Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Peer pressure proves to be NOT so problematic

Ok so I broke under the pressure. I told myself I would NOT put out a single thing nada zilch....nope not gonna do it. NO FALL/HALLOWEEN decor until after Labor Day. But than came along this creative little ensemble
and this sweet little treat and these cuter than the real thing and this gorgeous centerpiece
and oh so many more..............I broke. I simply broke down. What's a girl to do? If you can't beat em join em. Sooooo since I will be gone up till Labor Day I thought it would be ok to bring out a few Dollar Tree pumpkins and pinecones from the yard. Of course I had to share my new black lab print with you all. I fell in love with it among several other dog prints at a little decor store while on vacation. Would have liked to bring home all of them...but since we have a lab this one fit the bill. I plan on making a burlap table runner for right here but just sat it under the basket for now. I was thrilled the other day to get my little package from Ms. Susie the sweetest little mini gourd. Fits right in. Of course she added a few dilectible little of which is tied to one of my pumpkins. Well there you have it...the start of my Fall decor. You all gone and made me do it! Happy over the hump day! xoxo, cherry


Beth Leintz said...

Don't worry- white pumpkins are an all season decor- and they sure are refreshing on a warm summer day!

Rachel Berry said...

Hey I'm right there with ya honey!!
I am trying to get Sept 1st to be Put up your fall decor day. But no one is taking me seriously. Sigh.. What's a girl to do?

I love your fall cuties. And that tassle from Susie. One of these day's my finger is gonna slip on the purchase button & I'm gonna get one. She does such a cute job.

And it looks like I need to go visit the Dollar Tree and do a little Dollar Damage.
That is when they put all their fall stuff out. I was in there yesterday and they had the cutest skulls on twine rope. I think I need to figure out something to do with them...

Alright I'm going to stop now I'm getting mighty windy.

Oh and thanks for the plug, your just too cha cha for words.


Claremont First Ward said...

Oh boy do I love what you've done with your decorations!

Ashley said...

So much fun! I love fall and I am itching to get it out.

The Berry's Patch said...

Hi Cherry,

I'm about to succumb to peer pressure as well. I said I wasn't going to do it until after labor day but then got out some stuff today. Your fall decor looks great!

Brandee :-)

Joy said...

Mmwaahhaahaa!!! You caved to peer pressure. You know the funny thing about this post?!? After I took pictures for my post, I put away my grinning skull (and I'm not talking about myself here) and he's not coming back out until October.
I might put up some more generic fall decor next week though. I put out a little in September and then continue to add and change and rearrange until the day after Thanksgiving.
I love your Dollar Tree decor. Who says great taste has to cost a lot of money, right?

KarenB said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by. Your blog is very cute. I understand why you gave into pumpkin pressure. It's so hard for me to get into the seasons here in SoCal because September is our hottest month all year. Yuck. The seasons aren't the same. Maybe after I get back from NYC I'll feel in the Fall mood.

Jenni said...

It's all so cute, though, I think it's great that you gave in! :)
I think the only way I am going to be able to hold off until next week is because we won't be here all weekend! Fall is coming~ yea!

Hope you have a wonderful night! :)

Anonymous said...

ah well, it looks fantastic, some great decs there

your comment on my fabric - IKEA, yes really, very economical, it is nice fabric that would be at least triple the price in a high end store, I am always pleased with the fabric quality in IKEA and if you look you can find some great stuff, just have to steer away from the horribly modern, Scandinavian stuff...

shame you don't have curb pick-up, it's new to me and I'm gonna love it lol!


Darlene said...

Oh, I just love your vignettes...the lab print is great, along with those little pumpkins and gourds! I have put a few Fall things out...I know what you mean about the peer

Rae said...

I can't believe you buckled!!! Shame, shame. :)

I must admit you put together absolutely darling things.

I'm still staying strong!! No fall decor until next Tuesday!!!

Dawn said...

Your fall decorations look lovely! I'm just not there yet. With the end of summer comes the beginning of school and that is taking up all of my time!

take care,

The Whitfields said...

Hey Cherry! Oh thank you so much, I love my animals, they are definitely my babies. All three are rescue & special needs.

Yes, blogger has been giving me so many problems, I lost all my posts when I was trying to edit my layout on Monday. I hate how you can't contact anyone!

I love your layout! It is so CUTE! Nice to meet you...


Cathy Cobblestone said...

OH SO CUTE - it is so hard to wait! You have such a knack for display - really pretty "eye candy". Have a beautiful blessed day and I'm linking you up. Cathy

Katie said...

Oh it looks so great! I know...I'm trying to hold off till Sept. 1. I LOVE that lab print! And the white pumpkins are so great!!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

I'm with ya! I'm trying hard too, but I'm afraid I'll break by next week!! ;) Such pretty displays you do--love them!


Trixi said...

I know what you mean about waiting until Labor Day. My oldest daughter is a stickler for the "RULES". So I am just having to wait and enjoy everyone else's beauties. I love your white pumpkins!!!

Marie said...

I'm praying none of you decide to jump off a bridge...because I'd be right behind you! It's sick isn't it? All your fall decor looks so pretty!!! Thanks for a few more links to peek at... :o)

Deserae said...

Your fall decos look fabulous! I on the other hand am holding strong and will not put anything out until after Labor Day...Um yeah right! Let's see how long I last shall we?!?!?! LOL

Free Art Printables said...

Cute pumpkins! I am so getting ready for fall! Jen R

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said... cute!! Now you have me in the mood to pull out my fall stuff!!!!

Everything looks SO beautiful.

Kristen, pajama mama said...

AHHHH! I"ve been SOOOO patient NOT to decorate until September. I thought I was crazy...glad someone else had the urge to do it too! And thanks for the links...I'm gonna have to make some pumpkins today!

Tausha said...

I am impressed that you waited this long. I know-I am having a hard time as well. It is a little easier here though, it's still hot and i just can't do it when it
s 90 degrees outside. Although, the leaves are falling off of my trees (oh yea) and the sun has definately changed. Just can't do it though-I told myself I had to wait until after it has been under 90 for at least a week.
Maybe I am just lazy. I am leaning towards that excuse. At least i am honest right?

Anonymous said...

I love everything you have used to decorate. You can use the excuse I do. Since I work, I have to get it done when I have the time (as in a holiday weekend).

Besides your house looks so cute with all those pretty pumpkins.


nikkicrumpet said...

Heck...when you have such pretty things you SHOULD put them up early. I love all the white pumpkins..they just look so classy. And the tassel is awesome.

Oh and Crumpet was wondering if next time they get in a pickle...if they can call Riley...he looks pretty tough!

nikkicrumpet said...

Heck...when you have such pretty things you SHOULD put them up early. I love all the white pumpkins..they just look so classy. And the tassel is awesome.

Oh and Crumpet was wondering if next time they get in a pickle...if they can call Riley...he looks pretty tough!

Blogger said...

Ooohh...I have my Susie tags on my plates on my fall decor dining table...but I may have to move one to a pumpkin stem! lol

I have found 3 cute brown pumpkins from The Dollar Tree, but no white ones...grumble, grumble...I love that pear tassel from Susie!!!

Bella :)

joelandbecca said...

Yeah, my husband laughed at me when I set out my dollar store pumpkins-so I hid them and am waiting! The taunting at home is too much for me. I look on you all with envy!

Bella Della said...

So funny! It's so hard to wait on stuff like that. Fall fever- does it every single time! Love the white pumpkins!

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Oh yes, I can feel fall in the air here in Michigan. . . and I . . .can't. . . WAIT!!!! The kids start school Tuesday, our oldest has already started back to college and out is coming my fall decor!!!



Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi I love all that you did, it looks wondermazing! Hey I did not see an email from you, I'm not sure why. But here is my email again
If it doesn't come through this time I will know it is my server, etc. So sorry about the trouble!
Blessings, Debbie

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Am I the last to bit the bullet? It's just too warm in NC for me to think fall, but it's looking so cute. Now I regret not buying the urn at the last yard sale I went to. Yours is too cute.

Nicole said...

I love your pretty tassle. I really gotta get me one of those. Love your white pumkin, I just bought me the same one this past weekend, now I'm wishing I would have picked up a couple more. Love your fall decor, I'm trying really hard to wait a couple more weeks, but it's killing me.

Kim's Treasures said...

LOL blogland peer pressure! I gave in a while ago due to the pressure too! It's so much fun to decorate for fall! I have a Susie tassel too! Love her stuff!
Have a great day!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

OH, you are making it harder and harder for me to resist my own fall decorations! Just a few more days! I am so close! But I have to say how much I LOVE your black lab drawing. It is perfect!

Sarah said...

I'm always looking for good recommendations for books, thanks for the one you left in your comment. I'll add it to my wishlist on amazon! Have a great day!

fleur de lis cottage said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your blog is fabulous. I love to transform and create too. I'll be back by to see what you're cooking up next

ROXY said...

Oooh Love your fall decorations. Aren't you excited!? Fall is almost here....I can feel it in my bones:)
Oh great, I hope I will be able to find one of those's just so cute!! I think I will do it for Oreo. In plan on doing so my investigating about the Glucosamine. If it helps, I think it's a great idea:)

Thanks Cherry:)


Way to Go :) I did my mantle last Saturday with just a little fall and will add more :) Love your fall treasures and the Lab print.
Warmly, Deb :)

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, but everything looks soooo pretty. I am about to die for some white pumpkins with pretty ribbons. That will be my extent of fall decorating. just not my thing.

Yes, before I had so many surgeries on the legs, I walked 3 miles a day. Then, whamo!! Last surgery was in July and I started walking about 2 weeks after that but could only make my tired legs go a couple of blocks. I just kept it up, got the legs stronger and now can do a mile. I will stay with it for awhile and then try a mile and a half. My goal is to walk with my sweet daughter in law next summer in the WALK FOR ARTHRITIS. She does it every year in honor of her mom and I want to do it with her....I. THINK. I. CAN.
love, bj

Anonymous said...

I love fall decorations! They all look great!!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Nooooo! I will stay strong, oh yes I will!! (But I did hit up Dollar Tree and snag me some of those pumpkins!)

~ Sarah

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

Hahaha!! I just have to laugh because I am so ready for Fall and then all the decorations going around makes me want Fall to come that much more. However, the nearly 100 degree temps this week have held me back. Still summer. So very much still summer.

Mrs. B said...

Well, fall decorations and peer pressure seem to be running rampant! I might be next! I love your decorations. I especially like all the white gourds and pumpkins. I think I need to search for some new white gourds for my fall decor too!

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Thanks for visiting my blog. So glad you did because I love to view crafty and creative blogs such as yours. :o}

You mentioned your love for monogrammed things but you forgot to enter my giveaway! Come back and enter!! It may have been confusing. lol Go to the 100th post giveaway post. TY!

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I'm just across the Vancouver,WA! What a small world this blog land can be. I think our cooler temps this summer has put us in a early Fall mood. That and Miss Harris with her crafts! My recent post has a bit of a Halloween feel to it;0 I have shopped for the decor, but I'm fighting the urge to start creating Fall vignettes...time and temps will tell.LOL!
Have *SWEET* Day!

duchess said...

Love all of your fall decor. I'm trying to hold off as well (it's a good thing I can't find most of it yet).

Thanks for stopping by & hope you have a good trip.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love that you put out fall decor already - haha - I have been making myself hold off but its SO hard because fall is such a great time of year.

have a wonderful weekend away!

Creations from my heart said...

Thanks for leaving me on comment on my blog. I am so glad cause now I got to see your blog. I am in a hurry but tonight I am going to sit and read it all! I love decorating ideas and fall is right around the corner. I am going to put you on my read list.Stop by and visit again.

Kathi Roach said...

Beautiful! I especially love the white pumpkins! I think I'm ready to start decorating for Fall too.

The Whitfields said...

Hey Cherry! I have a question for you. I wanted to add a thick border around my blog (like a peach/pink tile) but I can't figure out how to. How would I do that? Your blog looks very technologically advanced so I thought you would know.

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS photos!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! I'm getting mine out this weekend too.. I can't wait till Monday!

Susie Q said...

It all looks so pretty...I have yet to do it, Fall decorat that is. : ) I will next week. I have been on the go for so long and then will have my nephew for a wek. Fall will have to wait till after that! : ) My energy level is so bad right now! But I LOVE Fall and all that goes with it. Your home is so pretty and seeing your sweet decor puts me in the spirit...even if it is 87 degrees outside! *laugh*


{darlene} said...

you are so creative! thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I am enjoying visiting yours. I will be back to keep up with your creative ideas!

Victoria said...

Hey! Would love for you to add us to your blog roll!

I always read your blog but you have so many comments I have been bad about commenting regularly. :)

I love my crock pot...makes it so much easier for me to fix dinner early in the day before my feet are tired and it be done by supper time. I also work 2 days a week so that helps as well!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Your fall decor looks so pretty! I'm trying to hold out to, until after LD...but I have it in bags in the floor, so I may as well put it out! LOL! Have a great Labor Day! ~Rhonda :)

Your tassle from Susie is so cute!

Faded Plains said...

Just love your fall vignette. The lab print looks perfect with the burlap and white chic.

Jeni said...

I don't blame you. I will be right behind you! Thanks for the boost.

Dawn said...

Everything is so cute! I think it's ok to jump on into fall! Have a great weekend!

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

Sooooooo sweet! I love it all! You have such a knack for arranging things!!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I am drooling...I love all of your fall decor. I might have to break down now too :-)

Rue said...

Hi Cherry :)

I've been fighting temptation to do anything Fall-ish, at least until after Labor Day. Thank goodness we're going away or I would have started after this post LOL

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
rue :)

tincanlily said...

I love the white pumpkins! I have bought a few Mums and I will be putting a few more things up next weekend!

Ms. Tee said...

Your decorations are so pretty! I'm getting ready to give in, too. :) Have a great weekend!

Screaming Meme said...

I love all of your decor....I want to shop there!!

BittersweetPunkin said...

I am waiting just a little bit longer...just a little bit....

Your things are lovely!

Carry Grace said...

I'm still holding strong, but yours is coming together very nicely.

Dena said...

OH....fighting the urge...I NEED pumpkins...(my hubby is saying not yet)...I think I'm caving too! I love the white ones!!!


Anonymous said...

Love the tassel! I can't even think about fall untill it gets cooler. It's been in the 90's and summer is not over for us yet!

Thanks for dropping by!


Melissa Stover said...

thanks for coming by my blog. i'm going to do the same this week. love your white pumpkins!

Free Art Printables said...

Every thing is so cute! And it's okay, I don't think any of that stuff is Halloween! :)

Wendy said...

Such pretty fall stuff. I'm gonna put mine out too....can't help it ;)

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

HA! Holy cow you have a million comments here! So good to see you today on my blog. YES, it is still me! ;-)

You went into spam, guess it didn't recognize you!

So glad you will be a part of fall nesting week! mr. linky goes up tonight!

Great ideas here, as always! xoxo


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the SITStahood!

Your blog is ADORABLE! We definitely need to feature you!

See you in roll call!

Dena said...

Hey Cherry,

I found that sign at a thrift store and added the polka dot ribbon myself :) I wish we could go shopping together too! Did I just notice that you heart Robby Benson? I am SOOOOO with you on that! Ever since Ode to Billy Joe came out. I think he owned my heart at 12 :)


kari and kijsa said...

Beautiful! Refreshing and cosy!
Happy Labor Day! Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement!

kari & kijsa

Our Complete Family said...

Hey there Cherry! You are too darn sweet to pop a link over to my little pumpkin table dec sweetie! Awww :) I love, love, love all of your goodies. The tags on your pumpkins are adorable, the tassle is super are so crafty and gosh darn I wish you were my neighbor!!! I need to dig out some fall papers/stamps and make a few goodies, too! Happy Labor day hun! ~ Les

Judy said...

I'm gonna have to conform as well and get out my fall stuff as that's all I see in blogland and stores....but it is all so pretty!

The progress in my kitchen has come to a standstill as I'm waiting on the guy to come by to measure for the cabinet he's supposed to build. Another week has come and gone and he's still not here...supposed to come Wednesday! If he doesn't, I don't have a Plan "B"...until he does I'll spray paint the cabinet hardware and put that back on and do a little fluffing but I don't want to show anything until I'm done....I just ordered the slipcoveres tonight and still have to age the table base. I've really run out of steam lately so I'm just taking it slow.

Check ya later!

Barbara said...

It all looks gorgeous though!!! I'm swapping mine out the 3rd week of September

Decor To Adore said...

I love that cabin. Where in the world is it?
Such a cute boy. I DO remember those horses. We had one at Shakey's pizza. :)

Love all your decor.

Anonymous said...

Love it all! I'm so in the mood for fall now! I can't wait to start decorating. You've inspired me.

Gretchen said...

You've inspired me!

Looks beautiful ... so much detail!

Jennyshemochharmoni said...

Hi Cherry! Thank you for visiting my blog! I´m a Swedish woman but the language is very similar with the Norway language. I can read english :) Thank you for sending me a comment! Have a nice day!

Julia @ Hooked on Houses said...

I love the white pumpkins and gourds. I'm going to have to get some this year! These look great. -Julia :-)

jill said...

All your fall touches are so sophisticated. Thanks for the inspiration.

Lallee said...

Beautiful Fall ideas. Thank you for sharing! I always love the white pumpkins.