO creative. Every time I stop by, I learn something new to try!

* elizabeth * said...

A GORGEOUS banner. And that kitty in the punkin! Thanks for having me by. Happy Halloween!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

Just starting now to visit the rest of the party goers from Vanessa's blog! Stop by and say Hi! Happy Halloween!

joyh82 said...

You have such cute halloween decorations and banners!

Goldielocks said...

keep the pictures a comin- i love every single one of them!! so creative and inspiring- i think i'm obsessed due to the fact that my mom NEVER decorated for all the fun holidays except christmas- even then it wasnt all out.. so now i have the bug. the great thing about bloggers is they give such fun inexpensive ideas- love your Jeepers banner!!! ;)

Pearl said...

looks just

Thanks for sharing...

~hugs~ Pearl