Whether it is because my namesakes (the fruit known as the Cherry, some of you have wondered if that is my real name) body color is red or not...my fave color is indeed red. To wear or to bedeck the house with. So true to form....yesterday.. when I had made the "just for fancy sake" decision to buy myself some tulips. The red won out. My eyes did wander to pure white...but my heart said RED. It made the decision even sweeter with a Fred Meyer coupon for 2.00 off a floral bunch. This is the first time in my adult life that I have "bought" real flowers of any kind. I must say..it could become a habit. They make me smile. Especially in my new white pitcher. I would say 2.00 for tulips that make you smile every time you walk by is worth the investment. Wouldn't you?
Anyway on with the red....I snapped a few pics of red here and there. The first pics are of window treatments I did quite awhile back. I don't remember if I ever shared them with you??? I lined the valances so I could change them from floral/ticking. The drapes were made from chocolate and wheat colored burlap and I mixed the floral with it. The floral was originally a Target tablecloth. I have a whole roll of burlap in the living room to make more drapes with it. We will see when that happens. Don't hold your breath. At least we have privacy in the kitchen area.
Now the clock was white, and I decided to paint it red...I did a peekaboo green inside and antiqued it a bit. I think it tells better time painted red. Pretty darn sure. Sooooo there you go....my love affair with red. I of course threw in the can of Coca Cola...after all it is red too...and my love for it runs deep as well. Happy Weekend to all. XOXO, Cherry
Edited: Paint party ovaaaaaaaaaaa Hereeeeee! http://neweveryam.blogspot.com/
Edited: Paint party ovaaaaaaaaaaa Hereeeeee! http://neweveryam.blogspot.com/
I love all of your red, the red apron is great, I love aprons especially old ones, the coke can was funny. Glad your back among the bloggers
I just love it all. I think I snorted when I saw the can of coke. :p
Red is a power color and I also love it, chickee!! Just picks me up. Great photos also.
Cherry, I love all the red! It's not red but I love the bluebird embroidered on the linen too!
Cherry, I am a red lover too. It makes me feel good, doesn't you? I love the curtains, and I really love the old door knobs. Lets face it, I pretty much love everything you do. You just can't hide all that talent. Have a wonderful weekend.
Jean in Virginia
I have touches of red in my kitchen/dining room...I love it. And spring/summer time, I buy tulips and gerbera daisies at Sam's to have around the house...they are so inexpensive there and like you, they make me happy. Love the pics. :)
I am a red girl too! Love all of the photos. Happy weekend!
This is why you are my FAVORITE!!! Love the pretty curtains....and the red....Hey! Is that sherwin Williams Blonde? Great minds think alike! I have that in my house too...think we've talked (blogged) about that!!! Pictures this weekend....just for you!
Red red red ... love it!
I recently found an old (soft yellow) kitchen scale and thought of your beautiful red one. (still a little jealous). If I ever run across a red one, it's mine!
I'm having a linky party, so come on over and join the fun!
Great pictures! You have the neatest things!
Hey Cherry,
It's not to late to join the book club...I'm hoping to have the book club blog up and running Monday (hoping key word) :) We are doing 15 chapters a week because it's a big book. I'm so glad you wanna join! Actually anyboday can join anytime-It will be an open blog.
BTW:Red is my FAVORITE color too!
I love everything-especially the the old keys, and the little sign..love it!
Red is such a fun spunky color! My couch is a shade in the red family so you know I love read, too, if I bought a big old couch that color!!!
Ah, fresh flowers. There is nothing better! So glad you found a new love for them.
Happy spring almost Cherry~ Hugs, Les
Where did you get the lovely red transferware. I have four plates and would love to have more to mix and match. Beautiful blog keep up the good work.
Love that clock!! Thanks for sharing such great photos!
Love all these punches of red...gorgeous! I love your white pitcher, too...do you mind sharing where you found it? Enjoyed touring your postings...love all the wonderful pics...great closeups! Susan
I love the antique linen with the blue bird....it is all beautiful as always!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment!! We are almost 40 and feel every day of it. You are a doll. Looking at your post, I'm going to have to get me so red going. Leslie
I joined in on the party! Love all of your red! Jen
Red has always been my favorite color. Love the window treatments!
Thanks for visiting my blog :)
I love red too! Your vignettes always just amaze me. You need to come help me at my house. I have seen that floral print on your curtains at Target and loved it. Love your red clock and the silver pieces!
That pitcher is gorgeous! :)
I love red too! Love your red clock shelf thingy!
Oh....love everything, so beautiful! Red is my fav. color too! Thanks for the inspiration!
I LOVE all of your little collections and the way you display them...so unique! You definitely have such a flair for all things creative. I hope you splurge on those fresh flowers more often...you deserve it!
I love all of the red and your pictures are wonderful! I wish I had your style but I do have all the red, just not put together as nice. :D
Cherry I LOVE seeing all your red!!!!! I think I remember the white clock before (loved it then) and love it even more now!!! The green inside is fantastic!! Your window treatments are perfect too! Thanks for showing us! :)
ps- I have a "thing" for the glass door knobs too!!! I have them in the DR! :)
Love all your reds! But I really love your centerpiece with the silver urn and "It's a wonderful life" sign!
Sigh. Eye candy. I just love red! Thank you!
"You had me at RED." : )
LOVE the curtain panels you made with the great fleur de les rod. Also, you couldn't have chosen a better color than white for the pitcher against the red tulips. Hope you're feeling better.
Oh, how I love red. All of these pictures are gorgeous. Your home must be such a happy and cozy place to be! I especially love the doorknobs on the scale...perfect!
OK...where do I begin here...I love that red clock with the two shelves under it..so pretty and fun! The sign with the wonderful life is great!
Love red too!
sandy toe
SOOOOOOO glad to see you back "up and running"! I have checked on your several times---great news about your hubby!
I just loved all of the photos you shared! You are a great decorator and a wonderful inspiration. We've had some rotten stuff going on, too, so I need to make a little sign like yours that says "It's a wonderful life"--I do forget it when bad things settle in.
Keep up your great work---glad you are finishing your son's room. Dana
Thanks for joining the par-tay!
did you paint the red chair behind the tulips? I love it!
I love all of your bits of red, Cherry! I have been adding red to my home as well and I'm lovin' it.
Thanks for coming by to see the things that make me smile.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
I love your blog...you have such wonderful eye candy!!!
Our book club blog is up and running: Either click on my name or go here to see it:
Have a great weekend!
very pretty. i love the red cupboard with the green patterned cups inside.
happy red saturday! :)
I love everything you do. You should be an interior designer or publish a book with all these great pictures. You know how we all love looking at pictures of decorating ideas!!
Thanks for all the inspiration. How are your trip plans going?? We're going in April.
Hi Cherry,
I guess you did like my red post from Thursday! Maybe you should host the red day! I would definately join.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
Hi Cherry,
Being that my favorite color is red too, your pictured make my heart leap! I love everything :) That scale is on my want it list!
Hey girl - love love you sweet things -- and red - is a great "POWER " color -- and girl ya got them - decorating power -
Oh where oh where did you get the cream ribbon that said blessing ???? Kathy - ga
I love your photography and everything in it.And your red is awesome.as are the gorgeous tulips...Ann
HI Cherry! Awwww RED just love the color too! I always say I'm buying some flowers today at the market and then I say I'll wait til I'm done filling the cart so they'll be fresh and then walk out the door without them!!!lol I too would be drawn to the red or white! Nothing better than red/white/and black for me!!! Love love the clock in red! You really DO need to buy yourself flowers on a regular basis now!!! Have a great week and glad you came by for a visit! Sincerely, Jeannette
Hi Cherry
I loved everything especially the clock. I have no red in my house but your posts always encourage me to give red a try. It always looks amazing in your house.
LOVE the red...great minds think alike...we have the same curtain fabric...love the addition of burlap that you did to yours!
i adore red!!!
Love the red! I love that clock, fabulous! I am also glad to hear about hubby and that you are getting your domestic groove back. My domestic groove has been missing with several illnesses floating around my house. I am tired of sick people on my couch! It is so hard, it just clutters my brain, not to mention family room, to have thermometers and tissue boxes and cups of juice everywhere. Luckily everyone is almost back to normal, although eldest child started throwing up last night! Sorry--didn't mean to rant. I just hear ya!
Beautiful just beautiful! Love your curtains!
Cherry you are makin' me want to make some red floral curtains!! I have the fabric, now I just need the gumption!!
I love your reds so much that, even though I should be in bed now, I'm going to go back and look at all of them again. Love your style. I wanted to ask about the sign that has "It's A Wonderful Life" on it. Is it a mirror? Did you paint the words on it? I love it. I think I'm going to buy some red paint! laurie
Wow, Love the red! I'm having a lot of fun over here! You've done a fabulous job with your home... Hope your on the upswing!
thanks for your kind comments.... your a popular girl...
Hi Cherry!
Thanks so much for coming over and visiting my blog. I absolutely LOVE YOURS!!! WOW! Your are amazing. If we lived near each other we could be two scrapbooking, craft-making fools! You are incredibly talented and I love EVERYTHING you've touched! I too love red. I don't know if you saw my older post with my curtains in my art room, but we are on the same page! So very nice to meet you!
Smiles, Nancy
WOW!! What a lovely post, the tulips and the silver shots are my favorite, thanks so much for coming by. I find so much inspiration from your blog, all the best,Chrissy
So happy you came by for a visit. How did you find me. Lovelovelove the doorknobs on the scale! I myself love red too (you may enjoy my post on my powder room from a few months back!) - I get my red gun off daily with killer red lipstick that no one else wears - its become my signature!
I really enjoyed your blog!
I love it all, but especially your silver and white pieces. I too have thought of collecting white pieces for my china cabinet but not sure if I should pick out milk glass or just white...but you have shown that both look beauiful together. You have a great flair for decorating!
I think I'll go grab me a coke now!
Looking at all your pictures is like looking at a magazine. I have not been buying as many decorating magazines as I did in the past. I spend so much time looking at all the pretty blogs.
Oh Cherry - jus' love it all!!! I especially love the clock and the drapes - burlap - don't ya jus' love that stuff. I think you can do jus' about anything with it.
Your home, as always is BEAUTIFUL!
P.S. Don't be mad at me - but I sold those polka dot plates. Had I known you really wanted them I would have been happy to have held them. If I find some more I'll snatch them up for you my friend.
Blessings, Cathy
You have a remarkable sense of style in displaying your many vignettes. I'm a red girl myself!
Oh, so pretty! I'm adding red to my yellow living/dining rooms! I love it too! You MADE those curtains?! With a tablecloth?!
WOW! Thanks for the inspiration!
I might just do something like this myself!!!
Red ... so fun Love your clock oh yes I do!!!
Great color! Red is wonderful and so vibrant.
Glad you are back1 I missed you. I've been gone too and am just trying to get back up and running...
You know... I love everything you have ! I want to move in !!
You also take really good pics too :)
Thanks for sharing ,
the first time you have ever bought yourself real flowers? Of course you know, it just must become a habit. At least once a month or so you absolutely have to buy yourself some real flowers. They are so very cheery!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love all your reds. Your home is beautiful!
Miss Cherry~I adore all of your red and also think you deserve fresh flowers every week. I am especially salivating over that It's A Wonderful Life sign though~where did you find it???
I just love all of what you've done and all the red! I have lots of red too! I'm so glad you popped in to see me! Oh, you'll have to make some fashion plates to match with all of your red!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Dolly, you just KNOW I LOVE this post as I am a RED fan as well. Your home is just so cute with all of your special vignettes and touches. I am drooling over the red clock and the green transferware dishes. Adorable.
* GASP * Oh my word Cherry!! I am speechless :) What a GOR-GE-OUS clock and all that red??!! well, nothing makes me happier than RED :) I adore that little mirror with writing on it too! You have such a huge huge talent for putting things together girly!! Everything looks stunning! If that clock was in a store , or for sale, it would be one of those pieces that I couldn't walk out without!! :) I think I'd scream : "its mine" throughout the store, lol :) fabulous post sweetie!! I want it all :)
Hugs, Cynthia
Beautiful red! I was wondering if you painted the clock because I have that same clock but in white! Great taste we have! : )
Have a wonderful day!
My gosh, you blog is gorgeous!
Always eye candy here for sure! Thanks for the pretties to look at!
Love it, LOVE IT ALL! That clock, the scale...ohh!
Red is one of my favorite colors too. All of your little things are so beautifully grouped together. Love all you do. Mimi
Fabulous red!!
Okay, you just TOTALLY inspired me. I have a red floral sheet that is the exact same fabric as your window panels (at least I thought it was a flat sheet – maybe it IS a table cloth ... hmm) I was thinking of slip covering some toss pillows with it, but now I think my windows will be getting that new look. Love the red scale!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Yours is simply lovely! I will be adding you to my list to stop by and visit! I just love all your red!!!!
Delightful as always. Red becomes you! You should treat yourself to flowers more often.
Gorgeous, love it all...had to laugh at that Coke can, too ;)
I love all of the red too, I am so drawn towards red, but I just don't seem to decorate my house too much with it besides my one red bathroom...but your pictures are inspiring!
I LOVE the cross stitched bird. It reminds me of this quilt that my grandmother made.
Where in the world do you find such cute stuff. You are one of the most talented people... I would love for you to decorate Lauren's room. I try but your amazing.
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