I felt like Tink yesterday....had to have myself a good pout! Today the sun came out...That is enough to spark me right up! I woke up this morning for work and it was foggy and dismal...but it burned off. I took some fun photos of things on diplay in our bedroom. I JUST found that little motto framed print...for a 1.00. It says A TRUTH...A TRUTH I'VE LEARNED IN PASSING YEARS, SIGNIFICANT, SUBLIME, THAT ALL LIFES PROBLEMS RIGHT THEMSELVES IF ONLY GIVEN TIME. I need to remember this! How about you? I have been trying like the dickens to learn a little more in this world of computers.....that contributed to the pout yesterday. Would you all please let me know if you use google to post your blogs? When you come here do you do it the old fashion way and click on my blog for a visit OR do you open it in another web browser? I am still an old fashion gal....I click from my blog to visit yours. Seems like there is something impersonal about just perching for a sec but not really visiting...hmmm or am I all wet? Let me know would ya??? Well that is it for me today...have yourself a wonderfu evening. xoxo, cherry
Seeing your pictures makes me realize I *really* need to get my children's Disneyland silhouettes framed.
As for how I read--I read through Google Reader and then click through to comment. I like Google Reader because it keeps track of all my blogs for me.
~ Sarah
Hope you had a better day . . I love that picture that only cost you one dollar. Yes, I use Goggle Reader which is part of my g-mail and unfortunately it only shows me the new posting, but just by clicking on the title of post, it will allow me to view the entire blog site. Thats the only way I would be able to leave a comment. Hope this helps. I always enjoy my visit here to view your new creations.
I come to you from my blog...you are on my Blogroll....I love the blogroll and I have mine set on when posts are posted....not alpha...they better never take it away!!
Love that big blue metal star on the wall...Have never seen one in that color. I like it!
I have you in my Google Reader as well as on my sidebar, so when you update I know about it. So hard to keep track of all the blogs I love, but I'm trying.
The Blue Ridge Gal
These photos are just beautiful! Your home and creations are just like a ray of sunshine in my day!
I come to you from my blogroll...I always want to know right away when you show us something new!
Enjoy your evening ! xOxO Nerina
Such pretty fresh blues and whites! Feels like spring! I love the "truth" print you found! I have you on my blog roll, so I visit from there. I also visit blogs from my blogger dashboard reading list.
I love all your beautiful touches, Cherry. I either do the "old-fashioned" way of clicking from my blog to your's or if I follow, I can see who has posted on my dashboard. It opens a new window to go to their blog.
Hi Cherry, I love your beautiful pictures, and especially that touching saying. Thank you for sharing with us! I am not great at blogging and wish I knew so much more, esp. about setting up pretty things on our blog. Chas does most of that. I just go to our Blogger dashboard, and click on the link from there. Hope your night is lovely!
p.s.Hooray for sunshiny days! We had a beautiful sunshiny day today too! It was a welcome break and needed reminder that Spring is right around the corner. :)
I always visit from my blog.....if I am following it is easy to see the new posts from my dashboard on blogger.
Glad to see you are no longer grumpy like Tinkerbell....the sun has a way of chasing the blues away :)
Glad your feeling better. I am with you. I have a list of favorites that I must visit with each day or every other when time is short...so I hop from blog to blog.
Hi Cherry,
I often get frustrated with Blogger and is why I take some VERY long breaks sometimes! I wonder if switching to typepad or wordpress makes blogging easier. However I think Wordpress is a little more complicated with needing a "host". I'm SO NON tech it's sickening, LOL!
Anyway, I usually visit everyone through my blogs "dashboard" and only "follow" a few (yours included) but I have more on my blog list though. I find I get overwhelmed if I "follow" to many!
Always love reading your blog! :)
Hello and hope you are having a lovely day. All your images are so beautiful. I love the bird prints. Little touches of love here and there. I go through my blog list every day and visit anyone who has posted something new and sometimes visit other blogs that are in other's sidebars. So fun to find new and interesting people to visit. I do everything from my blog, whatever is easiest. I don't need anything more complicated. Blessings, Tammy
I love Disneyland silhouettes. I have some from my kids and now from the grandkids. So fun. I visit from my blog to yours. I don't know how else to do it...Mimi
I have you in Google Reader and on my sidebar. Sometimes I use the Google Reader and sometimes I click on your blog on my sidebar when it shows that you have updated.
Teacup Lane (Sandy)
Such wonderful inspiration!! LOve looking at all the goodies!
I love that silhouette - so beautiful! You have the most gorgeous things. I love coming over here to be inspired. I hope you are having a good week my friend!
Thanks for your sweet comment!
I use google reader to consolidate all my afves but I click on the post title to actually read the post, so I get the whole blog space experience. Glad you're feeling better, I think we all just need a little springtime sunshine right now!
Hi Cherry - glad you're feeling better! I have a list of blogs I follow (yours is one) and they all show up on my Blogger Dashboard. I am able to see all the new posts that way. Not every blog is on my dashboard as many Typepad blogs don't have the followers widget...so they are bookmarked on my computer.
All of your pictures are beautiful and have me thinking of Spring. As a matter of fact we are hitting a high of 60 with sunshine today...WOOHOO...bring it on!!♥
I come to you on my favorites sidebar when it shows an updated post.
I love that quote. This is so true. We had a flooded basement this week and when it happened I thought our 6 month old carpet was doomed. It is drying out with professional work done. But it will take time. I have a wreath posted on my blog and some special Valentines I think you would enjoy seeing. Come say hi if you have the time.
Love the quote too! Thanks I needed that after my day yesterday!
You on my sidebar and I click in the old fashioned way. Tell me about this computer stuff...as soon as you learn ONE way something else comes along!
Have a good day,,,Sunny here in Washington State,,,Headed to my hair stylist to confess my sins and cover my ummm "Lighter" Hair.
Such beautiful pictures! I bought a bird book at a yard sale last summer and seeing your bird prints reminded me I need to get that book at and frames the pics. I am pretty computer illiterate and know nothing about Google reader or any other way to look at blogs except the old fashioned way. I have tons of blogs bookmarked and I click on them that way or through other blogs' lists.
Your post is my ray of sunshine. Unfortunately, no sunshine here. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pics and inspiration.
Beautiful photos.
I use Google reader too! Great time saver as you only look at the blogs you know have a new post
Just found your blog..I'll definitely be following yours! I have my silhouette and my husband's silhouette framed from when we were in Kind. and 3rd grade..I love them! Lisa :-)
I use the Google Friends Connect (follower) thing. I click on the links of everyone's new posts, so I'm brought to the actual blog.
I have all my most favorite blogs listed on MY blog - the "blog roll". I also have it set up, like a lot, so I can see the newest post title and pic. That way, I know when someone's posted something new and I can click right over from my blog. And I like how it opens the blog I'm visiting in a new window, so when I'm done and I close the window, my blog is still there.
Love your blog as always, and the beautiful pics you shared in this post.
I love your "Life" saying in the frame. That is beautiful. Can you reproduce that? I'd love to have something like that in a little frame or all frilled up as a card or one of you little hanging thingies. Let me know.
"The Library Lady"
Take surprise and delight in the little things"
Glad this is a happy day. I love all your bird prints and other treasures. The door knob is so wonderful. Great idea. I just come to you the easy way by clicking on your blog under my favorites since i am so computer.. NOT...savy. Have a wonderful day.
jean in Virginia
I'm old fashioned too & click over to see your blog from mine! Hope your day today is a good one!! :)
Beautiful pictures! Hope you have a good weekend....
You always have such beautiful photographs. I love to see what you've been up to.
I follow my favorite blogs through the follow option on blogger. Then when I open up my blog, I see who's updated. I have to view the blog. That's the fun, right?
Hi! I'm so glad that you are feeling less glum. I always have a bout of the glums in the winter!
I love your photos, as usual.
I use Google Reader for keeping track of blogs & it has helped me keep up with everyone!
I love silhouettes! Yours are especially pretty.
I used to use Google Reader but it became pretty overwhelming pretty fast if I didn't keep up with it every day. Now I mainly visit the blogs on my sidebar and a few others as I have time. I also visit blogs of people who comment.
I just had my annual Valentine Luncheon and I used all the beautiful decorations you made for me last year! They looked so nice and added so much to the festive atmosphere. I'm slowly posting pictures so check them out when you have a chance.
Hope you're doing well!
I use Google reader to follow blogs - they show up on my Blogger dashboard. Then I click through the Reader on to each blog, which takes me to a new window for your blog so that I can comment.
Thanks for you kind comments on my bulleting board. I love that saying--so true, but boy do we forget it in the middle of the trouble. I love the bird prints too!
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