I hope some of you are experiencing some warmth and color....hopefully Spring has sprung somewhere out there....NOT here. It is snowing quite heavily at the moment. Sorry it has been awhile since posting....we had Spring break and with it kids coming and going. Now it is over....but feels more like Christmas break looking out the window. We also have adopted a new kitten from the Humane Society. He was a stray and only weighs 4 lbs....we are trying to fatten him up a bit and give him oodles of love. I have fallen head over heels for him. I named him Bailey....and of course call him Baby bailey. He is a lap/neck cat and makes it very hard to create. As the saying goes...curiosity.... he is a curious George....into everything! Well I have a few projects to share....some new some old. I have a few Easter goodies left in my etsy shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/cherryjn. Hope to start making a few Mother's day goodies..and will be sharing my GCD Studios projects with you shortly. I hope you all are fairing well. XoXo, Cherry
Oh, the new kitten is darling! He'd be a good match to my two tuxedo kitties!
We've had some springlike weather in Washington State,,and now it is COLD, Windy and Rainy!
Your cards are wonderful! Thank you for sharing,,,,
And here is to warmer days ahead for all of us! I'm CO chair of the Easter Parade and Bonnet Contest here in Snohomish on Saturday,,I hope to heaven it is warmer than LAST year!!!!
Lovely!! They are all really great!
Happy Spring!
Hugs, Lisa
What a cutie Bailey is!!
Rescue kitties are the best.
We have one we rescued from Krispy Kreme and named him Krispy..he is a mess and loves to eat butter and anything sweet..from his days of leftover donuts I imagine:).
Love your sweet work in Etsy..you have such a wonderful style!
Happy Spring & Happy Easter too!
Absolutely gorgeous projects!! LOVE your use of the vintage images and your bow work is phenomenal! Have you got your GCD Studios goodies yet?! Mine came on Saturday! YEah! Enjoy your sweet Bailey!
My daughter and her hubby call their foster baby Sweet Pea so that card really caught my eye. :-)
The Blue Ridge Gal
Spring has sprung here!! We are going to be in the 80's with sunshine the next several days...WOOHOO!!! Love all of your beautiful creations and LOVE your new little kitten Bailey. He sounds like a sweetie!♥
Thought about you yesterday, found a darling hand painted china cherry plate! Love the Easter stuff, the birds are just tooo precious. Congrats to Baily, he is one lucky cat, & I very much believe there is a special place in Heaven for those who care for animals. Lisa
Oh that's so sweet that you rescued a little kitten! Hope you get some beautiful spring weather soon!
What beautiful cards...
sandy toe
You are truly one of the most talented people...Beautiful things!!
Your new fur baby is precious...so happy to hear you rescued her! They make the BEST pets.
The new kitty looks so sweet! I'm it's happy to be in such a good home.
It's in the 80's and sunny here - so we've been enjoying being outside getting the gardens in shape.
Your cards are so cute - love the bows on them!
Gorgeous work...I just love your designs.
I'm hosting a Giveaway over at my blog and I would love it if you stopped in!
Oh My~My!
These are so Cha~Cha~Charmming!
Have a happy Spring day.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Darling pic of the little fella & pal!
Love your creations ... gosh, they are gorgeous!
Happy blessed Easter!
Hugs, Marydon
Love to hear when a homeless animal gets adopted from a shelter and given a good home. Bailey is just precious!
sweet picture :) love the cards!
It looks like you son loves his new pal. Your work is beautiful as always!!!
Hi Cherry~
I love your new kitten~ so sweet! :) I also adore all of your crafts! I love all of the details you put into each one! I hope you are having a good spring so far, and hoping that a little warmth and sun replace your snow soon! :)
Oh Cherry HUnter is so handsome! And your new baby is adorable too~! Good to hear from you! And as always your creations are beautiful! :)
LOVE those images. The birdies in the hats are adorable. Love all you do. Stay warm. We're still in snow in Utah too. Mimi
These are so beautiful! Sweet kitty too!
Easter Blessings,
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