I am.....with all my heart and soul.... to the discontentment of my poor husband. I ask in all the name of what is cozy and soft.....who wouldn't enjoy piles of glorious pillows to ease a weary back? My Anti-Euro pillow husband loves to throw them off on to the floor.... with me yelling excitable errrr exclamations at him ! I will have to give up thinking I can sway him over to my side....sigh! These are but a few of mine for what I call my "Princess and the Pea Bed". I have many for this wonderful bed of mine. This is the project I have been working on the past week. I finally got my bed painted a lovely shade of creamy white( you can see a snippet of it in pic). This is something I have been wanting to do ever since I bought the bed.....almost 4 yrs. ago. Can't wait to make it up with fresh clean linens AND my pillows and sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labor. I will share the actual bed soon! xoxo, cherry
Well, I'm sitting here waiting....what time can we expect to see it? lol!!
And yes, I am a pillow worshiper! We call it in our cottage~ THE PILLOW DISEASE!
I love pillows. My husband doesn't get it either. He keeps asking......"do we need all these pillows on the bed?"
Hi Cherry - I'm currently sewing new pillows for my bedroom as part of a makeover. Finishing up a huge (European square) in French toile, then plan several smaller ones in a trellis pattern. Will post when finished. dh is always questioning the necessity of so many pillows - guess they're not a man thing at all!
One can never have too many pillows. This is what I tell myself each time I spot another one that I must have.
I, too, just love pillows! I like how you have them displayed in your pictures along with your white barn star.
Oh, yes maam, I love pillows too. We have too many on the bed too, but they just look so good, I can't help it! Your newly painted bed looks so pretty, Cherry. hanks for your sweet note on my blog!
Southern Hospitality
Raising hand here ~ certifiable pillow addict! LOL Love your painted bed Cherry!
Anxiously waiting to see pictures of your bed! My guest room bed is piled high with pillows, but elsewhere I've simply given up. The kids throw them in the floor, fight with them or over them...
Oh Cherry! I can't wait to see it. I've been wanting to paint my bed too but I feel guilty about it because it's just 3 1/2 years old and cost a lot of stinking money but I let Jim pick it out and I've never loved the paint and finish on it. Maybe you will inspire me to hop to it!
By the way, I think all men hate pillows. It's in their DNA or something. Jen
I love, Love, LOVE pillows!!!! I can't get enough of them! So yes, I understand your obsession, LOL! I can't wait to see your bed painted! :)
Well another pillow lover here too. I love making pillows with trim. Looking forward to seeing your bed too Cherry. I know it will be special like all of your projects. RJ
Thanks for your visit! I think $3 for shipping on the plate should do it. My email address is pcovington270@bellsouth.net
Hello, my name is Allison, and I too am a pillow addict (which is how I would say it if I were at an AA meeting for pillow addicts). I don't know what the deal is, but every time I would come back to your blog, which is to say, every day, it would go to the same date and so I didn't think you were updating. Then I realized that it was stuck and fixed it. Now I see you have been blogging and I have been missing it! So, now that I've go that fixed I just wanted to reiterate (as in an earlier comment) how much I love your blog and all of the wonderful beauties in your home. Sorry that I had a bit of an issue - you probably thought I wasn't visiting. Love all the wonderful pictures!
Allie from Minneapolis
I love pillows too.I need to start sewing a couple too, I need some toile in my life right now..Congratulations on you beautiful blog...
My husband doesn't get the pillow thing... on the other hand, the dog loves them. Few things do a better job of sending our Border Collie into full bliss mode, than siting a freshly pillowed bed or couch. She just has to jump up, insinuate herself in the fluff, and then let out one of those doggy groans/sighs of pleasure before settling in. We actually call her "the pillow hound."
I think that if it weren't for the dog, my guy would find a reason to get rid of any "unecessary" pillows.
Yours are gorgeous!
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