I am suppose to name 6 things I value and 6 I do not:
I value and am humbled by our God...WOW. Enough said.
I value my family....they are pretty much my everything.
I value our pets.....I know...but really I consider them apart of our little family unit. Very cheap entertainment.
I value my friends...both real life and on here in our blogosphere. Old and new alike (Kirsten) :) Ms. Rachel :)
I value the fact that in these times...I have a roof over my head and food.......
I value a really good Mexi Mocha....keeps me sane...and energized. I am a simple girl with simple needs.
6 Things I do not Value
RUDE people......rude driving...ARGH
People that talk on cell phones in cars DRIVING..sorry but boy is that a pet peeve of mine.
People that litter...throw things out their cars
That said...people who do not recycle....just plain lazy to me.
Gossip.........grew up in a small town...seen enough of it for a life time. Just keep your mouth shut. IF you can't say anything nice than. don't. say. anything. at. all.
People not open to new experiences...closed minds.
Ok next one is from Ms. Coco.... wonderful blog and decorator....check out her black fireplace surround....what more do you need? http://ordinarymiracles-coco.blogspot.com/
Isn't this the prettiest little award...love the colors! Thanks Coco!
Suppose to name 6 things about myself ............I have been putting this off...I mean I am a pretty BORING humanoid. I was also tagged to list the six things from our Ms. Jackie over at http://emptynestfulllife.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2008-10-07T20%3A44%3A00-04%3A00 1)I am not a morning person...I mean REALLY not a morning person...I am a horrid person in the wee morning hours, 2) I am an only child......some think that to be ODD....hmmm...I don't know...it is kinda cool, I have no problem being alone.......but I miss having siblings...especially now. My husband is also an only child....so I guess we make a odd couple AND a darn small family gathering. 3) My name REALLY is CHERRY. NOT sherry but CHERRY.....like the fruit....man I wish I had a dollar for everytime that has been said. I have had soooo many people ask me that. 4) Grew up in a very small town....went to the same school my mother did....she had 6 in her grad. class...me? 28.Is that what they call a population boom? I think NOT> 5)I would spend hours in my very small bedroom(as a teen).....decorating....little vignettes....wall groupings...than of posters of James Dean...Sting.....latest boy craze...I once drew a HUGE PEACE sign....and hung it on my ceiling...I sooo thought that was clever ...then. Hmmmm. 6) I ADORE old movies....ever since I was small....love Cary Grant "Arsenic and old lace" "Mr. Blandings", Natalie Wood....."This property Condemned", Myrna Loy, John Barrymore, Jimmy Steware-It's a Wonderful Life and the list goes on and on.....that said...I know I was born in the wrong era...have always felt like that. I am pretty old-fashion in some ways...I do NOT own a cell phone. OK have your eyes glazed over? Sorry but you will have to blame the taggers.
This gorgeous award is from Janelle...........have you been over to visit her? Her place is like going home....so warm and cozy. Thanks Janelle!http://warmheartcozyhome.typepad.com/warm_heart_cozy_home/
Ok last but not least....My buddy Kristi...who I have got to talk to on the phone...we go way back.....tooooooo when some of us ladies were on decorating boards....anyone remember those? Are they still out there? Great Impressions??? So funny how things change anyways she tagged me. http://wwwthethriftygypsy.blogspot.com/ 6 things I collect
1) milkglass, 2) old English tins, 3) old transferware and ironstone, 4) tole trays...but I never find any cheap ones, 5) old papers and postcards, 6) vintage sewing notions, trims etc. Ok.....I think I covered everything. I collect ohhhh so much more...but we won't go into that. I am oh so heading towards being an old woman with too many cats and tooo many knick knacks. I pass all the awards on to everyone that takes time to visit me..there are sooo m any wonderful creative women out there...you all deserve kudos. Thank-you ladies for the awards...is anyone still here? Speaking of collections I love silouettes.....I can't afford them....but love them. I have only acquired a few REAL ones. I love the black/white graphic quality of them. Anyways I had this small funny spot in my hallway..and have been filling it with real and faux silouettes. I took two old German Postcards of a boy and a girl...they look silouettey rofl. I framed them and added vintage black seam binding around them. I lucked out and found George at a garage sale....25 cents. OH where Oh where is Martha? I would love to find her....George is lonely. I thought I would share a small area I messed around with...moved some of my old white pottery here on the black shelf....another collection...seee destined for old knick knack woman..stuffed some Halloween postcards among them.