How was your weekend? My Saturday was spent in the hurried crowds ...last minute grabs for pencils, pens, and peachies. I really wonder WHY I attempt Walmart at all....I felt like I had been thrown into a lion's den. Actually I think a lion would be more polite than some of the people I came across. Luckily I only had a few things to get and my son and I were out of Dodge! Our plan was to finish school clothes shopping. Our mission was thankfully completed. With all the stressful hullaballooo I had to of course wind down a bit by stopping by a few antique stores and a second-hand store or two. There was some HEAVY sighing going on from an impatient 9yr. old but that didn't stop me. I just bribed him with a promise of a good ole ice cream soda from Goodies. IT did the trick. I found the red robin...with the perfect worn finish for .50. The rooster was a 2.00 find and while the measuring cups are not old.. I had to have them. They are from a little shop here in our town called Twigs and I had been eyeing them for awhile and finally splurged. The ole wicker purse really perked me up and is now happyily hanging with my other
Hi there! I am coveting your things! We have the same taste, don't we!!?? That platter that your cute little buttons are on is gorgeous! Have a great week and take some time for yourself now. (( hugs )) Becky
I can certainly sympathize with you on the school shopping! UGH! We are done thankfully!
Isn't it amazing how strolling through our favorite places can calm us down and bring us back? I love all your great finds!!! Can't wait to see the curtains you make! Oh and bribing works with my two also! :)
Hey there! Thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comments! I actually have your blog in my favorites list. I got it from a friend that is addicted to reading blogs. hahaha!
It is because of her that I finally started a blog. So I am very new at doing this sort of thing, but it's fun so far.
Love all of your finds! Thrifting and junking are so much fun! My home is so full that I have to be really particular about what I buy these days. But I sure do enjoy it!
Anyway, thanks again for visiting my blog. Please feel free to come back anytime. Have a blessed day!
I love the rooster! And nothing says comfy-cozy like gingham. Congratulations on your recents finds and for surviving the back-to-school rush. Since our school doesn't start until Wednesday - my sons and I went yesterday. NO HASSLES! Well at least not from shoppers...
What sweet measuring cups!
Oh, what fun things! I haven't been on a little shopping spree for awhile, so I am enjoying seeing your wonderful finds! I think as soon as my kids are back in school I am going to spend a whole day shopping. You got me in the mood for something new, well, old!
I know how it goes with shopping for school supplies...I hate the last minute crowds all grabbing for the last pink purl eraser.
Great finds...I love all your treasures, what a great way to end a school shopping day!
Nothing like a little shopping therapy to cure back to school stress. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I actually have 8 pairs of converse in different colors. (Another collection) Two pairs of pink ones included. I just love them. They drive my mother crazy, but I told her that I am 42 and can wear what I want. ha ha Loved seeing your sweet finds.
Nothing will cure a Wal Marche' visit like a thifting/antiquing stop! I am sure you feel better! As to your beloved buttons - I have a thing for getting 2 x 4, painting it, attaching wrought iron shelf brackets and then glueing stuff I love along the sides. Like shells and clear glass for the one in my crafting studio. Or hot wheels cars for a boy's room. And like taking bits of wood bark from our wood shed and glueing them to the sides on the unpainted 2 x 4 shelf in my log cabin guest room! Bet that would look wonderful with your buttons and you could see them all the time! Love, Esther Sunday
Thanks for visiting my blog. I didn't know about yours either.
I like yours too!
I don't have any school age children. I do remember those back to school shopping days.
I love all of your great finds.
Visit me again soon,
I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your thrifting treasures, you got some really nice things and they look cute in your house.
Thanks for coming to my blog and commenting on my peach pie.
:) Bren
Love that rooster - you found lots of wonderful things. I bribe my 15 year old when we go junkin too. Although the older they get the more expensive the bribe LOL!
What great finds!! Congratulations for surviving the feeding frenzy known as school supply shopping. I am soooooo thankful my kid's school offers kits for purchase in the Spring. We just pick them up on back-to-school day and it's done!
I have those measuring cups too! I love them! I threw out my old plastic ones and just use these.
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