If that title confuses you don't feel bad. It is just how my brain is running as of late. It is what happens when you condense several posts in one. The Mexi Mocha iced coffee MIGHT have something to do with it as well. Ok first of all.......I just found out I am going on a cross-country trip...Oregon to Connecticut, Connecticut to Pennsylavania....all by a senior bus. Enter a funny VISIAL........ Than from Pennsylavania to Georgia by airplane. From Georgia up back to Oregon by bus again. Going with a friend that takes rigs to different car lots. I will be gone 2 weeks.........phewwwww. I will see sooo many states. I couldn't turn the opportunity down. Now here is where I ask a favor of you. PLEASE pray for us! I have not been on a plane since my honeymoon to Florida in 96....I am deathly afraid of them. We had turbolence and after 9/11..my fears just got worse. I may have to ask for something from my Dr. I know that I need to just trust in God...but fear has a way of bamboozling its way back in. OHHH any rec. for places to see... would be appreciated! I wont have a lot of extra time but will be able to fit a few things in. We will be going through Colorado, Idaho, Ohio, kansas, ketucky, indiana, tennessee, a little of New York, and who knows the others. I am delirious with excitement and A LOT of bitter-sweetness. I have never been away from my son for this long. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Anybody willing to pat my back right now? I would be ever so grateful. I have to do this though....I feel compelled to do this. I don't know when I will ever get a chance to do something like this again. boy o boy. Ok now for the gifts. I was the lucky recipient of a beautiful Betty Crocker cookbook from Robyn at http://happyhouseofhaas.blogspot.com/ . Go visit Robyn...she has a lovely, lovely blog! Her and her dh Jim just moved into a new home. She made me the prettiest card! Thank-you soooo much Robyn! I also was lucky enough to meet Michelle ...who graciously sent me some hydrangia. I had posted a trade on my site and Michelle was sweet enough to oblige. She now has a blog! Go visit her at http://imalittletpott.blogspot.com/. I see today Michelle has posted a yummy recipe! Better check it out. I wanted to share a smidgion of my new thrifted transferware. It is the prettiest shade of green...kinda brownish green. Looks sooo pretty with my hydrangia...don't ya think Michelle. Well I will leave you alone for now.....sorry so long-winded. I am sure many things spelled wrong so pardon me. xoxo, cherry
Have a wonderful trip...
I'm sure you will have a blast!
So much to see...
Be safe, enjoy yourself and here is a giant pat on the back!
The hydrangeas look great!! So glad you are enjoying them. I got my book (sent you a little card) and I LOVE IT!
There is a lot of history in the lovely state of Kansas - Dodge City, Abilene.. check it out - Anywhere in Colorado is beautiful (Estes Park is lovely).
It sounds like a chance of a lifetime and a fun trip. Embrace the chance to see the country.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I don't suppose you'll be going through western PA at all?? I live 40 miles north of Pittsburgh and if you're going to be in the area...well pop over for some lunch and a cuppa.
And I'll pray honey.
Cherry, will miss you bunches, but know it will be a trip you don't forget! Go for it! Will you be in the Northern part of Idaho? If so, I'd love to have lunch or something, but it sounds like you will be hitting the travelin hard. Love the finds. Love, Esther
Oh, Cherry, you will be fine! I felt something similar last fall, I boarded a plane to Budapest of all places (from there I went other places, too)! I left my three kids and husband all at home and went with my mom and sister. I was a wreck, thinking it was so selfish of me to leave for a European trip while my kiddos were at home. What if something bad happened to me while I was out traveling the world?
Then I realized I am not in control of my life. Even if I stayed home I could be hit by a car on my way to the corner market.
Life is too short to worry about things we cannot control. Enjoy your trip! I'll pray for your safety. I get to go to New York next March with my middle daughter, I can't wait! Hope you have a blast wherever you end up along the way! Just think of all the adventures and photos you can share!
Thanks for finding me, first of all! You have a great blog yourself, girly. I am so excited for you to go on your trip- I can totally understand the hesitation about leaving the loved ones, but BUT-go! have a great time, find lots of new things for us to hear about-I wish I could go, although I am afraid to fly, and wouldnt be able to leave the family for that long--- hahahahaha, just kidding.
Nice to meet you!
Have a fab trip! And I understand totally about the plane issue!
Have a great trip!! Can you stop by Indiana and pick me up?? LOL
Take care!
Have a great trip! I do love the green transferware. What a great find:>)
You've been tagged - come to my blog and see!
What a wonderufl opportunity! You are going to have a blast on your trip....Love the green transferware. I have some just like it!
I love the photos and the links were great!
I don't like to fly either...I'm with you on that one. I have that same covered hen dish except mine is Amber!
Cherry, I must have not had enough coffee the FIRST tie I read this post, LOL. But THIS time I read that your going to be in CT!!!!! PLEASE email and give me the details because I would LOVE to meet you theree! CT is not that far from me and I could drive otu there and we could do lunch or something! It would be great to meet you after all these years of being internet buddies! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog! Those are some beautiful treasures! I'm sure you'll miss your son like crazy but I really think you'll have a blast. Just look forward to all you going to be seeing! I wanna come!
Cherry- That trip is going to be awesome! I have always wanted to drive cross country. take lots of pictures. Beep your horn when you drive through Kentucky.
What pretty, warm fall colors!
Have a wonderful trip! It WILL be just fine and you will enjoy yourself! There will be so much to see, so many beautiful things!
What a fun trip. I would love to tag along! : )
You will be missed...bring back pictures!!
That would be the trip of a lifetime and I'd go in a heartbeat. What fun! I fly quite often now and it doesn't bother me (too much) but the first time I flew the dr. said to take Tylenol P.M. to make you rest and relax. Take a gazillion pictures to show us when you get back so we can go on your journey thru yours eyes. ~ Lynn
Hi Cherry, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful trip! Love your thrifted finds, especially the transferware! :)
I'll remember to say a prayer...
I just love your transferware...it's very pretty. Love the hen, too. I think my dear Gram had one very similar to yours only hers was red.
Have a great trip! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return!
I'll be praying.
Prayers for a safe journey. I hope that you enjoy your visit to each state and that you find a few treasures to bring home.
Your transferwear is so pretty, I just love that color!
It sounds like you are going right around Alabama... I hope you get some good southern cooking while you are here.
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yes.. love this style ))
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