I had printed out on my printer. I grew tired of it and decided to cut out this pic of a nest from my calender. I used double-sided tape on it and taped her in! This is one of my fave garage sale frames that I painted black & rub & buffed several years back. Still love it...and now it seems like new again. The birds I spray painted black. I have been loving this simple combo of black/white. I usually throw in my love of red..but not at the moment. I found the old french flash-cards awhile ago at a thrift store and put this one in a flower frog. It means blessed....which I feel today on this Summer Sunday.....I hope you feel blessed too! xoxo, cherry
I think I just found you through Layla (if not, she's worth the mention), and I'm so glad I did! I love all your pictures! You have GREAT taste!
It looks wonderful, I can see that you were busy!!!
Have a great day :)
PS: Found you on Layla's page.
I love black and white, too.
These all look great.
Loving the black! Love what you have done.
Beautiful! I was wondering where that wonderful nest print came from. I wanted to run out a get one. Oh well. All of your other pics give me lots of great ideas. Glad I found your site.
I was looking at my friend Vikki's site "My Beautiful Mess" this morning and came across your site. I love your stuff...will definitely be back!
Thank you for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. I LOVE all the black and white items. The nest is great and did you paint the little birds black? I have painted them white but I LOVE the way they look in black also! I have been kidding that I am spray painting everything I see right now in either black or white!!
I think all of your photos are stunning! Love the black & white combo too! And I love your new background as well!
I really love the black and white finds--what a beautiful display. Love the nest picture too--using calendar pictures...what a great idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
What a great idea! I love those little black birds too. The polka dot cherry pitcher was a Sal's Boutique (aka Salvation Army) store find but it came from Hallmark so you may be able to find one :)
Hi there!
I love your ideas and all your photos look terrific!!! Love the color schemes; you are so creative!
Thanks for your comment earlier on our blog...actually I think the picture is of the Rocky Mountains as that is what I typed into "Photobucket" when looking for a "Colorado" photo. We used to live in Northern CA and I saw that you are in Oregon! What a beautiful part of the country you live in!
I look forward to coming back to your site for a visit!
Denise :-)
thanks so much for stopping by! I love to make new friends, espescially ones who are as creative as you are!! I love your stylye and I will be back to see what other fabulosness you come up with!! Have a fantastic day!
Hi i just found your site. Love all the banners u make, come visit me sometime. mishelle @www. The crownedcasa.blogspot.com
You always have the prettiest pictures!!! I love that nest picture and the hanging plate!!
Someone asked about the birds and yes they are spray painted black. They were a lovely mottled 70's brown before. cherry
What a great idea for my little project in my kitchen---sometimes I need someone to help me think outside of the box! Thanks!
WOW, I have to backtrack!! Nice to see you and thanks for popping in to say hello!! LOVE your black and white!! Such wonderful ideas you give me whenever I visit you...and hey...keep up the blogging!! LOL
Ohhh Ahhh...I love it!!!
I'm so glad you visited my blog so that I could come see yours. You have a lovely blog! I hope you don't mind, but I think I may have to steal your idea of the cloche with the plates--- I LOVE IT!
So glad you came by to visit... Now I can come and see what I have been missing... Where have I been?! So nice to meet you! Are your cabinets painted black?... I think Im in love, smiles... Susie h~
Another Blog I'm hooked on! LOL. So glad you found me and thanks for the nice comment. LoVe your blog. So much to see, it's gonna take me forever to get to know you! ;o) Could you drop me an email. You'll find my addy on my blog. I have a question for you.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment! I love your blog!
Love your black and white ideas!
Just found your blog and it is wonderful! Love all the black and white.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love the black and white..doesn't it look so elegant? Can't wait to see what you are up to next!
Blessings to you and yours,
Wow! I am so glad that you visited me and left a comment because now I've found your blog!! LOVE IT!! What eye candy!! I've book marked you too!! I love when I have found yet another kindred spirit in blog world!! :o)
Thank you for visitng my blog. :-) Your blog is just lovely! I love your header picture! Have a wonderful day. :-)
Thanks for taking the time to stop by mine & Christina's blog! I loved perusing your blog this morning and seeing that you are a garage sale/thrift store girl too!
I absolutely loved the plates that you transformed with stamps and rub-ons. It inspired me to think about what I could do to create some one of a kind plates to go in my dining room.
I love the grouping of all the black and white you did! And your nest picture looks fabulous. I just painted my little birds white, but now after seeing yours I'm thinking of doing black :) It all looks wonderful!
Hi Cherry! Thank you for visiting my blog, it's nice to meet you! I love anything to do with nests and birds, so I love your black and white project! So pretty!
Hi Cherry! :) Ooooo loving your pics! Love the black and white, you can get a whole new look with spray paint! I went from shabby whites/cremes to darker with black accents, using spray paint....it's a cheap fix :)
Going to look at more on your blog :)
Oh, my kitty Baci is a Maine Coon, she has a great personality. The only difference I have seen with her and my 3 other cats {I've lost 2 of my original 3 :(
....is Baci is ALOT larger! She's only 1 1/2 year and larger at that age than my other cats full grown, must be that breed...? Never heard of a Norwegian Forest Cat....will have to find a pic of one~
ttyl :)
This display is so pretty! And I love that next picture. Love the silver dish with the cloche over it!
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