Ok so I have always wanted to be able to use that title...but darn it...it it so fitting for the banner I made. I have been wanting to make one that spells out WICKED..for sometime. Such a fun word for Halloween. I thought this would be a fun shape to use...so I got my ruler out..a vintage one of course..and went to work figuring out the size etc. Banners can be any shape or size you wish...which is great if you have an idea for where you want to put it. This one I ended up just using heavy cardstock and doubled it up with dense scrapbook paper so it would not bend. I chose to stitch the top portion of each pendant. YEP you can stitch paper...and it is a lot of fun...adds that homespun look to a project. I suggest using a scrap piece of paper till you get use to it. I embellished each pendant with inks and added crepe paper rosettes....I did several layers for a full look. For me there is no science to a rosette...I just start folding with my fingers...and every couple of folds I use a stapler to keep it together. Than to cover the area where they come together I used my handy dandy circle puncher and glued it on top. I love rosettes and once your fingers become nimble they are easy to do..just a bit time consuming. I decided to use glittered letters...which you can find readily just about anywhere now. I strung tea-stained twill ribbon through to hang. I love to embellish a little extra with buttons and pearls....the sky is the limit. I have had several folks email about my banners..so I thought I would do a quick tutorial here. I love doing banners...they are such a fun way to personalize your home. I hope someone who has never tried one...gives it a go! You will feel like a kid again...with your construction paper, glue, and scissors. NO teachers looking over your shoulders though...so go ahead and do it your way!
There are a few new goodies over in my store. Hope everything finds all of you well this Monday afternoon. Off to watch tv. with the kid. XOXO, Cherry