I have recently gone to work for a dentist office and still at work/play at the Scrapbook store from time to time so my computer and I don't see each other much anymore. I know... "cry me a river"....right? Many of you out there doing the same thing day after day. God Bless you all! I am struggling with juggling my job, family, excercise, keeping up housework, and my beloved crafts. I have been blessed with being able to stay home with my son but with him getting older I felt I needed to get back out to the working world. I miss posting too sooo many other blogs that I love and adore! Anyone checking in......I am still alive! Anyone with any great tips on managing time? I thought I would at least post a few around the house shots. Recently got the little tweety bird at a store on the coast and the little antique blocks came from a little antique shop. I hope to get outside soon to play in the dirt. Our weather here has been VERY fickle. Hope to post to many of you soon! xoxo, cherry