Wow two posts in the same week.......that is a first for me in a very long time. I wanted to share my new to me vintage silverware. Got it on Friday at a grange garage sale. Love the patina...and the designs are beautiful. I used this rub-on to snaz up this ole plate. I want to do a trio on the wall with them. Sooo easy to do. Also have been working on some new w. treatments for my kitchen. Two down and one to go. the other side is a ticking type fabric. Well happy Saturday night all! cherry
I love how you displayed the old silverware. So simple and pretty!
Love it all!
I've never thought to do a rub on a plate! Great idea! I love how you displayed the old siverware. I'm going to keep looking for that ribbon but I'll let you know if I can't find it. Thanks for being so sweet to offer!!!
Very cute treatments. I lov ethe platter, great idea
I love the rub on plate, are the rub ons easy to find? Love your blog, ver inspirational!
Okay here I am again reading your old post. I did the same thing with the rub on transfer. You are so right we seem to have similar taste. Love the stripe ribbon too. I have the same one from Recollections.
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