Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Glitter and Gifts

I thought I would share my foyer tonight. It is now complete! I got my wonderful swap from Lynn over at . She and I were in the Very Vintage Christmas Swap at I was having problems with this area because I wanted something to balance out my lamp on one side. Well when I opened my package from Lynn I screamed with delight. She had gotten me the perfect vintage looking Santa...EVER. I love him...sniff, sniff. Here he is proudly displayed along with the little acorn ornament she sent...(with a wondeful history of the acorn). He balances out this area perfectly. It is like she KNEW. Rofl. I snapped pics of the other beautiful things she sent. An adorable cherry apron (she did not know that I collect them...she is psychic people) , a little cupcake votive holder with my favorite Yankee scent Creme brulee. an adorable Santa magnet, a vintage Santa card and postcard, and that adorable bird trim (can't wait to use it on a project), a romance book, some candy that is GONE..rofl, and the sweetest shabby! I loved everything! Thank-you soooo very much Lynn! I was spoiled. I hope she loves her things!
Also today was the start of Tracy's Holiday Tour which I joined! If you don't know about better run right over.....sooo many beautiful homes decorated to the hilt for Christmas. I wanted to mention ....did you notice those sweet vintagey necklaces hanging from my forks? Those were done by they are so precious that I had to display them! Well I will leave you all for now....Cherry


Mimi Sue said...

Your Target trees are adorable. I thought they were such a good deal. I'm gonna go get me some more. Your house is looking so festive. Mimi

Queen B said...

Your stuff just knocks my socks off! i love it all!

Catherine Holman said...

Great idea for the tussy mussy! I'm a glitter girl too and I love the cupcake!.

Unknown said...

As usual, I love all your pictures. You have some way cute Christmas decorations! I love your target trees. I wish I had a target close by me!

The Style Sisters said...

You do the most amazing things!! Holy Cow do you sleep at all? Wow I need some of your energy or better yet I need you to come to my house and show me how you accomplish so many amazing things! Just amazingly beautiful things. The stars are to die for.

Ms. Tee said...

Everything's lovely! I especially love the "joy doubled" quote that is framed! :)

mysteryhistorymom said...

Those Dollar tree Tussy Mussies are FABULOUS! WHo would have ever thought to turn them upside down?? YOU! Amazing. I love everything and am always inspired by your creations, Sweetie! Lori

Kirsten said...

Fabulous as always my friend. Looking forward to crafting Friday see you then.

tam said...

Wow I love your holiday decorations~Just gorgeous!
Sista you've been tagged! Lol! Come on over to my blog for details...

nil said...

Totally everything

Sherri said...

Love all your decorations, especially the sparkly stars!!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

My how wonderful everything is. I need you at my house. I hope to have most things out today, and I would love a trip to HL along the way. Thanks for asking about Stella. She is still on the mend, not completely back to normal. I pray for normal everyday, won't go into details. She has just started eating on her own again, hooray! How about you, how are things with your husband's job etc? Praying God's best for you. Jackie

Tanya said...

Gorgeous! Just being in your home would put me right into the spirit of it all :)

Darlene said...

More gorgeous pretties!! I absolutely LOVE all your glittered me some glitter!!! Love your tussy mussy!!!

Decor To Adore said...

What beautiful images!

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Everything is gorgeous. My fav- that joy print. DId you make it?

Wendy said...

Love your JOY have so many wonderful glittery treasures! I am going to grab me one of those trees at the Dollar Store and make me a tussy mussy too! What a clever girl you are!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Wow! Everything is simply beautiful! All the festive glitz and glamor! :) ~Rhonda

Amy said...

All of your things are soooo cute! How do you cover your stars with paper? I have some tin stars that I would like to put some decorative paper on but when I tried it it looked terrible. Do you put on one whole piece of paper or do you cut it and piece it together? I would love a tutorial! :) Thanks!

Lady of the Mote said...

all of your decoration are just wonderful.

Natalia said...

I've scrolled up and down several times taking it all in and I still feel like I might've missed something. It's a feast for the eyes.

I gave credit where credit was due on my blog - stop by when you get a minute :)

- Nat

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Well you were right! These pictures were sooo me that I scrolled through them 4 times! LOL

Love the joy banner, anything sparkly, the creative tussie mussies, the Target trees (all my store had was one red tree :o( ), the crocheted doilie, the nativity under glass...heck, I love everything!

I have a scale very similiar to your's...I'll get a shot of it soon.

Glitter & Bliss said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am in awe of your wonderful decorations. I absolutley love your JOY stars. Thank you soooo much for mentioning me on your sweet post. I am so glad that you are enjoying your necklaces. I loved making them for you. Leslie

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

I love your GLITTER GOODNESS... My favs are the forks wrapped in Christmas slides and I am DROOLING over your acorn... I have a thing for acorns!

Elise said...

Miss Cherrylicious, You have outdone yourself!! I love it all!!

Anonymous said...

OK...just when I think you can't possibly have any more pictures that I will drool do! I just love to see all of your decorations....I had joined that swap too and loved all my gifts! Are you going to join the Valentine Swap too? I am! Can't wait to see more!

Shannon said...

I love so many things in these pictures! I love the JOY garland and the three wise men!! Everything looks precious!

Shell in your Pocket said...

So pretty!!! You have such a special touch..I just love looking at your's like a magazine!!!
-sandy toes

squawmama said...

Very nice Cherry... I loved all your Christmas decorations... Such wonderful things and so sparkly... Have a great day!


Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I could just stare at all these beautiful things all day long!!

Love the stars and especially the Happy Holidays frame with the pretty ribbon....that is gorgeous!! You are so talented and inspiring!!


Carrie's Minnesota-nICE said...

I love all the glitter! Your decorations really lovely!

Holly said...

Do you know what I love about your blog? I can literally just pour over it like a good book that is hard to put down. Thank You for all of this newest wonderful eye candy!

AJ said...

Love all the glitter Cherry:)

Glenda said...

This is all really pretty. I am like a bird I love the glitter and sparkle.


Cindy said...

Looks so very lovely!


AndreaLeigh said...

Everything is lovely as usual! I love glitter, so seeing these pics makes me very happy.

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Love everything!...and I'm coming shopping at your house!


Hi Cherry.
I love see your great ideas:) I bought those same trees from the Dollar Store and had the same idea,just haven't done it. Guess I'll use them for Valentines day:)
Love all the Glitter and Gifts.
Very nice swap treasures.
Merry Christmas.

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

I love all the photos! I think my favorite are the sparkly things...makes me want to run out and buy some glitter!

Elyse said...


Susie said...

Your house is like the Disneyland of Christmas decorations:-)

Saucy said...

Cherry! Your glittery goodness has my eyes all sparkled out. I have the same "Merry" sign.

Screaming Meme said...

WOW! I love it! :) You have such great taste! :)

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Hi there- thanks for checking out my 30days blog. You mentioned that you came from Sarah's blog that I featured (?)- was it Sarah from Diddle Dumpling? I did a giveaway for her shop a couple months ago-
If not, let me know which Sarah you're talking about.
I LOVE your blog! I am a cherry obsessed girl. And your blog just makes me happy. I bookmarked it long ago. ;)Come visit any time!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

On second thought- were you referring to Thrifty Decor Chick?
Her wreath monogram is highlighted here:

Either way, glad you visited!

Katie said...

I love that "Joy that's shared..." embroidery!!! I LOVE IT! The minister said that during my sister's wedding ceremony! It's such a beautiful thought, and this is a beautiful display of it.

Natasha Burns said...

Loving your Christmas goodies, everything is so festive and beautiful!

LuLu said...

Thank you so much for the super sweet comment on my blog!! Absolutely, you can add me to your blog roll, I would feel so honored :o)
Love your pictures and treasures, so beautiful. Your ideas are amazing! I am going to add you to my blog roll too if that's okay? :o) Have a lovely Friday and I look forward to my visits and "cherry'sjubilee!!!"

Stacey said...

THANKS for stopping by my blog because NOW I've found YOURS!!!
Consider yourself saved!! :)

joelandbecca said...

I love those JOY stars! You think of everything!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cherry, It was so much fun to scroll thru this post. I am so glad you liked the Santa and I loved how you added the acorn and the bird on him. (loved the acorn ornament). I posted about our swap today. Hope you get a chance to come by. It was a "joy" to meet you. Happy Holidays to you and yours. ~ Lynn

Deserae said...

Absolutely amazing!!!! I love,love,love everything but my favorite is the stars! *sigh* They are just wonderful :o) You are so talented...thank you for sharing! Happy Holidays!

Joy said...

I LOVE all your decorations! You are a wonder woman! You have time to decorate and make all that cute stuff. Are you getting any sleep?!?!
The tussie mussie idea is so cute! I may have to buy some red trees to use this idea for Valentine's.

And just to let you know, you are giving me a serious case of scale envy! I really NEEEEEEEED an old kitchen scale! Maybe I could ask Santa.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Cherry, if you ever had the chance to do a home tour in your town - you should do it. I bet you would have so many ooh's and aww's over your decor and designs. Everything is post is so incredibly wonderful and there is just so much to look at. Sometimes I just come back to your blog to relook at the photos. So so wonderful.

Jean said...

Cherry, I love all your glitter and sparkly things. The cones and the Joy stars are really pretty. You do good work. Have a great weekend.
Jean in Virginia

Mammatalk said...

Oh, you always get me in the holiday mood. I can't wait to see what you are going to do for Valentine's Day. Again,and as always, loooove it!

Anonymous said...

I love all the glittery things this year! Great idea turning those trees upside down to use as a cone! Everything is wonderful!


jen said...

Beautiful Blog. What wonderful photos.

kathy said...

Oh youer home is beautiful , lots of wonderful vintage touches -
Kathy - GA

kari and kijsa said...

Love all your fabulous sparkle...oh everything looks fabulous!!
We have a fun giveaway of a target gift card today with the AHA for go red! A little early Christmas gift!

kari & kijsa

Deb said...

Gorgeous Christmasy photos. I especially love your Old World Santa holding the little acorn bell. Adorable!

Michelle said...


Glitter is such a good thing~I so enjoy my visits! You are one crafty, clever gal!


Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

Your decor is beautiful. I love it.

aimee said...

I'm drooling. Everything is so beautiful and creative! Brilliant use of the dollar store silver cone tree! I have passed those up 5 times this month, not quite knowing what I would do with them. Oh poo. Hopefully they will still have them on my next trip. I need a tussie mussie. Your house looks gorgeous!

Thanks for visiting my blog today~Aimee

Lisa Marie said...

Okay you have probably already recieved this but I'm leaving you an award for christmas spirit you are full of it...just wonderful I love all your crafts you are amazing you can pick up your award on my page titled Christmas Spirit...hugs and happy holidays, Lisa

Dena said...

Oh Cherry,

You are so amazing. All of that pretty silver glittery goodness was just what I needed this morning :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Cherry!!! So much sparkle; love it! I especially love the wreath picture and saying and the santa is adorable; lots of eye candy today (again!) Have a great week - Sincerely, Jeannette

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Hi Cherry!

I adore your Santa! How sweet!! and all of your Xmas accessories are simply stunning! I love the bell jar with the Christmassy ( thats my new word, lol ) things inside too! your pictures are always so fabulous to see!! and those stars are gorgeous too!.....Happy Holidays!

I love Cherries too! Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my post! Cherries and cupcakes are my two "theme" addictions :) I got the table cloth and napkins at Retro-Redheads , they have the best cherry stuff with a Vintage feel! here's the website address, just so you know, its the kind of site where you have to check in often as they add so much and then sell out etc, but Im sure they have more of that set!

Have a wonderful week ahead and enjoy the Holidays!!Thanks again, ~Hugs ~ Cynthia

Nicole said...

What beautiful decorations! I especially love the "Joy" star banner - I had seen some stars in a store recently but didn't know what I could do with them... now I know... glitterize them! Love all of it.

Faded Plains said...

Beautiful pictures....Love all the glitter and sparkles.