So being that it is Martin Luther King Day (a man to be remembered)...TMC has been running movies with great actors such as Sidney Poitier . He is one of my all time favorites. I love "A Patch of Blue"..and "Lillies of the Field"....both are top notch films. I am one of those that have a problem with wanting to keep my hands busy while watching television...so I finished up some projects I had started last week. I had grand schemes of finishing up my craft room (I soooo want to share that with you when it is finished) but that did not happen. I did however finish two items that are now in there. Remember the little cannisters...well they are now future holders of bits and baubles. I also picked up some mini clipboards for a 1.00. I made one into a picture frame of sorts. It holds a picture of my heart...my boy on his birthday.
Our Calvin Cat got in on the act as well...he constantly takes poor Riley's bed....and Riley is well....how do I say it....a bit of a baby. He is scared of this 10 pound kitty. So I snapped a pic of Calivini whodini taking up this HUGE bed. Lastly I recovered this thrift frame....you remember this project ...http://cherrysjubileehome.blogspot.com/2008/07/couple-of-befores-and-afters-and.html same type of project but used paper...that looks just like fabric. I LOVE that paper. I want to put a special pic in it. I already moved one of my pitchers as well. Nothing stays in the same spot for long. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a good holiday today. Cherry
I love what you did with the canisters..wow..they are so cute and full of Valentine "love"!
-sandy toe
I love the clipboards. Such eye candy!
I like the quail family. Great usage of the clip boards from target.
The polka dot cannisters are so sweet. You can not beat polka dots or checks. I love them both. Your son is really cute. My cairn terrier, Maggie is scared of the neighbors cat, She will start out to chase him and first thing you know he is chasing her. She is such a big brave dog. My hubby said she should be ashamed to let a cat chase her in her own yard. I can't wait to see more of your projects, but Cherry girl, Do you ever sleep? Have a wonderful evening.
Jean in Virginia
You have been a busy girl! I love the little white quail. They are adorable!
That frame made me look twice...could not tell whether it was paper or fabric.
You are fabulous! I love the canisters, clipboards, frames, Calvini...all of it. Where do you find the time? Pam
Ack!!! Those polka dot canisters are SO CUTE!!! I'm in love.
I love your creativity!! I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing all of your fun projectts. Keep it up!!
SO amazing!!!! LOVE the canister project and the clipboard! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
Give you some paper and a "before" and you can work wonders!!
I am lovin' that bottom paper!!
I love everything as always.
I LOVE it ALL but the canisters have to be my favorite! So CUTE! The pictures of you son and the kitty are so precious!
OK that would be your son not you son....I better proof read before I post!...lol
Hi Cherry,
Love the polka dot canisters!!
In regards to your question on my blog...it is nice in June in Florida. It is not too hot yet, sometimes we have a few afternoon showers, but not bad.
Have you been to Disneyworld before?
Where did you find that paper you put on that frame?
Fabulous! Love your blog. You are one amazingly talented women, recreating everything magnificently!
OK, I think those canisters and clipboards are about the cutest thing I have ever seen! Love it all and your pics are always fabulous!
I love the canisters...Beautiful!
I love those little canisters. You are always so inspiring. Love the clipboards too.
Seriously...you never cease to amaze me! Your so creative and I love the canisters and clipboards!! Cherry is the perefect name and you cheer me up with your precious blog.
Those cannisters are so cute! And I like the clipboards, too. Very cute ideas! Like I'm surprised. I'm with everyone else, Cherry, how do you do it and sleep? : )
The canisters look great! I love how they are so cute and Valentines' Day-ish! :)
Cute canisters and clipboards! Love your remakes!
You are such a master at taking a before and turning it into an adorable after!
Hi Cherry,
I have admired your blog for quite some time. You are so inspiring with everything you do and such beautiful pictures too. I happened upon the comment you left on Lions, Tigers and Boys. You had asked her about tips for eating at Disney. All I can say is "Tonga Toast" at the Polynesian...to die for. If you want more tips let me know.
Have a great night,
Cherry, great job! I love the clipboards AND the canisters.
Girl _ GOd loves us and has a sense of Humor -- so I /m hoping we will be neighbors - If in real life we would be dangerous rofl -
we would be like Edward Scissorhands --the scraps would be flying -- The canisters are too cute to use -- I am about ready to have a red kitchen - loving all of it _ Kathy - ga
those canisters are so cute - thepolka dots are adorable :)And so is Calvin Whodini! lol
OH now I have a new idea for some pictures in my office. Mini clip boards!!!!! I love that idea...thanks for sharing.
Kathy :)
I LOVE it all. You're right, that paper looks just like fabric!! Can't wait to see your crafting room. I'll be patient! : )
What cute canisters! Just adorable as is Mr. Calvin Whodini! I also love what you did with the clipboards. Very, very clever!
I cried my eyes out the other night watching Sidney Portier in a film called, "The Last Brickmaker in America" on the Hallmark Channel, but "Lilies of the Field" is another favorite!
Sheila :-)
Hi Cherry! I just adore those little canisters! Wow you did a great job with them! And the picture fram clipboards-very creative! Loved your cat too! Have an awesome week girl!~Smiles~Tam!
okay love those canisters! you are so good with paper can you teach me? ;)
I love the clipboard frame especially. Great ideas!
I *heart* those polka dot canisters! They're so cheerful. :)
I've been wondering what you would do with the canisters! Love them!
I love everything! The clipboard especially is just darling!
Another great, inspirational post...keep them coming...PLEASE!!!
Love the canisters! And what a great idea for the clipboards!
When I first logged on, I thought cute canisters...then I scrolled down and saw how you re-did them...then I thought CUTE canisters! I love the red and polka dots! All you re-dos are so adorable! Love the pic of the kitty☺
Happy Tuesday!
Those canisters and clipboard look so great! How creative you are! laurie
Those canisters are so cute, and you are so talented. I have found so many cute Valentine's Day ideas this year, I'd better get busy!
You have been very busy crafting I see!!! Love the polka dot cannisters...cute! You are so inspirational :o)
Great projects! My M-I-L bumped into Sidney Poitier in NYC. Literally. She turned around and BAM!...it knocked her right to the ground. She said he was such a gentleman. Helped her up, brushed her off. Apologized even though it wasn't his fault. Funny story though!
Your blog is absolutely adorable! Thanks so much for stopping by mine.
So cute!!! I came across your blog and love it!!!! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas. Heidi
Hi Cherry
I love the red and white canisters and the picture frames you made. Great ideas.
I look forward to seeing your craft room where all your wonderful creations begin.
Cherry - you amaze me!!!! You know I need those polka dot canisters!!!! You have got such an incredible eye for things - so sweet and homey - I want to come visit. Thanks for your constant inspiration! You had ask me about my "faux" tin backsplash - it came from Lowe's - $20.00 a piece - you can cut it with scissors and it installs easily with adhesive! I know you would have absolutely no problem with this project 'cause you are a wizard!!!! Have a great day! Cathy
I really think you are the best crafter ever!! Everything you change turnes out so cute!
Love the little cannisters. You are so darn creative. And you get so much done. I'm in awe. Mimi
I love your val day redos!
You are amazingly talented Cherry!!!
Hugs, Les
I adore all your valentine stuff!Blessings...Julie
Do you know how much talent seeps from you, lady! You amaze us all with your talent! Thank you for showing and inspiring us to try to craft something ourselves! It is so much fun to visit...I'm adding you to the list of people I love to follow...Ohh...before I forget! I created a blog to share! Yes...A community blog! Project: {Create A Home}...Check it out! Meme
I am hoping that with my frequesnt visits yur talent and inspiration will rub off on me.
I just love the canister after! The red & white is wonderful.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
Love the canisters - too cute!!!
The canisters are just super. I love what you do with paper. They are totally transformed.
Cherry...These are all super! What a difference. The canisters are my favorite re-do! I found you via Darlene's blog. I will be back!!
Oh! You never disappoint!
Thanks for the inspiration!
I like what you did with the bingo card...I want to get some of those.
Those canisters are killing me! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!! You outdid yourself girlfriend.
ooh -- great makeovers!!! love the red/white polka dots. fun!
Those are so cute! Love that kitty too.
The canisters look WONDERFUL! And the clipboards gave me a tingle, great job! Sonya
Oh WOW! I adore those canisters! You are too talented!
Could there be anything cuter than those red and white polka dot canisters. Girl, you never cease to amaze and all of your valentine touches are beautiful~pure eye candy!
Cherry, love these befores and afters especially the canisters! You make everything look so darn pretty!
I am featuring the canisters on my blog today~I hope it's okay to use your pic. Let me know if not~have a great day!
Oh my goodness I just love those canisters. I am crazy about red and white polka dots. In fact I just did a post with all things red and white polka dots...all of the items can be found on ebay, etsy or the feathered nest's website.
Did you use scrapbook paper on those?
Also, our cats are almost identical. Too funny!
Wow, I love all of your makeover projects!! The canisters and clipboard are my favorite-sooo cute!!
I really like your canisters and frame makeovers!! Your are right the paper does look like fabric! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
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