AND again playing with the camara, this time on my night dial. I am very guilty of negligence..when it comes to my mantle. I shudder to think..dare I admit.... that it had become a catch all of sorts. I had always wanted a fireplace...envisioning it all lighted up with a merry fire. Listening to the crackling music that wood makes. Unfortunately we went practical and got gas. There is no tactile sense with gas. This I miss. Such is with romantic notions. Not to mention it didn't turn out the way we wanted when we built it. I had wanted a mix of rustic (cultured stone) with a more traditional but simple white mantel. I have seen many like this in magazines. This one just didn't quite end up right. Alas the white elephant in the room. Sooo the poor thing as been forgotten. I figure ignoring it didn't really fix the problem. It never does when it comes to white elephants. I gave it some love last night. Added some of my fave books..etc. Now have I totally embraced it? NO.....as you have noticed there are no pics of the fireplace as a whole. Once I give the rock some love than maybe I can share. Till then at least the mantle is not the home to hubs school books anymore. Enuffff said.
Hi there and thanks for coming by to visit my blog ! I have been looking through yours for a bit, I love the way you decorate !
What part of Central Or. are you from? We live east of Salem, but would love to be near Bend or even a bit further out, who knows, maybe someday !
Well, Happy Easter :)
Hi Cherry thanks for stopping by!! Your pictures are so lovely!! And your mantle looks great!! I hope you and your family have a very Blessed Easter!!!~Wendy
Hi Cherry!
Isn't it fun to play with the camera? I know I play with mine WAY too much, while the dust bunnies multiply. :) I love all the old books and plates and things on your mantle. Lovely!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!
Your mantle looks fabulous. I love that you use a lot of things...things that build character. I can't imagine any mantle looking THIS good without making the whole fireplace great, too!
I like the shots you got, too!
Happy Easter, bj
Oh lots of things on your mantle.
Love the books
Your pics look great. I have come to realize the camera makes such a difference. I have this little Kodak that takes awful pictures but it will have to do for now. The mantle looks good too. I like how all of the items come together.
I think mantles are hard to do.
Have a Happy Easter!
Sounds like you are having fun! Your mantle looks great!
Happy Easter!
I love what you did with your mantel, I really need to revamp mine.
Hope you have a Happy Easter!!!
Your mantle looks great and the photos turned out wonderful.
I have that 16 famous british plays book too! My kids are sick so I didn't have time to read much--but have you ever bought books by the yard? Those are just the kind too--the lovely brightly colored reader's digest!
Oh.... the mantle... I've changed mine so much my husband was about to take over LOL I finally have it the way I want it, so much so that I can't bring myself to mess with it for seasonal changes. Yours looks beautiful and it's got me thinking...
Rue :)
Everything you do is so cute! I love your mantel!!
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