Sunday, October 5, 2008

Meeting a blog friend...

Via phone! AND she is an Oregonian to boot. I got to talk to Rachel of . I had mentioned to her that I did not like the black background (hard to read) and the fact that my pictures were cut off. Well she takes it upon herself to call me and we ended up chatting over an hour...laughing like we were old friends. In the process she made up a new improved blog look that I absolutely adore. It is more me. I am constantly amazed by this growing group of women from all over...sharing and caring about one another. I don't care if that sounds corny...I think it is pretty cool. So thanks Rachel, you rock! I know many of you know her by now but if you don't you need to pay her a visit...she is one crafty gal! I will be popping in later today to announce the winner of the pumpkin man and raven! Cherry


Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

How the look of your blog...very sweet!

Natalia said...

Oh, wow. I thought your blog was beautiful before but this is fantastic as well! I definitely find it easier on my eyes. What a wonderful thing for her to do. YAY!

Susie said...

I love the new look!! Very Cherry:-)

Rachel Berry said...

Ahhh your too nice to me! I love the new look as well it's just so very Cherry! Glad you like it and I hope your feeling better today.


Trisha said...

LOVE IT!! I think it feels like coming home!

TidyMom said...

I love your new look!!! I did that for a fellow blogger once, she was tickled pink, and helped me get a little practice in while I was helping her out!!


Darlene said...

What fun!! I LOVE this blog design too!! What fun to talk to a blogging friend and for so long, she did a great job for you.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that pumpkin man comes to live here with my other decorations!!!

Heathahlee said...

I liked the other one, but I LOVE this one! Very cute!

Elise said...

Love your new look!! That Rachel is so talented!!

Tiffany said...

Love Rachel's blog and LOVE the new layout.

This fits your posts perfectly!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

The blog looks marvelous!!

nikkicrumpet said...

wow what a sweet thing to do! Amazing how much talent and generosity there is out there in blogland!

Jodi Nelson said...

Absolutely LOVE this! Makes me want to change my blog! LOL. (again).... Thanks for the link to Rachel too. I can see I'll be revisiting her often. ooxx`jodi

Jean said...

The new look is great and easier on my old eyes. What a nice , nice gal to do that for you. Have a wonderful evening.
Jean in Virginia

Deb said...

Really like the new look. Super cute!!

Susie Homemaker said...

Hi Cherry...oooh so retro, cherry cute! I love this one the best! Great Job Rachel! 2 heads are always better than one! Especially 2 extrememly creative you!


Unknown said...

Hi Cherry,
Your blog looks great. Fits you name to a T!

Rachel did a great job! I'm going to check her out.

Shell in your Pocket said...

I love your do you all do this?????Do you buy something? Your blog is so it!!!
-Sandy toes

Robin Beck said...

I LOOOOOVE your new look Cherry!
I talked to a blog friend for the first time today too! Same thing it's like we have always known each other! :)
Take Care~

Sheen said...

I love this one a lot more! Very cute!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

LOVVVVVVe the look :)

simple~needs said...

i love your blog!! i would love to have something fresh for mine.

Betsy said...

That looks amazing! I would love a cute page like that!

Sarah said...

Hi Miz Cherry's jubilee! You're invited to "My Favorite Things Monday" inspired by the Sound of Music! You sharing a picture and story of your current 'favorite thing' that cheered you up when life got you down, would be a blessing! I hope you can come!

I really like the new look. The old look was very nifty, but there were parts of it that were a bit hard on the eyes. This one makes me say "ahhh." Thank you for sharing!

Chris said...

Well, now you're just rubbing it in! Two of my favorite bloggers not only live thousands of miles from me, but they live close to each other! It's torture! The blog looks fantastic!

Lisa & Alfie said...

I thought this looked different. Love it! Much more Cherry!
Lisa & Alfie

Jeni said...

I love this...the other was very hard for me to read. This is very cute and fits your blog. Have fun with it.

Kristi said...

Cherry, I absolutely love the new look of your blog! You need to give me some lessons to help my BLAH blog! :)

Marie said...

I thought I was in the wrong place when I clicked over here this morning. Your blog looks fantastic!

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

I love the new blog look! She did a great job!

Anonymous said...

I think the new look is great. Way to go Rachel!

{amy k.} said...

Wow- looks great! How nice of her! Blog friends are great!

Jenni said...

Hi Cherry~
Your blog is absolutely perfect! This design is a keeper for sure! :)

Kacey said...

Cherry! Oh my goodness! I'm catching up on my reading and I LOVE YOUR NEW LAYOUT! Rachel did an awesome job and you provided wonderful inspiration of course!

Our Complete Family said...

The blog design is super fun hun! And it's so neat to hear the story behind it, too! Awesome thing!!! Happy week ahead~ Les

jennykate77 said...

You have some super-duper cute ideas...I'm not sure how I even got to your blog, but I'll be sure to find my way back!

Thanks for sharing :)

Ms. Tee said...

That is so sweet of her to do that! I love your new look! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the new look! So much easier to read and your beautiful designs stand out much better!

Pearl said...

Just had to say how much I LOVE your new blog "Look" ... it's AWESOME!!

Michelle said...

I was wondering if something looked different. Love the new look. I'll have to check out your crafty friend.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for sharing.
Through your blog, a lot of people including me of course have a chance to read and learn from.
I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks again and looking forward for more of your posting soon!

Ashlie said...

I love the new look! Simply beautiful! It's so wonderful that you got to "connect" with a blog buddy. Good for y'all!

the tattered nest said...

I was just wondering who designed your blog...and I find this post! you are so creative...I love it.