Romantic Country Party today.
http://karlascottage.typepad.com/karlascottage/2007/09/what-do-you-lov.html She wants to know what we love about our own homes. If you would like to join in...go check her out! Now while I can't say I love everything about MY home....there are many things that I do. First off having family in it...hearing laughter...that makes me happy. Having things that were made with love...like my Mom's afghans she has made me ( Our cat Lawrence is cozied up in one of them). I love texture.... baskets, wicker, & my burlap drapes. I have to have color....reds, greens, black, creams & any other color that tickles my fancy . Having my house go through processes of discovery...keeps me inspired. My projects bring me joy. My latest is the apple green shutters I turned into a mini partition using some old hinges. I antiqued it a bit with some brown shoe polish. Whimsy is at at the heart of my home I think. I don't like my home to get too stuffy or serious. Adding some ole croquet balls to a cloche is my remedy to that! While it sounds funny I think whimsy adds romance. Of course family pets (our cat Lawrence) make our house a home. Family photos, & all my "stuff", add the coziness that I find endearing. There are times when I fight with "I have too much". I want a lighter, cleaner look but I can't seem to ever get there. Honestly that look never comes easy to me. I naturally gravitate towards things, lol. Interestingly enough even my scrapbooking is the same. Lots of embellishments..... all the bells and whistles I guess is what I love about our home.....they tell our story. cherry
I agree, Cherry! I don't love everything about my home either, I think it is too big (not a cozy country cottage!), has some areas that still need remodeling, etc. but my home is still romantic and loved because of what it in it, my family.
so glad you came, this is a wonderful home!
How lucky for us that you gravitate towards things! Love, Esther
Cherry, I have added you to my favorites too! I visit here every day.
Love your pictures. Your home looks very comfortable and welcoming. Shoe polish....that is a great idea. I have used wet/used coffee grounds to "age" a piece of furniture. It is a little messy, because you have to vacuum up the grounds after, but it works!
Hi Cherry! How did I miss you sweetie! So glad you stopped by my blog to say hello. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. I love your home too! I think I NEED those apple green shutters! I too am a collector of things... I don't know why but I can't part with them once I find them. But one day I am going to let some things go.... One day....
Nice to meet you Cherry! Look forward to meeting up with you again! Gosh, I hope I didn't miss anyone else....
Cherry...I love your home.
So cozy & inviting...
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Cherry ~ oooo don't you know that I am ooing and awing over the tins, baskets and those great green shudders that you did. Fabulous! Hey, love the croquet balls under the cloche. Great vignette. Everything looks so pretty and you have a knack for putting it all together to make it just perfect. Thank you for sharing your home with us today. Karla had a great idea that so many just ran with. This has been fun indeed.
PS: I LOL'd about your comment regarding keeping it all clean. It IS a day to day thing, but thankfully the camera is kind to my dust. Our house is 2000 sq ft, so it isn't too big to keep up on. xx and hugs to you cutie pie,
You do have a very cozy home Cherry! Thanks for visiting my blog too!
Cherry I checked blogs all day yesterday and your new post never showed up until this morning! Sometimes blogger drives me boggy!
Anyway, I love all of your things, as you know. Those shutters are too cute and would be perfect as a fireplace screen (my fireplace does not work.) So glad you're back. I missed you!
So glad you made it to the party Cherry! You know how much I love your home, your style, your spirit, and YOU!
Cherry- Your house looks wonderful! I love the croquet balls underneath your cloche. My cat Nip makes our house so cozy!
Yea, Cherry - anytime ya come to I-Dee-O, be sure to let me know! Got a guest room with your name on the door! Love, Esther
Oh, how I love those little birdies sitting on the "happy" blocks........what an absolutely adorable idea. Please tell me where you got those cutie patootie birds!!??? I know I am going out searching for old blocks now so I can spell out the same sentiment. I love your site and will be visiting often.....especially looking for the answer about the birdies. :)
Oh we do like a lot of the same things- I love those tin candy boxes and your croquet balls- HOW did you get them into the bottle?
And your shutters and using spools as "stages"- fun stuff full of good ideas!
Hi Becky...those particular birds came from one of my fave department stores.....our local thrift store rofl! You can find new ones though....hmmm I saw some neat ones at Hancock fabrics..do you have those in Tennessee? Be on the look out at thrift stores...I painted those so don't disaregard because of color...spray paint is my best friend! Welcome again to blogland! Cherry
Cherry, you are killing me! Everytime I peek in to your home I am just filled with oohs and aahhhhs :) I adore your style.
Beautiful pics! I need to find that delicate balance between scrapbooking and blogging....it's not quite even yet...one always seem to suffer....sigh. LOL
Enjoyed seeing such lovely pictures of your home. Our homes are an expression of each of us and yours is charming. Thank you for sharing ..Linda
First of all, I finally have my blog started! Second, those hydrangeas look familiar :)
I do the same thing -- look around and think I need to scale back, but I never do! Enjoy your treasures.
Love all your vintage treasures Cherry, I'm going to enjoy being a regular visit here that's for sure. Thanks for visiting my blog
Hi Cherry, you have such beautiful old things -- don't ever go for the pared down look! Thanks for giving us a peek at your great home.
I loved looking at all your "stuff" and the way you have used it. What fun!
Cherry, your home is so inviting. I love the bird cages and baskets. Thanks for poping in to see me yesterday. I hope you'll come to visit again.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog. I was so excited about receiving comments on my very first posting! You have a beautiful home! Jen
What a lovely blog you have. Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the net, ScrapsaDaisy.blogspot.com. It was very sweet of you to leave a comment!
I'm the same as you are, I have to have color and plenty of "stuff" around me. I love the photos you've posted. Your sweet decor is perfect!
I'll be back to see what you've been up to!
I agree with the laughter being a big part of a home, it's what makes the home special.
Good thoughts. Have a great weekend. :) Bren
I just love your home dear heart! It is so warm and welcoming and full of heart, life and a true soul. The colors are so pretty and so restful. I adore those shutters!!
I wish I had gotten involved with this earlier as it looks like so much fun!
Have a sweet weekend!
Hi Cherry,
I have a question for you - I just happened across two little bowls yesterday when I was out thrifting and I noticed today that they look like the same as the brown transferware dishes you have. Do you know anything about them?
I am just loving all your pictures and posts. I haven't been around much lately but I'm enjoying your blog this morning! Great finds!
Hi Cherry, thanks so much for getting back to me about the adorable little birdies. YIKES! You and Tina from Cherry Hill Cottage get the CUTEST stuff from thrift stores.......I must not be going to the right places! LOL!!
When I go to our thrift stores, all I find is truly junk!!!!! I will be looking out for some other cutie patootie birdies though. Hope you are having a great week! Becky
love all your photos! I always love looking at other's treasures.
Lovely home accessories. Nice photos too.
Deirdre G
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