Monday, June 15, 2009

Do you Like to be teased???

Depends on what the teasing is for me....if it has to do with possible room revamps...I am all for them! NOW if the teasing has to do with my hmmmm short comings (literally) to my height....that is a whole other enchilada (NOOO calling me shorty sistaaa). I have been hard at work....getting rid of that hideous...bluey lavendery color....I want to go on record as saying NOOOO I NEVER DID LIKE THAT COLOR BUT........I was short girls often times are. I kept thinking it will grow on me...yada yada. Plus I didn't like wasting the paint....stubborn and not a smart move..."I never said I was the sharpest tool in the shed". This is the one time the stubborn streak did not pay off. Elbow grease to the rescue again..this time a nice soft NEUTRAL. I am playing it safe...and I am liking it people. Safe is good. I first fell in love with this color over at Kim's pad JUST the name alone made me swoon. "malted milk"...........ahhhhhh that name! Soooo two walls down.....two to go.....and many between. The distressed bench you see I painted yesterday white and than...a very light blue (thank goodness I got that color right) and sanded it to an inch of its life...and now today a light glaze.....which is in process in the one pic. The white dresser I have added rope detail to and am going to be glazing it as well. Will share more of it as it comes along. I also have a night stand project to show. It is something we did many moons ago but I never shared it. Sooooo hopefully you enjoy the teasing today! I am off to go glaze some more!
XOXO, cherry


Kathi said...

I hate to be teased. Comes from my insecurity I guess? I do love your tins, the wire basket, the clock and that fan! Oh my goodness I would love to find a fan like that! I left one behind in Florida and have been kicking myself ever since! Have fun with your projects! Can't wait to see what you're up to!

Rosemary said...

Teasing is not that fun!!
It kind of drives me crazy.
You are funny!
Malted milk looks good and sounds just as good.
Have fun glazing!

Sherrie said...

Shame on you for teasing us this way! Truly I look forward to seeing how it all comes together!

Darlene said...

You are a definite tease!!!! I LOVE the pictures that I see so far....can't wait to see more, more, MORE........

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

I can take teasing...for a short while...don't drag it out too long!

Rachel Berry said...

No I don't like to be teased!!! Can't wait to see the Final reveal!!
So far I love what you have done...


Patricia said...

This is not like you at all!!!
I am SO looking forward to the end!!!
Soon, please!

Jean said...

Cherry, malted milk bound to be good! I can't wait to see more. I love your old tins. Have a great day,
Jean in Virginia

Mimi Sue said...

Can't wait to see the finished project. Looks like you're getting a lot done. Mimi

Shell in your Pocket said...

No...I don't like to be teased but such fun stuff!
sandy toe

FEDERICA said...

Love these pics!
Your blog is sooo cute!
Federica from

Richella Parham said...

Cherry, I have been stalking you for a while now, and this post is definitely one to make SURE I come back! (Your photos are awesome, by the way.) WHAT are you up to? Malted milk?? Sounds like whatever's happening is going to be good. I really look forward to the reveal!

LRice60 said...

You're teasing me with one of my favorite colors. And the basket of linens- oh my! Can't wait to see the results.

squawmama said...

OK Cherry... Depends on the subject as to which I am teased.... I am not only short but round so to that NO! Loved your new color, Malted Milk, what's not to like with a name like that... Can't wait to see your entire finished project.


Vintage Whimsy Studio said...

'morning Cherry! Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit - I love the sweet things you have in your Etsy shop ;o) We're off on a drive through the countryside this morning so I'll be looking for a few "new" treasures to add to my collection. Hopefully I'll get to post a few pix later tonight! If you are interested there is a Tuesday meme that was started by Christian Women Online, it is called "In Other Words." Here's the link if you want to visit some of the sweet ladies who participate each week: It's lots of fun and you get to meet other women out here in the blogging community! Thanks again, and hope to get acquainted ;o) Nina @ mamas*little*treasures

kathy said...

WEll my girl , Being vertically challenged myself -- I am 5 ft --
uh Hub says I am lying -- that i am 4 11 -lol -- but I am not standing still to be measured lol -- But girl we got spunk ' -Love what you are doing as usual - Can't wait to see it -- Kathy - ga

Lisa said...

Short chicks unite!LOL! Love all your re-dos.

Just a little something from Judy said...

A truck load of my furniture will be arriving at your house shortly. I only request that you perform your magic on each piece. You certainly do have a way of doing that, and I really enjoy seeing the results. "Malted milk" seems like the perfect choice. Teasing...with four brothers and sisters, I've had it all my life.

the wild raspberry said...

isn't glaze one of life's great inventions?!
i am always amazed by your should have photos in a real book sometime. no kidding.
they are so good.
i love your little snippets you showed. especially the basket of vintage linens. makes me want to run out and buy a basket just like it!
thanks for your sweet comment on my blog yesterday. it really touched my heart.
have a wonderful day.

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Love all your painted goodness... I feel teased every time I look at your blog, I want your decor in a bad way, each picture making me swoon a little more... BUT it's in a good way!! hahahaha

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Good morning Cherry....Fellow Pacific Northwesterner...and, stubborn shortie! Yeah, me too! :-)

Ooooooooohhhh! Everything is so pretty...and it's such a HAPPY post. It just made me smile!


PS.......thanks for coming! I LOVE company.

Christy クリスティ said...

Your photos are magazine worthy!

NicNacManiac said...

My interest is peaked.....can't wait for the finished pix...I know it will be fabulous!!! Your Etsy shop is to die for!!
Hugs, Nerina :)

Ramona said...

Good Morning Cherry ~ I didn't realize that you are an Oregonian too!!! I have followed your blog for have some of the best photos in blog~ville. This is a great post....and as usual, I am looking forward to seeing more.
Thanks for stopping by my corner of the land to say just made my day knowing that we are neighbors!

Happy Tuesday and Smiles ~ Ramona

Shannon said...

Loving the pics! I cant wait to see more!

Karen said...

No fair! I'm telling!! Well, I do love the basket of vintage linens, and you do have some awfully cute tins. OK, I guess I love it all lol! Karen


So far, I love everything I see!

bj said...

I love being teased 'cause it usually means you are liked! ;)

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Love the pics!

And thanks for stopping by my blog! I wouldnt have thought to keep the tool tray in the kitchen. He did say he already had some, lol. I just have like NO counter space! Between my old oven (off the ground), stove top and sink, I have hardly any room. My counter runs the length of the room, and thats it! I cannot wait to redo this 1962 kitchen!

Kacey said...

Alright Miss Cherry, I have to admit, this was just borderline mean & cruel! LOL Those pom poms, those tins, that fan! Oh my! Glorious! I can't wait to see the final result...and please, no more teasing. PLEASE! {lol}

Kelly said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love yours too! I can't wait to see what your cooking up here!

Melissa said...

Oooh, i love the name of the paint too, but even more I am loving that FAN!! Stop teasing...

Leigh Ann said...

Tease away, but when I cry Uncle you'll have to show the rest! :)

Karen said...

I didn't realize/remember you are from Central Oregon. My husband grew up there, in a small community outside of Sisters. It's beautiful there, too, and I love the smell of juniper! Karen

Jules from "The Roost" said...

You Big tease! I can't wait to see the rest. Love the color name.

Hideaway Girl said...

I love paint names! You've captured my attention - I'm a a sucker for a bit of glazing action!

And I'm kind of coveting that vintage turquoise fan....& the wire basket full of vintage linen!

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Cherry, :)
I love your fun and vibrant blog!
Your home is gorgeous! I was looking for your "followers" button and can't find it. If you add it on later I'll be back. I don't want to miss a post from you!

"Malted Milk" sounds delish! LOL!
I can't wait to see it.

Thank you very much for visiting me so I could find you.
Come back anytime!

Have a blessed evening.
~Warmly, Melissa :)

Lori said...

Hello Cherry,
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I adore your blog and enjoyed going backward into your blog past. Love your paper creations. I will stop by again. I like to meet my northwest neighbors. Luv 2 U 2day. Lori

Restoration House Interiors said...

I LOVE your tease! Give me more! LOL! Anyhow, OF COURSE you can add me to your blog roll...! Thanks so much for considering me...I am flattered! Wait, are you supposed to ask before you add someone? Is this Blogger etiquette 101? I totally missed that one! LOL! Anyhow, I am so glad you have decided to join our party on Thursday..can't wait to see your room reveal and what you have in store for Thursday! Have an awesome Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

Hi! I have a gift for your blog, but i cannot find a way to contact you outside of comments. Can you email me?

Rue said...

Teasing can be fun ;)

Love what you're showing us now and I can't wait for the rest!

Hunter's room is really cute!!

Oh and yes, it's a her ;)


Daisy Cottage said...

You may tease all you want because your reveal will be worth it - everything you do is a delight to see and so creative!


Elise said...

Looks like its gonna be great!! I have that same platter that your clock is on. Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cherry! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I think I have been to your blog before. I don't know if I commented or not. But it's nice to meet you. You sure do have an eye for photography! I'm seeing some gorgeous photos, and I'm off to look around some more!