Well everyday I swear this will be the day that I am done....but STILL not quite yet. Most of the totes are packed away again...a few stragglers are left. I have neglected some house cleaning so that is on the to do list. PLEASE people tell me you are NOT done...please?????? Throw me a bone. Friday we went to get our tree....and after several hours and a good 80 miles round trip we were still empty handed. YEP. Struck out. I came home and cried myself to sleep. See we live in the land of PINES....so we thought we would venture out to find a fir. It didn't happen...we went on old logging roads and no dream plump tree did we find. We had already bought the permit...and did not want to break down and buy one from a lot. They never last as long. Well dh went out the next day and went hiking for one...it is not my dream tree but it will have to do. OHHH yeah and the dang thing fell over....AFTER I had got all my ribbons, baubles etc on it...last night..........CRrrrrrrrrPLUNK. SIGH. Well the old girl is up now....TIED to the wall. Wanted to share some more tidbits here and there....and a "little wood tree project"...covered with papers and embellished. I tucked it among my old door knobs. Well tomorrow I SWEAR...things will be done. How about you? Night, night! Cherry
I just love love love your blog.
You inspire me! :-)
Cherry, you have the prettiest stuff! I love all of it!
Tis the season to be jolly...
Hi Cherry! I laughed reading your post because we tied our tree to the baseboard to secure it-My husband said a little puddy would fix the baseboard up after the tree comes down!
I love all your decor!
Such beautiful things....LOVE your paper crafts....especially the Santa banner and the cute tree!
We have had to tie our tree to something before.....with the kitten we were wondering if we would have to again but she hasn't brought it down yet........
Oh..I just love your blog..the pictures are so fun to look at. Loving that red plate behind all your Christmas stuff..love it all! It is never done..I add things till the 25th!
-sandy toes
Love all your cute decor! We like a lot of the same things. And, I hope it makes you feel better, I've not even gotten started on decorating yet. yikes. LOL.
it's all looking so very sweet!
I just love your blog and have admired you for some time now so I left you an award on my blog.
No commitment, just wanted to share your amazing style with others!!
Major eye candy! I love your style. Beautiful!
Cherry I love all of your decorations and here's your bone.. I'm not done but down to one box:)MY tree also fell after it was done and is tied to the wall now too. Have a great day
Good Morning Cherry... well you have so many great things... I love looking on your many decorations... and I am glad you finally got your tree... Loved your post today...Have a good one!
Everything is beautiful and I love the big pics!! You are way ahead of me.
I love your Santa banner- and everything else! We are not done decorating, either. Is anyone ever truly done?:) Lori
Your decorations are soooooooo great! Thanks for the inspiration. After baking all weekend, I really need to decorat the rest of the house:-)
So sorry about the tree. I sure love your little embellished tree with the pretty paper! You are so talented!
Awww. I'm so sorry about your unsuccessful dream tree hunt. I'm glad to hear everything is well now. Your holiday decor is beautiful!
I've read more blogs where the tree fell over, so don't feel alone! I just put decorations out yesteday, so I'm right there with ya. We're not even attempting a tree because of a 4 month old sweetheart named Newman who would be in that tree in 3 seconds flat!
Your stuff is so pretty. I love your pictures! Ok, no you know that "we" are never really done. We are always tweaking or adding from a sale, and then we have to try out the stuff from the after Christmas sale...and the ball rolls on. I hope you are enjoying the bone I sent you!
Oh no Cherry! I'm so sorry about the tree. I hope nothing broke.
We used to cut down our own tree too, but for some reason the one thing "Mayberry" is lacking is a great tree farm.
I'm almost finished decorating, but I still have stuf EVERYWHERE, so you are NOT alone ;)
Go have some hot chocolate and listen to Bing for a while. It'll make you feel better :)
Cherry-I just love that little snowman with the big green buttons! It reminds me of a ceramic lamb I had as a little girl-same texture. Love that tree too:)
Fa la la la WONDERFUL!!!!
I really like the Christmas tree. Looks like it's made out of scrapbook paper.
Your paper tree is so cute. Are you going to show us how? Those are Target bottle brush trees. Wasn't that a great deal? I bought a couple and one for the daughter. Mimi
love your new header! love your decorations!!!!
Beautiful! I love the little cranberry frame, and that cool tree.Love it all!
Everything looks amazing!! you are soooooo uber talented girly! I love that tree, thats the die for cute! and I love the colors! and the Santa sign on your hutch is fabulous too! you have such an amazing eye and such creativity too!! Thanks so much for sharing!
xo Cynthia
Morning Cherry! I love all your pics but especially love the santa banner and paper/wood tree!!! No you are not alone in this too much decorating not enough cleaning thing!!! I know the tree falling thing too - I lost some of my grandmother's ornaments that way! Hope everything wasn't destroyed on you! I did have a nice time at the party, thanks!! Well my break is over (I think?lol) so back to trying to pull it all together! Have a fun day - Sincerely, Jeannette
This should make you feel better...I don't even have my tree up! We just got everything out of the shed last night, so you're way ahead of me!
The pics are gorgeous! I always love your stuff. The "SANTA" banner is so stinkin' cute! I've gotta make me one of those...you know, after I put my tree up, and send out the Christmas Cards, and bake some cookies...and build a gingerbread house...and wrap the presents...
Hope you have a great Tuesday!
What is it with tree mishaps this year? I've been reading about it in blogland on a few blogs now. Hmm~ knocking on wood my Miss Priss doesn't tip my tree over b/c I fear I'm next!
Your pics are awesome, as always. You truly have a way of capturing your displays.
Merry December hun~ Les
My decorating goes on and on until Christmas Eve. Then I take it all down the next day. It's a work in progress!
Oh no! Sorry about your tree! I bet it looks great though! Loved all the pics!
Hey there! :)
So sorry you couldn't find the right tree AND that it fell down, especially after it was decorated!
But, your house is looking lovely~ so Christmas-y and cheery! I have just started decorating; I am really running behind! :) (I'm kind of pulling my hair out!)
I hope you have a wonderful day! :)
I love everything you showed! I love that Christmas tree and Santa banner. So cute! My tree fell over too. What is up with that this year. I know of a couple more people that has happened to. I am glad you found a tree though!
Love it! You've gotten me even more in the Christmas spirit now that I'm making a Santa garland!
Just love it...glad you could sit a spell on my new blog! Lovin' yours...too funny, I mean sad about your tree adventure...is it REALLY tied to the wall???
Love your decorations! The paper tree is fantastic. I'm not done either, yikes!
Hi Cherry,
Great post -- love all the decorations and the story of your tree. What a nice hubby too :)
Cherry, love that embellished tree, how cute. No I'm not done, and had that same thought...I should be...but I keep looking and think 'oh I better do this' and that doesn't look good....I need more ribbon...where's the tinsel...and on and on! Don't worry about it. Women love the process of fixin' things and decoratin' things...enjoy!
How long does it take you to dust?? I love your stuff, you pay so much attention to details. I love it what a creative brain you have.
All your decor is very pretty. I'm sure you're tired.
I love your Christmas dishes from a past post.
Cherry, you are not alone. I hate to admit it but I am still feverishly decorating. I do beleive My Christmas "stuff" multiplied when I wasn't looking.
Maybe tomorrow......
Jean in Virginia
CHERRY - too too wonderful -- i
love the way you have decorated -- so so cute - bioy I gotta get busy - Kathy - ga
I love that SANTA banner. So darling!
You have the funniest stuff. It just makes me happy to visit! ;0)
Cherry...you look ready to me! Im almost there and have a few totes to put away myself. lol! Who knew hunting down a tree was such hard work. Cant wait to see what hubs managed to bring home.
Your decorations are always amazing. I have one of those little red Santa boots, too! :)
I love all the plates you have tucked into all your Christmas decorations. I recognized the "Old Curiosity Shop" pattern. I love it!!!
I have way too many trinkets...I only put out a sprinkling this year...less is more...and I love it! Plus..as I catch up on all my visits I am getting more inspired!!
I am soooo not done.
I'm the lady shopping on Christmas Eve amidst all the men.
So no matter how behind you are, feel better knowing you're doing better than me! :)
LoL! Sorry about your tree! Our problem at my house is one...our granddaugther that is almost three keeps re-decorating and un-decorating the tree, It is now bare from half way down, and... two the cats think it must have been put there just for them! Your Christmas decorations all look wonderful and... Your blog is one of my fav's!
Wow, why haven't I found you sooner!
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