Monday, September 7, 2009

A Give-away and a project to share

Happy Labor Day to you all! I hope it is going well for you all. As I promised I wanted to have a give-away in celebration of my article in Artful Blogging. A lot of you suggested some type of banner. Soooo me being a bit indecisive.....I decided to make two different types instead of one person winning....I will randomly select two chicks. So I made two spelling out CHERRIES....and the other spelling NEST. Hopefully one of the two will call to you, they are done up flashcard style. The nest one I made kinda 3-d by using some brown cut up paper and used two oval pearls as the eggs. The cherries has two vintage spools on the ends and a stamped cherry in the middle. Both are heavily distressed .....I will keep this post open for a week....PLEASE ONLY COMMENT TO THIS POST IF YOU WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO WIN. As per last give-away....if you would like your name thrown in more than once you can post this give-away on your blog....please let me know that you are doing so...ON THIS POST in comment section. Ok on to the project!
I finally got this other little project done...I saw it in a was one of those....WHY didn't I think of that moments. I took a book....(this is really hard for me...I hate altering gives me heart palpations....LOVE them so much and feel guilty.) This one was ok.....NOTHING special....I sprayed it black...and than went to work fashioning it into a hanging Halloween "sign". I distressed the edges like you would furniture and added some inks..fashioned a rosette....added some buttons....and just had a grand old time giving it some charm. I picked out some ribbons and just nestled it between the middle pages of the book and tied a ribbon at the top. This was easy, simple, cheap, and fun! Would love to see one of you give it try! If you do please share.

Last but hopefully not least....this little guy whispered in my ear he would like to go home with one of you.....he is over yonder in my etsy store. I just added him...there are 3 Halloween items left over there.....I will be making a few more items...please let me know if there is something special or custom you would like me to is JUST around the corner. Have a wonderful evening! Be sure that I am slowly making my rounds and visiting all of you. Xoxo, cherry


Anonymous said...

These banners are so, so cute...thanks for the chance!

Julie in AR said...

What cute banners! You are so creative! Please sign me up for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

posted on my blog

Alison Gibbs said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Count me in.
What fabulous projects you have shared with us.
Thanks Alison

Diva Kreszl said...

The banners are just delightful...thanks for hosting this generous giveaway! I just love your little jack o'lantern people.

Amberella said...

Been stalking your blog for awhile. :) I collect cherries and I LOVE that Cherries banner! :)

ellen said...

Those banners are really cute; I'd love to win one (the cherries are my favorite)!

LindaSonia said...

Either banner is adorable! Count me in for a chance to win one. Love 'em. LindaSonia

Kim said...

Cute banners!

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

I love those!!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I would love to enter your drawing-count me in-they both are lovely!!{Especially the nest one-it is so unique!}
I am having a give-away on my blog currently as well-please enter if you would like to-

Amanda said...

Love them, you are so creative. My favorite of the two is the nest. I simply love the nest with the eggs. I drooled over this banner. They are awesome!

mysteryhistorymom said...

Please count me in, Sweets! You know I love all your beautiful creations!!!:) Lori

The Soladay Family said...

Love the banners and love your blog!!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

{I Posted your give-away on my blog~}

Emily said...

I just don't know where you get your creativity, but I love it! I love every single thing you make!

Shannon said...

Oh, those banners are so cute but of course I love the NEST one! :)

Your Halloween creations are adorable too!

Jean said...

Cherry, I have really missed your creativity while you were away. I love your Halloween goodies. Please enter me in your giveaway. The banners are great. You outdid yourself as usual. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Jean in virginia

Jodi Nelson said...

You know I must have that cherry banner! Oh my heck! I'm sending you vibes girl. "pick jodi, pick jodi". I just know it's going to work. YOU constantly amaze me. The nest is fantastic too! And congrats on the article. I just love coming to visit your blog. ;o)

Eileen said...

I love your banners!
I have one of your 'baby' banners, and everyone compliments me on it! It is so sweet!

All your projects are so creative, I love them all!

All the best,

Jodi Nelson said...

I blogged my bloggin friend! ;o) ooxx`jod

Sue said...

Love the banners and the chance to win! You share so many creative ideas! Thanks!

Heather said...

Would love to win! They are super cute!!! :-)

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage said...

Cherry...Love, love, love your you mind sharing what paper line you used for your Halloween guy? PS>...glad you are back...I missed you! Can't wait to see your home decorated for fall/halloween!

Nichole said...

You are so talented! I love both of those banners - so cute!

Rosemary said...

Love, love the banners, thanks for the chance!!!

Jennifer said...

I love everything you do! I {love} the nest sign!

Mammy said...

You are so talented. Love everything you do. Thanks for giving me a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Okay I love the banner. Please sign me up!


Linh C. said...

Beautiful banners! And I might just have to do that book project too!

ohiou_girl said...

These banners are the cutest!!! I would love to have a chance to win one!

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

I LOVE your banners... and would LOVE a chance to win one! AWESOME give away! Thanks for sharing your cute Halloween treats!

Just a little something from Judy said...

Who would not want to win either of these adorable banners...or any of your amazing creations for that matter. I am continually impressed that your artistic well never runs dry. What a generous giveaway.

Kelly O. said...

wow! never been here before but your blog is beautiful!And so are your banners! Crossing my fingers!

Jessaca said...

My sister and I saw you in Artful Blogging. It's so fun when you know someone so talented to make it in such a fun magazine. Hope I win a banner. That would be so fun. Have you checked out Martha Stewart's Halloween edition magazine. I'm in love with the font throughout it.

Sandra said...

You have the cutest projects and ideas. You keep me inspired to try new things. Keep up the good work.

NicNacManiac said...

Oh my gosh...all of these are so freakin cute!! The banners are adorable and the little jack-o-lantern box...WOW!!
Thanks for having the opportunity to own one of your fabulous creations!
Have a great evening! xOxO Nerina :)

Anonymous said...

love both rhe banners1 I'm a first class nester..I even live on bird rd. My sister and I are self proclaimed "cherry queens" so your blog is especially appealing. thank you for your generous opportunity and sharing your talent. Cherry queen Mitzi

Connie said...

Love these banners! So creative! Please add my name in.

Ginny said...

Love everything, great banner!

I'm the same with books, your sign came out really cute though. Worth it :)

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

I cannot get over these creations! ALL of them!What wonderful talent you have! Please count me in! (nest banner:)

Anne said...

Either one would be happy as can be at my humble home!!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Such amazing banners!! They are so cute!

Jenny said...

what great banners, i woudl love either one!! thanks for the chance.
krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Yay! A chance to win my very own little piece of Cherry! I adore both!

Jocelyn said...

Oh wow what very cute banners. I would love to be added to your giveaway. Thanks!

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

Oh I love them both and I'm quite sure they would be very at home here! Thanks for the giveaway, you are too kind.

Melinda said...

Love 'em--Please sign me up!!


Family said...

wish me luck, 'cause i really want to win! thanks!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I seriously love that pumpkin! Too cute! And also I love the banners, sign me up for the giveaway! :)

Tardevil said...

Too cute! You are very talented!

Anonymous said...

Where do you find the time to be so very creative!?? Love the banners and would love to have a chance at winning!!


Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

really cute blog, and I just love your banner!!

Mindy Nelson said...

Really cute banners, especially love the nest one! I love following your blog!

Kristen said...

You are so talented !

I would love to be entered into your giveaway.

Kristen Smith

starz said...

wow they are lovely,esp. the nest its gorgeous please put me in the draw...

CalleLillyCafe said...

Love these banners! =) That cherry banner would make the perfect gift for a dear friend of mine! She dies for cherries! heehee

CalleLillyCafe said...

Posted on my blog: =)

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up for a chance.
Thank you for the opportunity!

Sentimentally Me said...

Oh My! Just the cutest things EVER (with the exception of what I've already BOUGHT from your etsy store, of course!!) Absolutely delightful ~ please count me in :) Patrice

Darlene said...

Hi Cherry,

Everything is so ADORABLE!!!! Love the banners so please add me into your giveaway. Also, I understand the book altering thing. I would have a hard time doing that too, but I LOVE how that turned out so I might have to try it.

Hope you have a wonderful day.♥

{northern cottage} said...

I just LOVE your creations! So darling!! I have just the spot picked out if I win!


Aimee said...

Oh, oh, oh! I just stumbled onto your blog and everything is sooo pleasing to the eye!

Aimee said...

I blogged about your giveaway.

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

I would love the chance to win! The banners are both great!

I'm so thrilled to see Halloween items, I just can't wait for fall!!

Wendy said...

Oh Cherry! Your banners are just darling, but you KNOW I just love the nest one! That would make a great addition to my "nest"!

Congrats again on Artful Blogging! I'm so happy for you!!

Becky Garrison said...

Wow, I'd love to win one of the banners! Please count me in twice - I have poste about your giveaway on my "Giveaway Corner" on the right hand column on my blog.

Thanks! Becky G.

nina@themissadventuresofnina said...

Love them!!! Thanks for creating these for us...and I love the little pumpking guy...though I would love the one you posted last halloween.

Egater said...

So cute guy!

Amy M in Indiana said...

Oh, such cute banners! Your stuff is always so great!!

Helen said...

Love the banners - please count me in!

Allison said...

I love your projects. Please pick me.

Preppy Mama said...

I love all of your work!! What a treat it would be to win!!

Sandy said...

Love the giveaway! And I will post the giveaway on my blog. If you get the chance please visit me at the following:

Victoria said...

They are BOTH calling my name!!! ;)

Love the altered book. What a cool idea.

Claudia said...

Oh, goodness, please count me in! I love them both! You are so darn creative!

The Library Lady said...

Too stinkin cute. Sign me up for the give-a-way. This is so generous of you.

The Library Lady

Tanya said...

I would love to win! Great ideas!

roseylittlethings said...

Love the banners, especially the nest one! Keeping my fingers crossed! The book project is adorable, I have a hard time altering books too!

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Love it all! What a DARLING job you did with the book!

Nelly said...

Terrific banners! I love all your creations. Thanks for your generous giveaway.

Elise said...

Oh my word...Cherry, love it!!

Simply Dandy said...

You have so much talent. Your things are absolutely adorable.


Bonnie said...

Oh how I love your work. If there wasn't a moratorium in my house on spending for decorating this year, I'd probably buy out your Etsy store... However... a chance to win your creativity isn't off limits. :) Thanks for the chance!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Hold on a second......
let me catch my breath!!!!!
GASP! These banners are the cutest!!! I would love either toss my name in the hat - oh, and twice, please. I will have a photo on my sidebar linking the giveaway! (not that I want to share....haha!)

Cute Halloween things, too!

MAJOR cuteness here, Cherry!

love ya,

the wild raspberry said...

please throw my name into the hat...i would love to win one of your delightful creations!

your halloween projects are great too...

have a wonderful evening~


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Those are wonderful!! Thank you for the chance to win!

=D melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Gosfam said...

The Cherries one is adorable, I the nest one is so creative and different. Such FUN stuff.

Mimi said...

Oh how I love the cherries banner - just so happens my kitchen is RED! Please enter me in and I'm posting the give-away on my blog NOW!

Sheila Rumney said...

Oh, I just love your banners! Especally your Nest one!! Thanks for the chance to win one!

she dreams big! said...

Both banners are to drool over! Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

GAH... no way!! Love it! Must have, must have, must have... *faints if I don't win*... Love the cherries!!!


Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

Love these little banners!! Especially the "nest" one :), of course! Please enter me, I'd love to win!!

Thompson Tales said...

Love those banners, everything that you do is so cute!!!!

Diane H said...

Your creativity is a joy to behold.
Thanks for a chance to win some of it.

she dreams big! said...

I gladly blogged about your giveaway and sent everyone over to see! Please put my name in twice!

Stephanie said...

Sign me up and I will add a link on my blog. This gets me excited to start on my Halloween decorations and crafts. Thanks for the inspiration. They are beautiful.

Sheri said...

So Creative! What great ideas. Sign me up.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Congrats on the article in Artful Blogging!

Would love to win either of these banners but the nest one is my favorite.

Junk It Folk said...

You have one of my favorite blogs! Great inspiration & photos! The NEST banner grabbed my bird lovin' heart! How sweet!

Fran. said...

Oh, Cherry how I would love to win one of your banners! My fav is the cherry one! I seen your article in the magazine when I was at Borders! How blessed are you! and how very talented you are too!! Isn't being creative the best therapy!! Fran.

Patricia said...

You are so AMAZING!
I love both of these so much!
God Bless your talent!

Mimi Sue said...

ALL of it Adorable! You are one clever girl. Mimi

Anonymous said...

Such cute banners!!! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.


Cicely said...

Am I too late? Please say no! I have a lonely space on my wall that is cryin' for the NEST banner! if I don't win, will you please make another to sell on your etsy site? Pretty please!

catss99 said...

Please enter me!

june@craftyniche said...

Really cute giveaways!

Tanya said...

You are one creative gal. Love, Love, Love your Cherry banner. Please enter my name in you giveaway. Thanks bunches.

Ariane said...

Those banners are soooo nice. I love them. This is my first time visiting your blog. You have beautiful projects. Thanks for sharing. I'm adding you to my craft blog list.

Karen said...

those banners are adorable and the nest one really speaks to me and hopefully it will speak to you to pick my name! i also love the piece pumpkin carving ... just charming .. karen ca

Christina said...

Oh my! You have been busy and of course I would love to be entered in your give away. I always love what you make.

Julie said...

LOVE what you do! :-) BLESSINGS!

Amy R. said...

The banners are awesome! The nest one is calling my name!

Dawn Heese said...

Both banners are too cute. Love the eggs in the nest.

aimee said...

i love your art. i thought i left a comment, but i couldn't find it. i noticed there is another aimee with the exact spelling ;)small small world! count me in :)

Jamie said...

I love both of these banners. Very clever! Your Halloween projects are fantastic~ Jamie V in MT

Lisa said...

Super great stuff! Your Halloween is just great! Thanks for offering!
Hugs, Lisa

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Throw my name in the hat!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Everything is absolutely adorable! You are so smart. Love all of it. laurie

Creations from my heart said...

So glad you are back posting. Missed seeing you for a bit. I love the banners and would love a chance to win. I will also post about your giveaway when I post tomorrow. Love all your new stuff. Thanks for signing me up. Blessings...Sherry

Bluebird said...

is it too late to enter the giveaway? i've been a bit behind on my blog visiting this week! and i LOVE all your great halloween things! you are so talented!

sandyandcosmo said...

I just discovered your blog and your work is amazing! Love the banners, thanks for a chance to win!


Lisa said...

It took me a day but I got your giveaway posted!
Thanks again for offering!
Hugs, Lisa

Draffin Bears said...

What a delightful blog you have.
I have enjoyed coming to visit and Lisa has shared, telling us about your site.
Could those banners be any cuter?
Just adore the little girl and guy at the table, oh they are all lovely but that one sings out to me.

Enjoy your day

Lisa said...

HI! so sorry I didn't read better. The blog I came from used the Halloween pic too! So I didn't read the whole thing as throughly as I should have! Love the Banners! AND I changed the picture and text. again sorry!
Hugs, Lisa

The McGregor Clan said...

I love those banners!!! You have the cutest projects on your blog!! Thanks for the chance.

Cathy Cobblestone said...

Oh, Please, Please, PLEASE count me in Cherry. You know I already have one of your beautiful banners - but another would be great!!!! Thanks for sharing with us! Cathy

Its So Very Cheri said...

Oh how darling. And I will absolutely add it to my post.

debi said...

Oh, your banners are just adorable!
Love the altered book, I may have to do one of those.
You have a wonderful blog, I'm adding you to my list!

Anne said...

I really love the cherry banner! great giveaway, if I win
anne molino at hotmail dot com :)

★Carol★ said...

Oh, I can't tell you how excited I am to have discovered your lovely blog today! The crafts! The beautiful cottage decor! I love it! And I would love to win that cherry banner!
Have a great weekend,

Cheryl said...

Love your banners! I had just read about your lovely banners and your giveaway, and had to come to visit! And lo and behold, I just picked up the latest issue of Artful Blogging! I haven't read it yet, but now I can't wait!


kcenya1950 said...

Wow, tons of comments, but what the hey, you can't win if you don't enter. All your things are just wonderful. I am so in awe of your skill with paper as I absolutely cannot glue anything. I love the cherries one, of course.

~Kathie~ said...

I am so happy to have found your blog today via Artful Blogging!!! Your blog is so creative and I love the banners!

Caroline said...

I would love to enter for a chance to win one of your banners!

Anonymous said...

oh man, I love a giveaway! Great are so talented! Hope to win!


YES...I would LOVE a chance to winn the banner you MADE!!!
Hope I'm not too late to join.
Love your Halloween postcard.
You are a sweetie.
Deb :)

Carole said...

Your items are all so wonderful.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Martha's Favorites said...

I recently found your blog. Your banners are beautiful and every thing in your blog, I want. So, if I win, I want one of each! LOL! Blessings, Martha

Carole said...

Put a notice on my blog about your blog.

Barbara Jean said...

That nest banner has my name written all over it!!

Let me know when you draw my name. =0))
Seriously, your banners are wonderful!!


barbara jean

Mistie Boully said...

LOVE, LOVE LOVE everything you make!! So cute :)

Cassie said...

So Adorable! Great work on them both!

holisticgal said...

Entering the giveaway...again? What happened to the entry blogposts from several weeks ago? Oh well, maybe I missed something??....
Count me in!

queen bee tracy said...

I just found your blog via the "Pleasant Home" blog. You are one talented chick. I love the banners and would be thrilled to win either of them.

ljeanne said...

I just discovered your blog, it is amazing, such cuties.

Anonymous said...

Love all your Halloween work!
Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Love your banners... so fun. Please sign me up!


Kay - No Richland Hills, TX

Champoeg Rendezvous 09 said...

Your work is totally awesome!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

You are an amazing artist, both of these works speak to me!! Thanks for sharing, Happy Pink Saturday.

msakelley at gmail dot com

Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Count me in Cherry! what a fabulous give-away! You are one super talented girl for sure!

Hope all is well with you !

Hugs, Cynthia

robin said...

Oh my am I excited to have found your blog!!!!! I LOVE all of your Halloween creations. Every single one!