enough. It really did! You find one little treasure, in this instance a brown transferware pitcher (3.00 ladies)...before you know it you have cleared your whole entry buffet off (at least it gave me a chance to dust)....moved small chairs around. Than you decide the artwork isn't right anymore on either side...so that changes. Than you think hmmm I need some texture...so I switch the ribbon on the wreath and decide to make a pillow (I say MAKE loosely here) I actually took an old feedsack and wrapped it around a bolster insert and tied some jute on either ends. NO sewing. I like it...may be a bit HICK for some of you...but it works for me! Than you realize Wham....several hours have passed. I have more important things to do...I truly do! I can blame this phenomena on my mother.....she could buy a new dish towel...and wham all the kitchen counters became cleared and everything got cleaned and changed. It doesn't take much for me. I feel a bit rip van winkle...and all because of a silly little pitcher. Ahhh well! Evening folks! XOXO, Cherry
Oh my goodness, can you come over and help me decorate?? You are amazing! When you get a minute, please e-mail me and we can get a little swappy organized!:) Lori
I can so relate to this! One thing DOES lead to another. LOL Everything looks so great. Love the folding yardstick. I got the polka dot wrapping paper at Hobby Lobby last fall. At 50% off of course. Mimi
Oh, how I remember my mom really, getting a new dish towel and the whole house had to be cleaned and foofed! I see that it wasn't just my mother!!
This is why you are my favorite!!! LOVE IT.
Love your blog and have enjoyed reading it. I am still new at blogging but learning a little everyday.
I hope you will stop by and visit me.
The May give away has started....and next week I will be blogging from Disney World.
Morning Cherry! I'm laughing because I do the same thing; I buy one thing and the whole house can change style!!lol Love that little pitcher! Feedsack and burlap are all in style so I say "in style" not "hick"!!lol To answer your question the cow bottle cap came from Joanne Fabric and Craft on sale for 8 down from 15! And thanks for telling me what it was! I kept looking at it trying to figure out what it reminded me of! Duhhh Bottle Cap - Yes!!!lol Have a great weekend! Love your previous post too - Bet those postcards will appear in some pretty art??!!
Cherry, I will give you one of my pitchers, and then I will add a few more of my pieces, and then I will stand back in wonder as you transform my whole house(okay, maybe just one room). I marvel at how perfectly you place, arrange, add too or take away...and it is ALL done so beautifully. As I scroll down through each post, it is like a treasure hunt...with all happy endings. I hope you innocently pick up some more pieces in your home.
I love that brown ware...so pretty!
sandy toe
Holy cow!!! You are very talented in the art of designing.
I love it when an inpsiration hits just a bargain deal.
That,to me, is like heaven on earth, the cake and the icing, a designer's diamond in the rough!!!
Glad to have stumbled upon you!!
.mac :)
Sounds like the perfect way to spend an evening to me. Look at what you did! It looks great. I love the whole vignette. Where do you get the strapping that you tied the wreath with?
I know exactly where you are comin' from. It looks fantastic!
Looks great...and sound EXACTLY like something I would do. ;-)
Love it! You made the perfect little vignette! I'm scouting around my house now to see where I can copy it (:
I love the new arrangement! I also love & collect brown transferware :)! The "ribbon" on the wreath is perfect, & I love the ruler tucked in there on the table too!! My mom was the opposite of yours...once something was in place, it didn't move for 10+ years!
just bought some feed sacks yesterday for $4.50 a piece...I think that was a deal!
You are singing my song! I do the same thing!
Your table and surroundings looks wonderful! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
All I can say is, Me too girl, me too! I love it! Looks cute!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving me such a sweet message!! I am enjoying getting lost in your blog!!! I have added it to my bookmarks and will be stopping by often!! :)
Wow that is gorgeous. Just curious where did you find that small little Family plaque. I know I saw them somewhere the other day but cant remember where. The ones I saw had a magnet on the back.
It does feel good to change things up a bit. When the change looks like what you have done - fabulous - how can you go wrong. I really like how you are able to arragne items and make it all seems so easy and fabulously wonderful.
Beautiful! How great!!!
Oh goodness gracious! That is just beautiful! nancy
love the pitcher!
and that sideboard buffet is just so adorable...you did a fantastic job playing dress up with it.
always enjoy your photography!!
have a good weekend.
I love all the pieces & especially the little transferware pitcher!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh Cherry....how pretty! So funny...I love to rearrange...don't we all! Thank you for sharing your pretty home....a perfect ending to the week! I love to see your decorating! Have a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day!
Hi there...I know what you mean about one thing changing the whole color scheme!!!! I love the white, cream and brown...I think I might have that same brown little bird. Your transferware is great. Don't you love finding treasures like that? Woohoo for you!
Happy Mother's Day!
Oh I just did this the other day, however I am not finished and you my darling are way too cute! love the new look! Happy Mother's day!
Oh my goodness gracious! Absolutely beautiful! I really love the inspiration that I am getting from so many talented bloggers. Your style is equisite.
YIKES!@ I do know how to spell "exquisite".
I have been having so much fun catching up on your posts. It is always such a treat to look at all your pics. As always.... I am inspired!!!
Everything looks great! I love meeting new friends in blogland! You are one creative gal. I love all of your treasures and ideas. Thanks!
I LOVE your brown transferware pitcher. Where do you people find these incredible bargains? The pillow, the tie on the wreath - it all looks fabulous, and you are so creative! I know what you mean - when I find something new to place somewhere, I get a little carried away with all of the moving around, but it is so much fun! laurie
Oh I love all your pretties!
That burlap "ribbon" is perfect for a project I'm working on....thankyou!
OK, email me about the Chic Chick widget. Krjdemmon@comcast.net
Looks really good, and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pitcher and all your other whiteware!
WOW!! You did a wonderful job-what a decorator you are!! I love the brown transferware jug and I can't believe it was only $3.00!! Way to go Cherry!!
Love the transferware pitcher!!!
It's always fun to see your projects!
Happy Mother's Day.
Deb :)
* How F*U*N to "find" you just now (I think I was at Laurie's... YOU know, our beloved "Bargain Hunter"!)~~~ I so ENJOY your great personal style... of decorating AND writing!!! I'll definitely be back for more~~~ super fun AND you have a keen eye!!! Many thanks! Linda in AZ *
I love your little pitcher and the jute webbing turned wreath ribbon is so great. Everything looks wonderful!
I just love, love, love your new display! There is so much eye candy & inspiration in those few square feet!
I LOVE this, all of it! SO cute. What a great idea for the pillow. Where is it and the basket with the little sign sitting?
To cute Cherry! I have done that MANY times over! LOL! Love what you did! You are such an inspiration to me!
Hi Cherry!
A quick "hello" and a thank you for stopping by my blog. Thanks so much for the sweet comments.
Love your most recent blog post. I can so relate. LOL, I call it "the domino effect." You just want to add a little something, and next thing you know it's this full blown makeover, but it's fun. Love how your vignette came out.
I'm so happy you strolled in for a visit. We're actually neighbors...I'm across the Columbia river in Vancouver.
I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. They are truly awe inspiring.
I adore the brown transferware.
At the last gift and trade show I attended, I really notice how popular neutral colors have become in design. A color of endless possibilities!
I look forward to coming by your charming spot again.
I've posted some gift ideas you might enjoy . I'm going to leave it up until Monday so there's no rush.
Sweet wishes,
Oh my gosh! I cracked up when I read this! I'm a teacher, but my passion is decorating. I so should spend much more time planning lessons and grading papers...BUT, like you (and your mom)I am constantly changing things in our house. My poor kids! They just never know what to expect. Actually, I think they're finally used to it(I hope). I wonder if my daughter will be like me someday and be like...okay, I understand now why my mom was the way she was... My son, well, he'll probably always see my ways as a bit odd!
Love your blog! It truly is a JUBILEE of great reading and eye candy! Have a great day!
Oh wow...I need you here!!!
Love the packages you received in the mail! : )
I totally get it!! I sort of snowballs out of control. I love it though.
It looks amazing!!!
Going to the Rose Bowl Flea Market tomorrow for my Mother's Day fun!!
Chat soon,
So Cute! I love it! Thanks for the inspiration!
I like the wreath hanging form that perfect ribbon.
I so want to get one of those oold yard sticks or measuring sticks...I love yours.
Happy Mother's Day
Okay, that brown transfer ware pitcher is too cute! I have been looking ALL over for a piece of that color ware and can't find anything. I live in San Diego and wonder if it's just more rare here. I enjoyed looking at your table arrangement as well as the mirror decor! Very nice.
blog: http://emmacallsmemama.com
Love your blog. Your home is beautiful. Glad I found you!
Hi Cherry :)
Well, I hope you get another new little something or other because your brilliance with vignettes shine! I love the whole thing and it's not hick at all :)
Happy mother's Day!
I love all your photos. You have such good taste.
Gotta love a little change!! Such sweet goodies you got from blog friends!!
This is so true. I can buy one little thing and before I know it I am painting a wall and rearranging everything in the room and it all started with one little thing.
Believe me, I know what you mean! But, ain't it just so much FUN?! Looks beautiful!!!
Oh my....I am so happy to know I am not the only one that does this..sometimes it is as small as a shell, or a book or candle and the next thing you know I have an entire room torn apart!! This is just what I needed today, off to work and not to happy about it, would rather be at home re-vamping! Thanks for the inspiration, tomorrow is another day, and I am off!! Have a great Monday my friend, Chrissy
Cherry, who but you could make an old wooden ruler look wonderful and just so perfect in your vignette. I so never get tired of looking at your photos. I just don't know why when we get something special we just can't set it down and leave it. I am with you 100% in always rearranging my "stuff" to accomadate a new treasure which means cleaning too. thanks for being you and sharing with us.
Have a great Monday.
Jean in virginia
LOL! I know!! I happens to me all the time! Everything looks lovely and if I ever find an old yardstick like that you can bet I'll be doing my initital (so cute)!
Love it! Isn't it the truth...need to rearrange to dust. Love the dresser and what a score on the pitcher.kath
I love your blog - just discovered it and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your photos, design and writing style! I've added you to my blogroll.
Hi Cherry! Just wanted to stop by to answer your question about my printer...we have a Hewlett Packard one that my husband got from work (he has a home office). We like it, but it is nothing fancy. Wish I had something that was a little more accurate for printing color...also wish I could be of more help to you!
I also love what you've done with this redesign. The toile pitcher is a great inspiration! It's all so pretty!
I can say with complete confidence that I have done this way too many times! I could be in the middle of doing the dishes and decide to rearrange the livingroom or paint the kitchen table ... You have a lovely decorating style.
Little things always spill over into big things. It was completely worth your time, it looks wonderful! You have such a skill for arranging things. Beautiful, beautiful!! That transferware pitcher is amazing!
Have a great week Cherry.
Your taste is SOOOOOOOOOOOO MY taste! We would have fun shopping together, I'm sure! ;O)
You are so right~ decorating can have a domino effect of doing one thing, and then before you know it, you're changing everything! :) I must say though, that your hours of decorating have paid off~ it all looks absolutely fabulous! :) I love the way your pictures really capture all the details! :) I hope you're having a great week!
Oh I am so so glad to know that I am not the only one this happens to! It takes so little for me to get in that mode, but ya know...it's my favorite mode :)
i love your wreath in the mirror i have one as well. there' s just something classy about it isn't it?
I found your blog through the Cottage Charm Giveaway and am in love with it!!! I HEART that brown transferware pitcher.$3?????????? Oh I would gave at least 5 times that.I want brown transfer ware so bad and love pitchers anyway.
I however did find my first piece today.I was saving the suprise for Rhoda's thrifty finds party she does every Monday,do you check out her blog? If not you should,amazing blog,anyway on Mondays everyone shares their Goodwill,garage sale,or just plain cheap thrifty finds.It's so much fun.Her blog is http://southernhospitality-rhoda.blogspot.com/ .Anyway in case you don't go I got my first brown transferware piece,a bowl, at a garage sale for $0.10.Yes a dime.I about fell out.It was in mint condition.I was so tickled.Ok didn't mean to write a book.I don't know when to shuddup,lol.Again,Love your blog!
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