BETTER than sliced bread in my humble opinion........PEGBOARD. LOVE it.....for this organizational lacking individual it is a little piece of heaven. I have such problems with keeping things in their place....I really think I lack that gene...and I am convinced there is a gene....I have seen it in blog land. So many neat as a pin chicks out there...you know who u are! I try and try and to no avail...things end up a BIGGGG mess. WHY do you think I never show you guys my whole craft space??? Hmmmmmmm? It is a big bonafide mess. I am a free spirit when it comes to creating...I have to have everything surrounding me. I am visual.....chaotic.....and it leads to such travesty in my life and the people around me...sigh. Anyways...so I bought some peg board....seems so simple. Painted it black and hung them up. NOW I see the light. I can see all my important things right there...hanging. It may not be visually appealing to some..but boy o boy she is a beaut to me. So that is my share today folks....that and snippets of the craft room...I still have a few paper piles....but she is getting gussied up. The lovely stained glass cherry you see as well as the sweet little tin plates I have nestled in my containers are from SWEET JEAN in Virginia....she also sent me a darling crochet pot holder that I have in my kitchen. Thanks soooo much Jean!
I also wanted to show another one of my cake stands that I did a few days ago. Painted the pedestal white with red showing through....and added a pretty embellished skirt to it. I have also been making crepe flowers again...actually a lot of flowers out of paper too. LOVE making them.
Other than that.....I am adding goodies to etsy tonight....bingo cards, cards, etc. it takes awhile to list everything so keep checking back. OHHHHH I am going to be marking some of my items down....I really would like to get my store cleaned out for the holidays.....several of the items would make lovely Christmas gifts....just check for the *SALE* in my listing title.

Such pretty pictures!
Love your new look~
sandy toe
I am loving all these pictures!
Very nice blog!!!!
It's looking very good to me! I need an organizer (and someone to check for glue gun threads too!) My studio looks like a bomb went off!
And THEN, I look at our lovely Lulu's studio and think "they are SO not going to see where I'm crafting right now!" One of these days I'll get it together, looks like you are on track! I know about the "visual" thing--it's important to SEE what you have so you can decide whether you want to use it!!!
I think it's a matter of organizing a bit,,,,seeing what you have ,,,,,and THEN creating Chaos again!
Thanks for Sharing! (You can look at my stuff but NOT my workspace, at least yet!)
Crafting projects blog
General day to day:
Okay, I seriously thought you were taking pictures of a store and all it's goodies... Can I just say I am jealous?? Everything looks LOVELY!
Where do you find the Bingo cards? I have a project I would like to do for my grandma for Christmas and I need a bingo card for it!!! Love the pics! You are very creative!
You are my idol!:)
Oh we all get our little messes whether it be from crafting, shopping, the laundry room, piles in the kitchen....But it's always nice to get organized isn't it?
Cute bingo cards!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Can you come over and organize my craft room??? Pretty please with a cherry on top!
Love the peg board. Amazing! My craft room is a disaster too. I clean it up but then I can never find anything. So I just leave it messy.
Love all of your Christmas things. So pretty!
Your photos are great and I love all your crafty ideas. I'm new to blogging and I'm sure enjoying meeting so many wonderful and talented people. I'll be checking back :-)
I just found your blog and we are kindred spirits! My family and friends just don't get it....I can clean a counter and before that night it is full again! My craft room looks like a bomb went off! But....I am getting the whole room to myself and I swear I am going to learn to keep the chaos at bay...keep your fingers crossed! I LOVE the cake stand and I am heading to your Etsy store! Thanks! Sandy
One other thing....When I first started thru the photos I thought it was your favorite store! WOW! Do you sell the cake stands???? I didn't see any in your store....:)
Ooooh, this post makes me want to come dig through your studio:>) I love the cake stand!
As I was looking through the pictures on this post I was thinking, 'wow I wish I lived near Cherry so I could shop at this store'! That's your craft room??!! LOVE IT. What supplies, no wonder you are inspired to make such amazing stuff everyday. Love the cake plate too. Lisa
This post made my heart go pitter-patter...I love peg board and have almost a whole wall of it in my craft room. It is the best thing I ever did. I did a post about my room a couple of months ago. If you would like to check it out, here's the link:
Wow! You are SO organized ~ I really thought you were showing us a craft store .. You inspire me!
Hey, I LOVE the way you turned the stitched "C" on its side ~ kinda looks like a heart or crown.
Happy crafting in your space..
There for a minute I thought I was in a vintage shop somewhere. Everything is so pretty. I adore those crepe paper flowers. Everything you do is lovely. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
The Library Lady
"Take surprise and delight in the little things"
Wonderful pictures. Love that cake plate. You're awesome. Mimi
I thought, what a cute scrapbook store & then it hit me "That is her craft room!!!" Wow, I would love to play with all of those goodies. You are right, things get used when you can see them in front of you.
I just LOVE the santa bingo card that I see is already sold...I might be contacting you for a commission, because I really am in love with it!
CHERRY GIRL! Good morning. I loved all the cuteness I saw before my eyes! Lots of loveliness...I have this feeling you are going to get your store cleaned out and have to make a great deal more stuff than you ever anticipated....I think your little beauties are going to sell like hotcakes! That is just my ideas! Love your cake pedestal...my heart is pitter pattering at that little gem!
Have a wonderful fall day!
Okay, now I am convinced that pictures can lie. You appear, on so many pictures to be a totally organized personality, and now you share differently. When I started out viewing this amazing post, I thought you were sharing some swanky scrapebook store, and I wanted to go see it right away. This post is so fascinating, inspiring, and gives me a whole new appreciation for cherries. Loved this post!!!!
Oh Cherry, this is why you are my favorite!
Great post! You have inspired me. Great pictures...they always make me smile.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Lovely! I am so jealous of those of you with space!
You have managed to make organization look pretty! I loved seeing all of these goodies. I love everything you do. laurie
I have a very hard time with staying organized, too. I just got in the door from a Bible study, realized my son had been here and thought, "He was probably thinking 'what in the world?'" I started cleaning for a cider-pressing party, had the bathroom totally torn apart, moved to the kitchen, decided to ALSO clean out my hoosier???? I have 14 milk jugs hanging up on a beam waiting for cider pressing...you get the picture! It will get done, though, and no one will ever know (except my son lol) what a mess it was 3 days before!
I have to admit I am completely jealous. You have so many amazing crafting items. I want to come over to play!
Oh my! Your photos make me want to play! You have such a great eye for taking gorgeous photos.
When I first saw the photos I thought you were sharing a craft store! Love your space!!!
Hey there creative lady extrodinare!! I love all the beautiful things you make!!
I just posted my first giveaway on my blog today. Stop by and see the beautiful set of 12 berry napkin rings I am giving away.
Your craft room looks like a store:) Love it!!!
Someday my craft room will have sheetrock, paint, and look way better than it does now.
Deb :)
Hi Cherry!
I'm so glad we "accidentally" found each other! I love your blog and I love your craft space, too! It's so darn cute and whimsical!
My entire apartment looks like a scrapbook store blew up in it so I am always envious of anyone with a great space that is even halfway organized!
I love the cake stands...could you tell me where you find simple ones that I could try embellishing?
Looking forward to getting to know you!
Kelly ;-)
Oh my goodness I want to shop your peg board!!! what a fabulous place for creating! Amazing, love love your bingo cards!!!
I LOVE it! I just want to be there, sitting there with a cup of hot tea and make something!!
Everything looks neat and organized, love that, now the creations will flow...Love your blog..I'll be back
Hey , Cherry you are such a rock star!! I love love your style! It's so free spirited! I am a free spirit too. I am trying to organize my craft room too. I make big messes too! LOL I just love your name! I have cherries in my kitchen! I always try to check out what your up to. Did you say snow?!! I live in Michigan and so far we haven't gotten any! I'll probably jinx us by saying that!! Hope not!! LOL Take care. XO Fran.
Wow! LOVE the peeks of your scraproom! And I think you're waaaaaay more organized than I am. ;)
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