Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Time Goodness!

Here is my one and only area of Easter decor! Found the chalkware duckies last week thrifting. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring...such a wonderful time for renewal of all things. I am feeling the Spring Time Love! cherry


Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Thank you for sharing your Easter decor...everything is very pretty...I especially like the eggs and ducks.

Sharon said...

Hi...you are ready for the Easter bunny.......Love your blog and will have to go back and check out your other post. Just got my little cottage slide show finished.....come visit when you can

PAT said...

I love your Easter decor! I'm going back for a closer look.

It was so nice of you to stop by the back porch. I hope you return often!

LA said...

I love everything! Will you come and decorate for me? I'm slowly getting things out but haven't done anything but pile them on the dining room table. I think you migh thave inspired me!

Cheers! LA

Anonymous said...

Cherry, your Easter decor is delightful, and of course ADORABLE! I can't find mine!!

CG said...

You gotta love some pastel colored eggs. Those just make me think Spring.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

love those little ducks! I almost bought some cute little bunnies today, but passed. I'm thinking I should have picked them up since I have NO Easter decor out yet.

Betty Jo said...

Beautiful, just beautiful. Mine are boxed now for the move, but hope to have them out again before Easter.

Southern Heart said...

What wonderful photos, and a beautiful collection! Thank you for sharing them with all of us!



Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Cherry! Love your Easter stuff! I'm in the mood now~ Tina

Cape Cod Washashore said...

Such darling Easter decorations! Thank goodness for Spring! =)

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, it all looks so wonderful Cherry. All of it together like that is so pretty, love the plates and platters, the bunnies, and baskets. Yum!

allie from minneapolis

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! I am feeling the spring time love with you Cherry!

Cherry Menlove xx