I just wanted to express my appreciation to you all for supporting me! I FINALLY got my Etsy up and going....listed 4 items people, 4 items! That is monumental..for me. You can see it ovaaaaaaaaaaa there to the left. If you care to take a gander I would truly be thrilled. I have had quite a few people emailing me where my etsy was....so sorry! She is there now, lol. I have many things in my head that I want to create and share! I will on occasion show a few things here..but hope to keep this mostly about decorating & my before and afters etc. etc. so it does NOT become a "store" of sorts. In honor of getting my etsy up and going....if you do go ahead and purchase something I will throw in a little something extra. It will be at my discretion...and whim...but will be cute never the less. This is only for my bloggy buddies! I also plan to have a give-away...it has been awhile...so keep peekin in! Since I have to have a pic with my post I will just show case one of my pieces for sale. Tomorrow...back to the original programming! Thanks soooo much everyone! Hugs, cherry
WOOHOO....I just bought one of the adorable creations!!!! Thanks Cherry!!!
Congratulations Cherry!!!! You will do well...you are so talented!
So glad you finally decided to share that talent.
That is so awesome!
Awesome!! Congrats!!
You will do great! All your things are just darling!!
Congratulations! I know you'll be an instant success with your lovely creations. laurie
Congrats! Good for you! Jen
I've been reading your blog for a while and love it! Congrats on your Etsy store. I'm sure you'll do wonderfully!
Of all your lovely treasures this is my favorite thus far. I'm sure your Etsy shop will be a huge success!
What a lovely blog you have. I enjoyed stopping by to visit. I will be back again soon!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Beautiful details! Love!
Congrats on your Etsy!
Beautiful - I love them :-)
The greatest of luck in your Etsy adventure- you WILL be successful because your items are so lovely and unique :-)
Pretty creations! You are certainly talented. Thanks for leaving such kind comments on my blog!
Trish @ TheOldPostRoadBLOG.blogspot.com
Cherry, I love the bird and I just bought it. You can wait and send it with the other piece I ordered. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful creativity.
Jean in virginia
yay for you Cherry!
Best Wishes to You...I'm sure you will do VERY well!!!!
congrats cherry...I am SURE you will do wonderful with your Etsy Store!! :)
You are so talented and do amazing things...best of wishes to you.
sandy toe
So cute!! Love your creations!! Thought of you at the thrift shop today...I found some child's scissors-they had four holes, though and red rubber on the handles. Unique they were.
Congrats on your Etsy store! I love your latest creation that you have featured on your blog today. Beautiful.
What is the name of your etsy store, I'd love to buy something!
Okay, I'm silly.. I found you :)
Man, I get busy for a couple of days, come back and I've missed the whole party. So glad you got your Etsy up and running again and are having such success the minute you do. But that's no surprise! : )
I love visiting...you always have such eye candy! I have some of the same vintage arm & hammer cards! I just love them! Very clever the way you used yours...love it! Congrats on getting your etsy up and running..woohoo!
Hugs, Angie
Really cute, so glad you are on Etsy it's a lot of fun.
thanks for the comment Cherry!
Darn, someone snatched up that GORGEOUS blue & brown bird piece before I could. I'll have to be faster next time :)
Cherry, congrats on getting your shop up and running. Can't wait to see all the lovely items you'll have up for sale!
for SUCCESS with
~cheers 'n tosses confetti~~blessings~Pearl
Congratulations! I'm sure you'll sell loads of all your cute stuff. I don't mind at all seeing your creations on your blog!
oh well done! I think they'll fly out the door...you are very talented
good for you
I have no doubt you will be successful in this endeavor. Your beautiful creations will sell easily. I wish you the best!! And, I look forward to seeing all of your aritistic projects.
Goody!! I can't wait to go over there and shop :)
Looking forward to seeing and hopefully purchasing some of your beautiful creations!
Yaaaa for your Etsy store.. I am so giddy about it.!!!! you are truly one talented lady!!! :)
Well sista, what an excellent idea, good for you! You are so very talented and I am certain that you will be successful in this new venture :)
congratulations...you will do well...all your projects are adorable
I just purchased your HOME letters! Can't wait. Thanks!
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