I appreciate the many prayers and lifting up of spirit! I read each and every comment. Thank-you so much. I wanted to share one of my first Christmas boxes. I am putting this up for sale. If anyone is interested just email me cjubilee@q.com 21.00 plus shipping. I may put a few on etsy..not sure. There is stitching , flocked snow, and red glitter on the box...vintage style papers and a vintage bird ornament. I made a tag that says Merry and aged it. Also I made a shabby style Mama/baby bird ensemble....could be used for an ornament or hung from a knob. They have glittered wings and hang from old ribbons. Mama bird has a little sign that says...believe. 10.00 plus shipping.
I wanted to show a small portion of Hunter's party. I got the idea for the cupcakes from Miss. Rachel http://eoberrys.blogspot.com/. I asked each party goer to write something about Hunter and displayed the silly pic of him on the table. They all got a big kick out of the silly pics of Hunter...especially Hunter. I will be back soon with a few small projects I want to share. xoxo, cherry
What a neat idea to commemorate your ds's birthday! Love those cupcakes, too.
I knew you were up to something creative over there :) Love the bird box & the cupcakes are hilarious!
BEAUTIFUL crafts as always! Those cupcakes with Hunter's picture are too cute! I bet he had a fabulous party!
Love the box and the party was awesome!
The party looks awesome! I love the silly face! What a great idea. Your new crafty projects are fab too. I love the birdss. :o) I hope your days are getting a little brighter.
Oh, those cupcakes are so cute! I'm going to do that very soon! :)
The cupcakes are just wonderful!!! Wonderful crafts!!!
-sandy toes
p.s. love that mossy bird!
What a great idea for Hunter's cupcakes. Sooooo funny! And the picture frame was a terrific idea! Your bird box is adorable!
I just read the last post about what has been going on with you and just want to say I'm so sorry and hope things are looking up. I know the heartache of losing a beloved cat. It has been probably 10 years now since he died and I am tearing up as I type this. I'll pray for you because I know it will be hard for a long time.
So sorry about your loss, what has you down in the dumps and just the overall yuckiness. Big hugs and prayers going out to you.
wow i love your crafts...I just did a bird ornament post yesterday ours kinda look alike...I love them I can't wait to add them too our tree...I just love your blog..hugs,lisa
Love the bird box! You always do such great crafts.... Seriously!
The cupcakes turned out so cool! I love the picture you picked:) Oh Mr. Hunter has some pretty awesome eyes!!
Hope things are looking up.
I just LOVE those cupcakes! Very neat idea.
Oh My! I love those cupcakes! The dog is really cute too! :)
Love the boxes and birdies. They're so pretty!
Cherry,your box is beautiful! I have some from last year (from Gordmans I think) and I would like to add some flocking. What do you use? I've tried elmer's and salt but I'm not sure if that would be "sturdy" enough. You are such a talent. It looks like your son had a great party! Smiles, Paula
Just love the cupcakes! Great idea, (my son's birthday is in a few weeks). ~Rhonda :)
Xherry, Loved the birthday party and also the Christmas box... Great job on both... you are so creative...Have a fun filled day... your son is so handsome a looks like such a sweet kid...
Loved the party pics! Great ideas with the personalized pic frame and cupcake toppers -- I'm sure they were a hit! Hunter has the clearest blue eyes :)! What a handsome young guy you have!!
PS--I mailed just a little somethin' to you yest.! You should get it soon! :)
Cute stuff! Love the little mama and baby bird!
That's such a great idea for a party! I love the silly photos. Too fun! And your creations are beautiful, as well!
Those cupcakes are the cutest. Looks like Hunter had a great birthday. (Happy Birthday, Hunter) The Christmas box is darling. Mimi
Sorry to hear how hard you've had it lately. I thought I kept up with you better than that. You've been doing some great stuff, it all looks wonderful. Sounds like your son's party went great! What a great mom you must be! Karen
Cherry I think everything you make is so adorable and I think you certainly have a gifting for designing and decorating and making beautiful things! Soooooo I think whatever you make will be sold! Make something big! Big, beautiful and Cherrylicious and I bet you anything it will sell like hotcakes! Believe me we all want the best for you! Blessings,
Gosh you just amaze me like so many others I visit. I love all your creations Cherry. I am sure your son had a wonderful birthday and he will remember all the fun that mom help make it.
Thinking of you today!
Hi Cherry
Glad to see you are back blogging. I missed you.
Those bird decorations are gorgeous. I enjoyed seeing the pictures from Hunters's party. Love the cupcakes. Great idea.
Love the cupcake idea!!! So cute! As always, love everything else too!
Ok.. I love your hanging birds. So....cute. I hope all is getting better for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend.
Love the cupcake idea!
BTW, where in Oregon do you live? :)
Looks like you done good! :-) I loovvee the cupcakes. I may need to "borrow" that idea.
Was sorry to read about your kitty. I adopted an old dog last year and am so super attached...I can't imagine after 16 years.
Be well -
Laura @ the shorehouse.
I'm loving those cupcake toppers. So creative and fun!!! And his photo is just too funny for words. :)
What a gorgeous Christmas box. And, I know I mentioned this before, but I love your photos. You have a great eye.
I totally love those birds and cupcakes!!!!!! fun!
Cherry, so glad you are back but so sorry about all that has been going on. It breaks your heart when you have to put a dear pet asleep. We had to do it and even though its been over three years I still miss my baby. I think things will pick up again and hopefully your hubby will be back at work soon. Your thanksgiving decorations are great and your creativity has produced some really cute things. You keep your chin up and things Will get better, and no that you are in the thoughts and prayers of friends.
Jean in virginia
Looks like a wonderful b-day!
I'm so glad that you're back to posting. I missed you. I hope things begin to turn around for you and your family. I'm happy to read that you're remembering your blessings and staying positive through it all. Have a wonderful weekend!
What a hoot those cupcakes are!!!! Very clever;-)
I had been wondering where you were. You and your family will surely be in my prayers. Your creativity is still awesome. I wish you would tell how you put the blessings banner together. So tasteful. We get so attached to our pets and I can't imagine having one that long, and then they are gone. I too have been feeling so blessed and truly desiring to be thankful for all we have. Family,friends, home and most importantly a relationship with the Lord. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Jackie
First let me say how sorry I am that you have lost your sweet Lawrence. :( I know how hard it is to lose such a loved pet! Your in my prayers!
I absolutely love seeing pics of Hunters party. Your such an AWESOME mom! He's so very lucky to have you! How special you made his birthday for him! Thanks for sharing :)
Beautiful stuff, as usual! I am amazed at what you make! Hope your weekend is going well Cherry!
Cherry , What cute b- DAy things and the cutest is your SON - those eyes -- !!! Happy birthday !!
I love the little box and birdies - getting into the christmas spirit myself --Kathy - Ga
What great ideas! I may have to do those for birthday parties. The box is beautiful. What a work of art!
I love your boxes and the birds you made that you can hang up! You are so talented. :) The birthday ideas turned out wonderful, too!
I hope you are feeling all right, and that you had a good weekend! :)
Is there anyone more creative than you? You are SO gifted! I am amazed with each posting...and inspired!!
Hunter's party must have benn THE event! Happy Birthday Hunter!!
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