Sunday, October 12, 2008

All that glitters...

Is really glittery...even my hair has glitter in it. My pics are not that great but I wanted to share a few things this evening. I glittered some paper mache pumpkins and made a glitterey candy corn cone. I did some Dollar store skeletons as well. Lots of glittery fun. I think I will be making more of the glittery candy corn cones....would be great for treat holders. Happy Sunday all & thanks for the well wishes for son. He is feeling better, but has developed a keep him in your prayers please. Cherry


Susie said...

Those are sooooo cute. Last year, Martha glittered EVERYTHING. She's got some really good glitter in her line.

Julie H said...

I can just imagine the glitter trail lol. Very cute though!

CMB said...

very cute...worth the sparkle you will have for days!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Gotta love glitter!! It all looks great! Hope your son feels better soon!

Cassie said...

I'm defiantly a glitter gal! What did you make the candy corn cones out of? They are adorable!

Kim Hancock said...

That candy corn cone is the cutest thing. That would make a great gift for neighbors & friends filled with treats!

Susie Homemaker said...

Cherry...the world (my world) would be a very dull place without glitter...I love all that you do. I so wanted that cute nest banner...will you be making more?

By the way, thanks for the visit and kind comment on my Scotty Dog's efforts...yes, I truly came home to that wonderful suprise...

Hope your little one stays on the mend...rashes are icky, itchy, yucky...make him wear mittens! HAHA!

Warmest Regards,

Lisa Marie said...

I never thought of doing that with those paper pumpkins what a great idea, I love the cones too. I hope your little man feels better soon, hugs, lisa

Heathahlee said...

I'm thinking ahead to Christmas and I would love those cones in red and green with some gorgeous ribbon! Where do you get your glitter?

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

I love the glittery cones. Is it regular ol' glitter or something special?

Valarie Lea said...

Love all the glitter! Went to the pumpkin patch this weekend and planned on glittering some of them , but time got away from me. Maybe this week. :)

AndreaLeigh said...

ooh sparkles! lol. they are divine!

Tausha said...

ok-as usual-I love everything! I have got to make me one of those cones. Are they hard? Would you mind telling me how to do it?
I wish I was close cause I would love to walk through your house, OFTEN!
I still have not ventured into the glitter world. I must jump on that bandwagon-and soon. I am such a slacker! This week!
Wait till you see these cute little houses that i found on a blog. She made them out of food boxes! They are darling! Too cute for halloween and christmas! Lets see how ambitious I can be-shall we! Hope that your sons rash goes away. There is really nothing worse than a sick kid!

Betsy said...

Love everything you did. Makes me want to glitter! My son hasn't been feeling well either and has ended up with a rash. Hope your little guy gets better soon.

Ms. Tee said...

I think they're all so cute. I'm really liking glitter this year, too. I hope your son is feeling better. :)

Tiffany said...

I LOVE all of it. Glitterlicious!

BittersweetPunkin said...

Oh I love glitter too!! LOVE all your festive!!

Unknown said...

Oh I love glitter so much I love the pumpkin and the candy corn thing so cute.

Darlene said...

I LOVE all your glittered cuties!!

Hope your son gets better soon....poor thing.

Shell in your Pocket said...

So very cute! I love glitter anything! What fun!
-Sandy Toes
I was at homegoods and saw glittery ice skates...they were so cute!
-Sandy toes

Wendy said...

Love the glitter. I've been toying with the idea myself. A little worried that the baby would stuff it all in his mouth though. :)

jenni d said...

I second the others that are in love with everything. I too am very interested in how you made the cones. Do you mind sharing tips on how to make those? Your decor is so pretty, elegantly spooky! Jen

Pam @ Frippery said...

Love the glitter! I was glittering dollar store skulls last night for a craft lunch I'm hosting for a few friends. Everything looks better when it sparkles. Hope your little guy is feeling better soon.

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Poor little guy, I'm so glad he is doing better, rashes are no fun either.
Everything looks great, love that candy corn cone...I am loving candy corn, and made a couple of candy corn topiaries, they turned out cute.
Have a wonderful day

Chris said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one with this glitter addiction. What's wrong with us? I want to come over and have a tour of your house. Every little detail is just spectacular!

Shannon said...

I love all your glittery things but that cone is great!! I love it!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

LUV the glitter! You keep coming out with this WONDERFUL creations! Lucky us :)

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Love all the glitter! That candy cane cone is really cute :)! I'll be praying your son feels better quick!


the undomesticated wife said...

Such fun stuff! Very cute!

Glitter & Bliss said...

Oh my goodness....I love all the glitter and I love all your ideas.

Inspired Kara said...


Lovin' that sparkly candy corn!

Sweet Simplicity said...

So cute! You are going to be finding glitter all over your house for months!

Joy said...

Girl, You have been a very busy little crafter!!!! And Florence Nightingale to boot. I hope your son gets better, so he doesn't end up getting glittered too. ;~)

Rachel Ann said...

I love glitter! I really love stickles too!

I saw a store use the cake cover with a skeleton under it as a decoration...but can't find one anywhere. Or should I saw I can't find one at the 2nd hand store...I don't want to pay full price!

Elise said...

Love all the glittery goodness!!

Lindsay-ann said...

I enjoyed all your glitteryness Cherry. I hope your son is feeling better today.

Michelle said...

That's the one bad thing about the glitter -- you find it all over when you're putting it together and then when you put it awy! Totally worth it, though, very cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! Love the candy corn glittery things!

Anonymous said...

Fun stuff! And the glitter is so pretty!

Kacey said...

Everyting deserves a little bit of glitter! LOVE IT!

The Golf Widow said...

Love the candy corn cone!

Anonymous said...

Ok that's seriously too cute!! Love love the candy cone and that darling spider. You did a fantastic job, I'm sure your hair looks equally as! Best wishes for your son and fast healing.


Jenni said...

Hi Cherry~
I love all your glittery crafts! Love how you glittered the pumpkins, and the cone, too! :)

I am so sorry to hear your son has a rash! Sickness is the worst! I will definitely pray for him. :)

Have a good day! :)

Michelle said...

I love glitter and these projects are adorable. I have some Martha glitter waiting to be used!!!

Mammatalk said...

Gorgeous! Hope your little fella feels better soon.

Unknown said...

I love the glitter. What a great idea to add some personality!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I just found your blog on the SITs site, and can I say I love your stuff? You are super creative... I look forward to learning from you :)

Shea said...

Thanks for the comment! I loovvve your blog! I saw it through Shannon's sometime last week and couldn't find a followers button!

Unknown said...

Oh I love all the glitter, love that candy corn cone. mishelle

Sherri said...

Cherry all the decorations are wonderful! Especially like the glitzy little spider!!

Rosemary said...

You are cracking me up!! We could be quite a pair with all the glitter on our faces and in our hair.
Love all of your glittery goodness!

The Berry's Patch said...

I love all the bling. Those candy corn cones are darling. :-)

Nicole said...

I LOVE all of your glittery stuff. I think everything looks better with some glitter.

Kristin said...

I LOVE the glitter candy corn. Too cute!

Kristi said...

I'm glad you stopped by. I tweaked the photo with Picassa. I love that software!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Love all of your glittery goodies!

Sorry to hear that your ds is still under the weather...I pray he gets to feeling better soon!

Lorie said...

I love all the glitter!!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

First of all, prayers going out for your son! I'm sorry to hear about the rash!

I would have NEVER thought to use glitter for Halloween! I LOVE this!! SO cute and fancy!

Thanks for stopping by my blog last Friday when I was featured on SITS. I just got back in town and I'm enjoying getting back to all the bloggers! Your blog is fabulous!


Ruby Red Slippers said...

I want those sparkly things!!! Sooo cute!

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

Oh la la! love.Love.LOVE it all!!

Kristi said...

I love all your glittered pretties Cherry!! They look fantastic!! :)

cathypentonatelier said...

Thanks so very much for dropping by my blog,so glad you liked it...Take care C xx

Kat said...

Clever and beautiful as always Cherry. I bet you look lovely with some glitter in your hair. Better than paint any day. Believe me I know.
I hope your son feels better soon.

Kimmie said...

Beautiful work!

Susie Q said...

I love it all...the addition of the *barbed wire* is genius! You creative little devil you!

Melodie said...

Gorgeous! I may have to try that glittered pumpkin idea.

Glitter & Bliss said...

Hello. Thanks so much for your sweet comment. I am honored that you added me to your blog list. Thanks so much!!!

Dena said...

Cherry, everything you touch turns to magic, no wonder you have glittery fairy dust in your hair :)


XO Marie said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog..Your blog is alittle..hmmm..Blog covet-tess,it is FAB-O, but I will still HAVE to add you to my reader. As long as you don't post "skinny-girl" pics of yourself and then add your diet to the sidebar I think we SO can be "Blog-BFF's" :)
L, Marie

squawmama said...

OMG... What a great blog... I am a HUGE craft person and I really love your ideas... I wanted to visit your blog because Elizabeth recommended that we check you out, and I am so happy that I did. I loved your blog and what you did with it. I just love going to different blogs and meeting new people… If you feel like it, please come and visit me and we'll share a few laughs... While you’re there please sign my guestbook… Thanks… If you don't mind I would like to add you to my favorites. Don't want to miss anything. I am typically an outgoing person and like to be involved in everything... LOL LOL

Judy @ In His Grip said...

I absolutely love the ideas you have on your blog. I have you as a link on my site for the SITS blogathon. Just wanted to share you with all my friends.

kathy said...

Cherry - I love the glitter - oh the candy corn cone is wonderful -- I love them for all seasons --
Sorry your son is still not totally well - all your creations are great - Kathy - ga

Liz Harrell said...

SO so so very inspiring. :)

PAC said...

I just found your blog and this is so cute!! I love glitter! I could glitter everything...even my breakfast but the coffee cup could pose a problem. lol!!

Anonymous said...

I have a love affair with all things sparkly and glittery! Nice work!Your candy corn cone is cool!

Mary Anna said...

OMG - It's a glitter fantasy land over there! I LOVE IT!

Happy SITS Blogathon!!!

BTW: May start stalking you for the crafty ideas.

Holly said...

How cute are you and all of your glittery wonderfulness!! The candy corn is my absolute fave.

Jean said...

I just love your Halloween decorations. They are great.
Jean in Virginia

Lola Enchanted said...

I wanted to stop by and say CONGRATS on winning "The Fanciful Twists" give~away!!!!

Your glittery Halloween looks spookily amazing!~

Fifi Flowers said...

OH my what glittery pumpkins you have! FUN!

Lisa @ Serah's said...

Everything looks SO CUTE! Just thought I'd let you know that I linked to your blog in honor of the SITS blogathon! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful glittery projects!!!! Loved the corn---do you have a source for the cones or do you make them your little ol self? Dana

Unknown said...

I LOVE that glittery candy corn OMGosh it is awesome!

Yes we are still taking signups for SSS just email me your answers to the q&a along with the name u comment under and your name and mailing addy and I will get you added-my email is on my blog under 'stalk me'

Marie said...

Do you take a day off from being fabulous? I love it all! I hope your son is better soon! Poor thing!

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

I did some pumpkins, but I love the candy corn cone!

Georgia Girl said...

Love all your decor Cherry! You have so many great ideas you share with us. I bought some Martha glitter and really need to get on the ball and use it before the holiday is over with.

Jennifer said... you have ambition or what!? I love the idea of making that cone look like a candy corn!

Saucy said...


Beautiful glittering! Love all your halloween decor.


ThisleRose said...

ooo love the glitter- but you'll still be pulling peices of it off you right into spring!