of the bookcase that is! Shell overkill? Been finding little glass ones here and there and dig them. So all I can say is bear with me! I tucked a postcard with what else...a seashell in one of them..it was an old postcard of my grannies. Wanted to alert you that I will be doing a give away soon for my 50th post! Take Care All! Stay tuned.....xoxo, cherry
rofl.........I tucked a postcard in one of the seashells...I am a little backwards...cherry
Hey Cherry got your info and I will be sending that lovely cookbook your way! Keep your eyes peeled my friend! And I am so glad you won! Thanks again for visiting me! stop by more! Love seeing your comments!
What beautiful bookshelves....and dusted too! Mine are never dusted. I also can't do very much decorating on mine because they are so stinking full of books. I do tend to decorate the top shelves since I can't easily reach my books up there. Now, those shelves REALLY never get dusted. Annually maybe. Maybe.
I just love the way you have the old books stacked with goodies on top. I agree though...where is the dust? Everytime I go to snap a picture to post I see dust and then think, ew okay not posting that! LOL I'm pretty fanatical too so I don't know how it keeps showing up in my pictures!
I thnk the shells are awesome and I LOVE the plates!
I LOVE THOSE DISHES!! Everything looks so nice. And the postcard in the shell - clever!
Dust? Dust you say? You don't know what dust is till you live in Central Oregon! Our soil is all sand..no mud. You were the lucky recepients of seeing the bookshelves after everything had been taken off, dusted, and redecorated rofl. Believe me I have it....everywhere. xoxo, cherry
It looks great Cherry!
The shells add a nice touch and lighten up the bookshelf...very very nice! Yes, those dishes are great too...
There is no such thing as shell overload! Can't be done =D
Shells and other adorable things of Cherrys? Overkill? Not! Love, Esther
I love that postcard, and the shells! And yes, I am impressed too by the dusted shelves. Not everyone thinks to dust something before they take pictures, as is evidenced in my textures in my home slide show awhile back. :-) Luckily, dust is technically considered a texture so I was safe. It was artistic expression.
Lovely things Cherry! Have a great day!
You know what they say.. dust is God's way of protecting the furniture! Embrace it (if you have it)!
Found your blog through Counting your blessings. You sure find great stuff! Wish the Goodwill around here had good deals like you found!
Just stopping in to say HI!
I love the bionoculars. So glad that you're joining the Yellow Rose Day giveaway!! Have a wonderful Wednesday. Blessings... Polly
I really like the old books and the vintage flower frogs and the shells! It all looks great.
Cherry ~
Thank you for visiting my blog :o)
I just love your seashells ~ the seashore is one of my favorite things !
Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet message!! A big smile..
Love all your old treaures (",)
What beautiful bookshelves! I love all the little vignettes and you do have such a wonderful eye for display! Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog! Now I have found my way here and can make your blog a regular part of my visits!
I have really enjoyed reading everything and seeing the photos! Lovely home!
No, it's not overkill. I think it looks very nice. I decorate the top of my piano, a little differently for each month, and enjoy coming up with a theme. Other's seem to enjoy seeing it too. I like the way you've gathered so many charming things together, to tell your story.
Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment, in Merryville. I appreciate it, very much.
Hi Cherry, I love how you have your bookcase decorated...everything looks great! I love your seashells, too!
I love your total look, seashell, old books, white/black dinnerware.
That's so pretty.
:) Bren
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