Our Monday has come and almost gone. All the days seem to do that with a momentum of their own. Rather frightens me at times...does it you? So to stop and do a little "fluffing" of one's crooks and crannies helps to slowwwwww down the pace a bit. Enjoy the fruits of our treasure hunting! Here is a little corner of my itty bitty dining area. Yummy ole cookbooks with the perfect faded colors , today's discovery....the cherry plates, and the little blue basket encompassing it all. The ole metal cannisters are sure to not be missed with the sweet birds and cherries. I so enjoy the pop of yellow on the knobs! To stop and really enjoy little vignettes you have made in your home soothes the soul. In doing so you naturally slow down. I appreciate this slowing down. These little areas just plain make me smile. Hope yours bring a smile to your face! xoxo, Cherry

Oh I love all your old cookbooks. I have to ask...do you like cherries? I mean flavor wise?
Love your old cookbooks and your pretty vignettes. I also have to say I love Oregon. My husband and I honeymooned there in '92. We wanted to summer ski on Mt Hood. Such a beautiful place! Thanks for coming to my tea party too!
Hi Cherry!!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog :) i really am enjoying it!! I especially like this post because of what you said about the little vignettes! I am constantly changing and making mine and walking around enjoying them. My dad said my house is like museum, you have to walk around and look at all the little areas. That was the best compliment to me! I love your cook books too and thos canisters are adorable!
You have the most beautiful blog...I love your photos and displays. Such fabulous ideas....such a treat for the eyes!
Thanks for visiting me....do you mind if I add you to my roll?
Love that bird and cherry tin! Oh MY!!! xo, Becky
Thank you for reminding me to slow down. I love your old cookbooks!
Hi Cherry, I just love the canister and you can never have too many cookbooks (old or new). I really love how you have everything arranged in your vingettes!
Your pretty things always make me smile, Cherry! :-)
But slow down? What is that? :-)
Thanks for the reminder!
C.J. Hey girlie, long time ey?? I am decorating my office at the church. Any decorating ideas would be helpful. Think warm and inviting yet not flowery or like a living room. I am thinking coffee colors (browns) and earth tone greens. Any help would be great. My email is koria1@juno.com if you don't have it. email me soon and we will chat. Any decorating ideas would be great. Love ya, Love Kori
By the way did I say any decorating ideas would be great :)
Hi again Cherry - You asked if I had ever did a mosaic nest with birds...No, but I have done mosaic birdbaths with birds :-). I was going to email you a picture, but your email is not on your blog...So, if you want to see the birdbaths, you can email me from my blog..
Oh, I adore old books, and plates, too! You definitely brought a smile to my face! :) See?
Hi, Cherry, I haven't stopped by to see you in SO long (I'm working now)! Glad you are keeping busy & back to some projects. Your little vignette is so pretty & cozy looking. Thanks for stopping by to see me sometime.
Hi Cherry,
I agree, it is all about the vignettes. I could loose myself for hours in my home just creating and rearranging them :) Yours are darling! I love the cherry plate and those cute canisters.
I just love your cherry can! And I'm a softie for old cookbooks too - Wish I enjoyed cooking =) Blessings... Polly
Hi, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
I've had fun browsing yours, too.
I love the little bird and cherry canister! I have a set of cherry canisters from my grandma that I adore, but don't have the room on my counter to display them. :(
My next house will have a large kitchen!
Kimberly :)
thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words...I have really enjoyed visiting your blog! take care,Gail
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