NO yawning please....I know for some when Reader's Digest is brought up there is a sort of stigma attached....(oh yeah those collections of short stories and jokes found in many a cardboard box at estate sales etc.) Every person over the age of 60 has at least one of these lying around. Raise your hand grandma! You can't usually give them away much less sale them (just about as bad as those darn Harlequin romances). No thrifting thrill there....right? WELL........insert GASP..I like them. You know why? The covers! Some of them have the most gorgeous covers. I wish I had some of these in scrapbook papers. Soooo fun and bright! I even found one with birds and flowers on them. There really is a lovely graphic quality to them. Great to perch your fave rooster on to...if you like them! HEY and some of the stories ain't half bad either. Maybe.....Grandma was right after all!

Have a wonderful Easter
Happy Easter!
I've saved some favorite volumes from long ago. They had some great stories.
Oh, I have been a Reader's Digest Condensed book fan for a long, long time! I have used them in decorating for at least 20 years! (I am aging myself!) I have actually read a few too. ;0)
I am a firm believer that you have to "elevate when you decorate" and their lovely spines make adding accent so easy.
Love your blog!
I love Reader's Digest...I try to get them when I can but they are hard to come by...the older ones that is...
LOL...I don't have one Reader's Digest hardback and I am grandma age. :) But I think my Mom does. Wonder if she will give them to me? Because I love the colors on the ones you are showing. Thanks for visiting my birdhouses. ~ Lynn
I use the covers to make art on! Fab substrate!
Just wanted you to know that I am SUCH a lover of Reader's Digest....I love their stories, their covers and I use them A LOT for decorating. My bookshelves are full of them and I buy them for 25 cents a piece at our local thrift store. AND....the BESTEST PART ????
I AM A GRANDMOTHER !!! tee hee
hugs, bj
I was going to send you a pic of some of my books but couldn't find an email add. for you.....
Yes, they do have the prettiest covers, don't they? :)
Hi Cherry,
I love the old readers digest books!
You are right...some are pretty lil works of art!
Hugz, Dolly
I agree! the covers are fabulous! I always dig for them in the thrift stores!
I grew up with those all over our house...fond memories! Love your site!
M.L.: house of whimsy
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