BETTER than sliced bread in my humble opinion........PEGBOARD. LOVE it.....for this organizational lacking individual it is a little piece of heaven. I have such problems with keeping things in their place....I really think I lack that gene...and I am convinced there is a gene....I have seen it in blog land. So many neat as a pin chicks out there...you know who u are! I try and try and to no avail...things end up a BIGGGG mess. WHY do you think I never show you guys my whole craft space??? Hmmmmmmm? It is a big bonafide mess. I am a free spirit when it comes to creating...I have to have everything surrounding me. I am visual.....chaotic.....and it leads to such travesty in my life and the people around me...sigh. Anyways...so I bought some peg board....seems so simple. Painted it black and hung them up. NOW I see the light. I can see all my important things right there...hanging. It may not be visually appealing to some..but boy o boy she is a beaut to me. So that is my share today folks....that and snippets of the craft room...I still have a few paper piles....but she is getting gussied up. The lovely stained glass cherry you see as well as the sweet little tin plates I have nestled in my containers are from SWEET JEAN in Virginia....she also sent me a darling crochet pot holder that I have in my kitchen. Thanks soooo much Jean!
I also wanted to show another one of my cake stands that I did a few days ago. Painted the pedestal white with red showing through....and added a pretty embellished skirt to it. I have also been making crepe flowers again...actually a lot of flowers out of paper too. LOVE making them.
Other than that.....I am adding goodies to etsy tonight....bingo cards, cards, etc. it takes awhile to list everything so keep checking back. OHHHHH I am going to be marking some of my items down....I really would like to get my store cleaned out for the holidays.....several of the items would make lovely Christmas gifts....just check for the *SALE* in my listing title.